I always suspected and now can someone with my cancer prove it works on this? i have triple negative inflammatory breast cancer. It is a rare cancer in the skin and aggressive. I am finishing my chemo next week but have been using Dr. Makis’s suggestions also and can see results. I will now use it as a topical also. I will let you know my results of my mammogram and ultrasound that is being scheduled very soon. To God be the glory!
I heard from a cousin in western Norh Carolina yesterday after no way to get word that she and 2 other cousin families were all right. They have no phone service at home, landline and cell, and electricity won’t be on for another couple months. But due to benevolent people they each have a generator to run refrigerator and freezer and have all supplies they need and the road has been cleared so they can get out for medicines they needed. Praise the Lord!!!!
I will be a good test subject. I am pretty sure I have breast cancer and now am taking ivermectin every day. My Mom, who is 97, is going to doctor tomorrow to find out if taking ivermectin twice a week for months has destroyed her breast cancer after having a mammogram and CT scan last week. I will give an update as soon as I know about her.