AmericanScorpion 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a new method of doing it where they connect the colon to the fake vagina, so it starts to smell like actual shit (don't quote me tho, not 100% sure). As you can imagine, infection and necrosis are common, but these people are so delusional and fucked in the head, they think it's fine.

AmericanScorpion 8 points ago +8 / -0

It won't work anyway because it's not supposed to be there. If anything, he won't get a baby, but most likely a really bad case of sepsis and probably die.

AmericanScorpion 4 points ago +4 / -0

This would be like replacing one of the parts in a computer with a banana and expecting it to work.

AmericanScorpion 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very nice, if true. People wouldn't have to leave for a better country if the country they live in was safe. More South American countries need to follow this if they don't want their entire country taken over by criminals.

AmericanScorpion 8 points ago +8 / -0

He doesn't even look like he's trying to pretend to look like a female. At this point, this transgender bullshit is just being used to push females around.

AmericanScorpion 2 points ago +3 / -1

Out of context or not, who the fuck talks to their extremely pregnant wife like this. And I like Steven Crowder, I've been watching him for years.

AmericanScorpion 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's basically bisexuality, but with extra steps. Meaning they're open to dating anyone on the gender spectrum.

AmericanScorpion 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's this youtuber who was born and raised in South Africa and he explained that the racism is so bad against whites there that he no longer feels like he can call South Africa home anymore, doesn't consider himself South African anymore and the memories he has there are negative. He told us a story that his family was almost killed by three gunman trying to rob their house.

The only reason he stays somewhat connected to SA is because his family still lives there. He's lived in China for, I think a decade, but was forced to leave during covid and the rise of anti-foreigner attitude in China. Idk where he lives now, either UK or USA.

AmericanScorpion 2 points ago +2 / -0

And also, I never realized the color choice the trans flag has, very interesting.

AmericanScorpion 2 points ago +2 / -0

I watched both seasons. The main character is is a 14/15 year old gay kid. I skip past the gay shit because it's super creepy to watch two teenagers (who's actors are underage) kiss.

Chucky is referring to his son/daughter that once was a gender confused doll human hybrid who's soul was split and transferred into male and female twin babies, who later go by they/thems in the show. This series is really bizarre, but I'm not at all shocked because the Chucky franchise has basically been run by a bunch of weirdos since Bride of Chucky.

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