Biden Trump conversation:
Biden: hey Trump, umm congratulations on winning the presidential election. I know how tough those races can be. Politics is such a dirty business, but only the best get to the top.
Trump: Sure Joe.
Biden: Yeah, so I know we've had our differences and politics being what it is we did go after you pretty hard during the campaign, hehe. You know how it is, all campaigns use underhanded attacks to take out the opponents. But being at the top we all have had to rise above those challenges as its just a part of the game of politics. So, ummm, no hard feelings Trump, we can let bygones be bygones. Wouldn't you agree?
Trump: Nice talking with you Joe, I need to go though. Bye.
She is immortalized in the memory of society. I do believe the image will be passed around for decades to come. It's probably not the kind of thing one would want to be remembered for, but maybe it's better then fading away in total obscurity.
Here here. I'll donate 100 gallons to the cause. Keep that woodchipper running.
CNN throwing down the gauntlet.
The new litmus test for being anti-misogynistic and anti-racist is that you have to always vote for who we (CNN) tell you to vote for and you have to repeat everything we (CNN) say and you have to confirm to everything we (CNN) tell you to do.
Also, can you believe they keep bringing out the Al Sharpton fossil to parrot the anchor? At this rate, we will look up in 20-30 years and it will be a skeleton in that chair with a speaker and AI generated voice telling us the same BS about the latest Democrat litmus test.
No country in this world will take her..... Except for America which she then proceeds to claim is a terrible place. Entitled idiot. So self centered, she didn't even have children. Probably a blessing though as no-one has to deprogram what would have been severely screwed up indoctrinated and brain washed children from that ladies BS.
Excellent observations and questions.
Now consider How many of the 2012, 2016, and 2024 baseline Democratic party votes are fraudulent as well (dead people, non-citizens, fake registrations at the typical rate that America has experienced for 60 years or so).
If you remove the illegal votes from your baseline years, how many votes will there be? 40mil? 50mil? Low-60mil?
If all the cheating were stopped completely, how many times would congress have been Democrat held? How many fake (let's cross the aisle and vote for bigger government with the democrats) Republican candidates would have been primaried?
Would we have been repeatedly subjected to this fake right left paradigm where both sides when in power somehow always work against the best interest of our nation?
Would the Democrat party have been so completely infiltrated and taken over by Marxist communists?
Would the Republican party have been so neutered the past 4 decades and would the same shits (Romney, Noname, Bush Sr, Bush Jr) that are all closet Marxists have ever floated to the top of the Republican party ticket?
I'm not sure she's ever sober.
Salt futures have dropped substantially this morning on the commodities market. Investment analysis identifies that salt production has experienced a disruptive upturn due to a whole year of salt production flooding the market in only a day. Given the oversupply, Salt values have plummeted and will continue to be depressed while the industry struggles with the over production spike.
Well that explains the trouble I had searching for some voter precinct specific information yesterday.
You mean the FBI is finally taking their job seriously?.....
Oh wait nevermind, it's more of the same projection BS and setup a patsy or two to be a foil for the big bad maga supporters, so the FB LIE can jump in, kill the patsy and pretend they are saving everyone when they directly caused the tragedy before they "stopped" it.
I was just thinking how amateur the backdrop behind her stage appears.
Is this the one surfaced on qresearch 6 years ago.... Comet ping pong, some heavy metal in the other room. Terrorizing a child into calling him daddy and threatening to kill the child and likely what sounded like beating the child?
If so, I'm sorry I cannot bear to listen to that again.
In any human war ( but especially when the war is psychological / irregular/ asymmetric where victory hinges on gaining the support of the population), there is deception required to accomplish victory. In this particular psychological war for the population, one significant objective required for victory is the Overton Window.
