AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

sigh it’s just damn near impossible to figure this stuff out, and it’s even harder to convince anyone else of the direction we need to go.

Bit black pilled right now.

Let’s just keep watering those crops with Brawndo, everyone.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, but that doesn’t make sense at face value.

For it to be … not just set, but apparently unchallenged for almost 30 years, it has to be either collusion or an unnamed settlement.

Why 1982? I don’t know if I’m asking the right questions here, but something on this doesn’t add up.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

What the heck?

Nothing about that story makes sense. How do you need permission to observe that you’re not being cheated? Could that whole thing have been a court-enforced agreement as part of some negotiated settlement on another unnamed issue?

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here’s some notes on that:

  • Daniel Stern had an early life, and Joe Pesci was famous for playing mafia characters. A criminal organization of Early Lifed Mafioso and 13s (per later note)?
  • The house was located at 671 Lincoln Street in Chicago.
  • Harry’s hand was branded with an M, which aside from being the Masonic apron and whatnot else, is the 13th letter
  • The marked all their heists with a calling card (13)

Probably a lot more, just a quick scan.

Side note: Daniel Stern’s brother is named David Stern and his son is a California state senator.

AmateurExpert 18 points ago +18 / -0

And every city that’s been under democratic rule for 75 straight years because “their policies are just so popular among non-rednecks who’ve bothered to get educated and learn to read and stop being racist.”

Imagine being called an inbred racist for the sin of feeding these people.

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +3 / -0

Due to how they’ve narratively divided everyone on race for so long, it’s going to be black people leading a huge part of the charge in saving this country.

They have successfully neutered whites from being capable of attacking quite a few of their power centers. Not entirely from a strength perspective, but from what the story is. The optics don’t work, and they know it. There are too many different narrative fortifications.

White people will have their own part to play, but it’s really going to take everyone. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc.

Sovereignty and freedom or slavery and death. Sovereigns unite!

AmateurExpert 5 points ago +5 / -0

“Harrison died of ‘pneumonia’.”

These people are so disgusting.


  • Friday: given unnamed “fatigue and mental anxiety" medication
  • Saturday: in bed with a "severe chill", doctor applied mustard plaster to his stomach and gave him a mild unnamed laxative
  • 4:00 a.m. Sunday: doctor initiated bloodletting; resulted in a drop in his pulse rate. Given castor oil (probably fine) and unnamed medicines to induce vomiting. Diagnosed with pneumonia
  • Monday: as the one doctor had done such a bang-up job, a whole gaggle of doctors was called in. Demons administered opium, and camphor with wine and brandy

Our goggles are clouded by modernity, but this still sounds really intentionally stupid.

“But it wus pnoomonyuh. From his speeech. Even though he didn’t get sick till a month after that.”

AmateurExpert 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can you even begin to imagine the KEK heard round the world if he asked that in the next debate?

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try walking into foreign congregations being prepared to minister to them, and possibly rebuke them, knocking the dust off your shoes on the way out.

Follow scriptural guidance as well as possible to do so.

AmateurExpert 0 points ago +1 / -1

There was a thread earlier that went into “taking The Lord’s Name in vain”. This isn’t what it is, but it is profaning it, and shouldn’t be done by Christians.

If you’re an atheist, or whatever, it’s a different rule set, I guess, but if you’re just being “anti-Jew” as a Christian, this is anti-biblical.

AmateurExpert 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah. Remember those stories about how Native American priests would sacrifice a virgin to appease the volcano?

So somebody found this tunnel on one of those volcanos close to the top full of female skeletons.

Definitely weren’t any “priests” or their business partners just screwing and eventually murdering the choicest females consequence free, surely, and having the population pay for them to do it and for their temples they used for it.. Surely nobody would conspire like that!

Instead we say, “man, those people sure were stupid to think that pushing a person into a volcano would ‘appease the gods’.” No, WE are stupid for not seeing through these wicked peoples’ cover stories, that they’re still laughing at us every time they tell us about it and we still naively don’t get the joke.

This probably isn’t even that extreme of a case. Every now and then, I’ll bump into a story that definitely gives me the jeebies.

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +3 / -0

When you sell property right now, through realty agents, you often do not know who you are selling to.

The entire process of selling a house can be done without ever once meeting the buyer, or even knowing their names, and some realtors will even try to conceal that information, possibly to avoid being hit with discrimination lawsuits.

If anyone is in real estate and can clarify this…

AmateurExpert 7 points ago +7 / -0

Franklin was something of a reputed lothario.

That’s clearly a flame though.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck guilt.

Fuck victimization.

We’re all “victims”. This world is fallen. Victory in Jesus.

You won’t find those language combinations on The 700 Club, so enjoy. Maybe I’m wrong for them, but Growacet.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey u/thephantom1979, imagine my shock (insert Paul Joseph Watson face) that somebody didn’t like our comments.

These things are documented here, along with some of the organizations and planning documents they’re using.

Whoever is downdooting can dislike reality all they want.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if, per the note about 1 day = 1 week of supply shortages, they shut down for 5 days + vote “counting” + juuust enough time for mass public pressure to demand the damned election get fixed after they try to demand Kamalalalalalalalaa into office?

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0



The U.S. government reviews these purchases through what is known as the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. The committee is chaired by Treasury Department Secretary John Snow, and it includes senior officials from the departments of Defense, Justice, Commerce, State, and Homeland Security.



The $6.8 billion deal approved by the panel covers the ports of *New York, Newark, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans and Miami^. The operations in these ports are already being run by a British company, Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, known as P & O.

Formerly a public company, it was sold to DP World in March 2006 for £3.9 billion.


Dubai Ports International (DPI) was founded in 1999.[4] Its first project was at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, collaborating with a local partner on the South Container Terminal (SCT). DPI then began operations at the ports of Djibouti in 2000, Vizag, India in 2002 and Constanța, Romania in 2003.[4] In January 2005, DPI acquired CSX World Terminals (CSX WT).[5] It was later, in September 2005 that Dubai Ports International officially merged with the Dubai Ports Authority to form DP World.[6] The rapid expansion through acquisition continued in March 2006 when DP World purchased the fourth largest ports operator in the world, P&O for £3.9 billion.

DP World later sold P&O's American operations to American International Group's asset management division, Global Investment Group for an undisclosed sum.

[AIG was] Founded December 19, 1919; 104 years ago[1] in Shanghai, China by Cornelius Vander Starr [“Cornelius Vander *<bilt III>, famous transportation tycoon”??? I.e. Was this dude a front man for the Vanderbilts?]

Starr was born to parents of Dutch ancestry. His father was a railroad engineer.[1] Starr attended University of California, Berkeley from 1910 to 1911 before dropping out and returning to his hometown of Fort Bragg, California.

u/cyberrigger u/hodlr

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