AmericaWinswithTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don’t you mean “seconds”?

AmericaWinswithTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

With all the human intervention in weather events such as haarp and countries like China that ravage local ecosystems, I think it is caused by man—just not what the black hats want to control and tax. If they stopped their shenanigans perhaps there wouldn’t be these issues they blame on people trying to live normal lives.

AmericaWinswithTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

I guess I don’t get it. Is this all one picture with Charles looking at the demon in red? To me, to mirror something means to hold something up to a mirror and see everything flipped. But if the left half is a mirror of the right half, I would still see Charles, just looking to the right rather than the left. However, there is no Charles in blue or black object in the left half.

What am I missing?

AmericaWinswithTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you go through India, you will get several phone calls a day for years, trying to get you to buy more. I still get them (using local numbers so you don’t know the call is from India) after 4 years.

AmericaWinswithTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t understand what there is to fear. The sun is covered for a few minutes and then is uncovered. It’s so weird. The fact that people would travel across country to be under the totality arch is even more weird. Of course, JMNSHO.

AmericaWinswithTrump 6 points ago +6 / -0

There are eclipsi <sp?> all over the world. Why is one in the US causing so much angst?

AmericaWinswithTrump 6 points ago +6 / -0

Don’t need glasses. Poke a hole in a piece of paper and have another piece behind it to show what’s happening. No danger at all. And you can recycle both pieces of paper if you want.

AmericaWinswithTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

Coming to a riot near you. Even if they’re not trained military, what are they going to do when they no longer are fed or have a place to sleep?

AmericaWinswithTrump 5 points ago +5 / -0

But what does it mean? I think they mine Q posts for cryptic statements; someone makes the same/similar statement, and all DS and Anons go crazy trying to figure it out.

AmericaWinswithTrump 9 points ago +9 / -0

The base at Roi Namur in the Kwajaleini atoll is home to a powerful radar station. When I worked there 40 years ago, the radar was strong enough that warnings like this were not uncommon. Only men worked on the island, and no children were on the island. The main base on Kwajalein had a mostly civilian, government contractor employee population including families. There were some permanent residents on Roi Namur, but many technicians commuted daily (by small aircraft) to go to work. This info is 40 years old, and I have no clue what is happening there now, but I imagine the radar has gotten stronger, not weaker as time and technology has moved on. When I worked there people needed top secret clearances to be employed (not as high as Q of course).

The wave is interesting since the prevailing ocean current would be from the south and east. The atoll sits at about 5 degrees north latitude. The island is only a few feet above see level, so a storm passing to the north could cause the rogue wave—not anything impossible—just rare (thus rogue).

AmericaWinswithTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

I lived on the Kwajalein Atoll for 2 years. Roi Namur is the northern island in the atoll. Most of the Americans there were civilian contractors. The atoll at the time 80s) was home to the Army’s missile intercept mission. Missles launched from Vandenberg AFB in CA were intercepted by rockets fired from one of the islands in the chain. Roi Namur was home to radar stations. Russian trawlers were common sights off shore. I don’t know what’s going on there 40 years later.

The islands are a few feet above sea level. I lived on Kwajalein, and we had a typhoon pass nearby and waves destroyed a couple buildings. We actually watched the typhoon from the bars (until it got a bit frisky, then we went to the second floor of the housing area to watch.

The military buildings are hardened against waves—the bars, restaurants, and the like are not. These islands are only a few miles wide and mostly protected from waves by the reef—waves can cause havoc, however.

AmericaWinswithTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they know of these threats, why not send these people back “home”? Just like all the FF perpetrators, the D|S is monitoring just so they know they’re doing the D|S’s bidding.

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