My plan was to never sell and leave 50 to both of our twin girls. The wife is pregnant again, so the new plan is hopefully 33 each with one for me. If it's twins again I might have a stroke and not have to worry about it lol
I'm still holding onto my 100 shares that I've accumulated since the early days. Many of those were at over $200 due to not wanting to miss the boat. I still 100% believe in the fundamentals and still think it could destroy everything around it, but I've lost so much interest in watching it closely over the last couple years. I'm hoping that Trump is aware and will try to do something about the naked shorting. Especially considering what they've also been doing to his stock. Nevertheless, I HODL.
For real. I don't give a shit what he supports as far as my children are concerned. I don't support them, nor does my wife. But still... dafuq? Is this the best guy we've got?
I feel the same way. It took exactly zero thought for me to say yeah, fuck that. Same for the million shots they've tried to give our twin baby girls and the shots they're going to try with whatever the wife has brewing right now.
Thank God the left can't aim. Thank God the right don't riot.
Also huge. It's so fucked up on such a basic level.
I walked in the house yesterday to a positive pregnancy test. I suspect you may be right.
I sure hope you're right. Either way, she's done with the ivermectin, coffee and her nightly drink for the next year plus.
Thank you! Hopefully the last couple weeks didn't do any harm. We had no idea until today.
Thank you all! We'll hold off just in case. What a glorious day and I appreciate having this family of strangers to reach out to.
Thank you! I guess we'll cut her off for the time being. Hopefully the last couple weeks didn't have any ill effects.
Can we please get a little of that global warming? -14 in VT right now.
You can have 'em. I'm more of an After the Burial kinda guy.
Can confirm the first part. I hate Vermont.
Hopefully Whiteclaw starts bottling their seltzers soon.. I also use foil somewhat frequently. I use aluminum free old spice so I think it balances out.
This is the first I've heard of this. A small lighter to burn someone alive? Now I'm intrigued.
They kinda skipped right past the missing letters thing on 508.. seems more relevant in this instance.
The answer to Dicks last question is yes. Illegal is illegal is illegal. It's quite a simple concept, really.
This and is getting rid of income tax still on the table?
Lol nice. We used to have a YJ that I loved for what it was. Now I've got a tintop samurai project. People still ask about your jeep when you're in a samurai π
How many ducks are on your dash?
I though guns fired the whole bullet? Now I'm confused!
Look like Chiclets to me lol