In our covid specific psychological battlefield, Trump was required to concede the vaccine support so that he would reside inside the populations original position on the Overton window scale. From inside, Trump is able to engaged in discourse regarding the vaccine and other issues that slowly encourages or pushes the Overton window into the direction of the target outcome. Had Trump instead taken the final position on vaccines ( ie these things are ineffective and causing harm to the population), he would have been well outside and beyond the farthest acceptable position that the population would listen and consider based on the initial position of the Overton Window at the beginning of covid. This is why Trump has lieutenants in his operation whom are tasked with speaking in a range of positions on the continuum of the direction he wants the Overton window to shift towards. The positions range from complete truth to various gradients of moving closer to the compete truth. As Trump pushes from inside to help shift the populations current Overton Window position in the target direction, these other voices near the outside edge of that window are shifted inside the window as the population perspective changes. Only when the shift happens does the outlier voice become recognized as having legitimate points to consider. Along that continuum as the shift progresses over time, the population becomes more familiar with the direction the window is shifting toward. Eventually the range has shifted enough that Trump can safely alter his official discussed position and in that way, he stays firmly inside the Overton window of ideas which means he won't be dismissed or rejected immediately without consideration because he is perceived as learning from the journey just as the population is learning ( ie one of us (population) vs outsider).
Stepping down is potentially taking a deal. Running for office as incumbent and getting stomped in your own primary is the first finding out moment that confirms that eventually you get the execution because you didn't take the deal.
I agree. If things went like they have in prior elections. Early voting lines would be short and lulls where nobody was around to vote would occur. In those slow periods, that large group of illegal (non English speaking) aliens that they bussed in and walked to the front of the line would have gone unnoticed by the public. Those illegal votes would get counted with none the wiser.
This strategy is creating 100's of direct witnesses who can testify to what they observed and confirm all the laws that were violated in the process of the election at each precinct.
The computer says you cannot vote for that person in straight party voting. Please choose another person to vote for or abstain from voting that particular election.
Weaponized incompetence is intentional --on display nationally at every dominion voting [fraud] station.
They believe it absolves them of responsibility for causing us harm.
"Look I told you I'm going to punch you in the face (cryptically) and you didn't say no or get out of the way, so me just sucker punching you in the face is your own fault." --this is the logic.
From another angle, they believe telling us before gives their magic or spells more power when we don't stop them.
They always need to tell us what they are doing before they do it.
It's why these things always just accidentally happen every election. The networks never seem to bother with tightening their procedures to prevent a test from broadcasting, and nobody ever appears to get in any real trouble for broadcasting material not intended forthe air waves.
If you ask him, James Carville will tell you emphatically that cocaine is a helluva drug. Oh and also, he'll let you know Kamala is going to be President.
You seem black pilled fren.
If this is your expected outcome, then are you of the opinion that the Q drops were a ruse (like the Bolshevik Revolution's Operation Trust)?
Do you perceive the future is akin to an eternal boot stomping down on the neck of men in our once great nation?
Personally, I am still convinced that the Q Intel drops are legitimate and part of a real patriot embedded group working to restore the Republic alongside Trump.
Yes my first thought was he must have brought his own beef tallow for the fry oil so he could serve the great again McDonald's french frys.
You know the FBI got it right this time. The same domestic terrorists who were unhappy with the real electron result hacked the election last time to steal it for their side (thus Biden). And now they are going to try to do the exact same thing again this election.
Of course they are projecting what they actually did in 2020 and plan to do in 2024 onto us (Trump supporters) because they want to make it harder for the public to recognize they are in fact the domestic terrorists doing exactly what they accuse their political opponents of.
Sure, the state of policing in America concerns me. And full ( or even broad qualified) immunity for police also concerns me.
However, it's a moot point regarding Trump and this election. It is simply not possible to vote for anyone besides Trump. And when Trump is in office again (officially), I expect he's going to do things I agree with about 80-90% of the time. The rest of it I can work around / live with.
Policing in America must take a backseat this election as our nation's total destruction is guaranteed if Trump isn't elected ( in my opinion).
So if we tally it all up. 09/24 - 750,000 dead/ ineligible voters removed from NC voter rolls.
A hurricane wipes out whole towns in NC and kills thousands of people.
Democrats brag on TV that trump supporter turnout will be down, but kamala support will be stable due to the disaster.
The recent dead from the disaster will be on the voter rolls still and will be unable to be removed because the infrastructure has no way of properly recording the deaths and communicating that information in the normal channels.
FEMA is intentionally preventing the rescue of people trapped / stuck after the disaster.
NC is moving the polling locations so people displaced by the disaster can vote now.
--- sure sounds like an operation designed to replace those 750,000 purged ineligible (already dead for years) voter rolls, so the election can be stolen (attempted) by the DS again.
That video is almost unwatchable on account of her lazy eye looking away from the teleprompter that her other eye is reading from.