Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

Often it's a mixture of both that we observe.

Edit: to clarify I'm referring to the population generally rather than the leadership or deep state. Narg has the leadership / deep state angle covered inhis post.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

To my down voting fren, I would be appreciative of your thoughts as you clearly have a different idea about things than what I shared.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +8 / -4

Odd I didn't think James O'Keefe would turn into a doomer. Hopefully he's just having a tough week and pulls out of it.

There will be a time when what he describes happens (see Revelations in the Bible). I just don't know that this near future is that time. I am still holding on that the White Hat plan is in play and we see an amazing reversal for Trump in the election after the precipice and scare events lead to mass pop awakening and rejecting the globalist treasonous deep state attempts to steal our elections and country.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

We think similarly on this, although I would prefer it go a little further than just a fast kill lot#. Below is a repost from a comment of mine awhile back. I would be interested in your thoughts.

When his Nuremberg 2.0 conviction is handed down, I hope his punishment begins with infecting him with 4 doses of the variant of the vax known to produce the turbo cancers and myocarditis. Then watch him for medical problems and prevent him from suicide. If he gets cancer treat him with the harshest chemo we have. Organ failure, then keep him alive as much as possible. Pain and suffering, no relief no pain pill. At the end of 6 months (should he survive that long), may they carry out a lethal injection death sentence without the anesthesia. Let him savor his last moments in pain as the injections burn his vascular system from the inside out.

Should he complain about the 6 month delay on his Nuremberg death sentence for vaccine treatment, then he can be told that this probably would have happened anyway from him getting Covid in jail, so it's really the same as him having complications from covid since the risks are considered the same. He should understand fully since he was significantly responsible for both man made bioweapons (covid + vaccine) in the first place.

Anon_69E0A63BD 8 points ago +8 / -0

Where are these death threats Mr Fauci?
Are the death threats in the room with us right now?

Oh I see what you mean. Every time someone mentions your crimes against humanity (responsibility and culpability in causing the death of people throughout the world), you feel it as a death threat. How unfortunate for you that people would respond in a way seeking justice for your crimes against humanity. Military tribunals will continue to hang over your head until the day comes for your trial, Fauci. Make no mistake when the tribunal examines your part in this, you will not receive a death threat, but rather a death sentence delivered against you by the appropriate jurisprudence for your criminal acts.

In the future Fauci, I suggest you stop conflating death threats with a future legal death sentence. You wanted to be something in this world and you became something for your efforts.... The 21st century version of Josef Mengele.

Anon_69E0A63BD 26 points ago +26 / -0

He was Installed to deliver the conviction. The deep state is committed to total war against their enemies (us). Up until recently they have utilized their preferred conflict methods and strategies which we would define as silent weapons for quiet wars, but those methods are increasingly being neutralized. What is left is to conduct operations outside of their preferred cover which will become increasingly transparent, visible, and unavoidably noticeable. The population at large once aware will reject and fight these usurping invaders and this will be the time of the defeat and route for the deep state.

The deep state are in a lose-lose scenario. To retain their cover they must surrender and be defeated by the white hats. To keep fighting, they must abandon their cover. To abandon cover is to alert the population which will result in being defeated when the populating rejects them directly.

Since the deep state has calculated that abandoning cover buys them more time to continue fighting for their goals (and to hope for an beneficial reversal), this is the path being taken. It will eventually result in violence directly targeting the public (think Operation Gladio but with everyone being aware of whom is actually responsible for the attacks immediately after they occur) once that is the only option remaining.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +6 / -1

He's standing in front of a mural with a pretty typical artistic depiction of a mythical Phoenix bird.

I guess you could suggest the shape kinda forms a Q, but unless Putin is repurposing the image and dropping a lot more hints, I don't believe this is a comm specific to Q or anons. Probably a different kind of comm though given the phoenix mythology and his choosing to photograph standing in front of it.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

I cannot recall any Q post hinting at or suggesting 2028. Lots of indications about 2024 (intense cleansing with tribunals) - 2026 (completed).

Ultimately we will know once time brings us there, but I see no specifics identified to support your assertion.

Anon_69E0A63BD 8 points ago +8 / -0

The child pornography and child prostitution are just one level. The stuff that they don't want the public knowing has to do with their ritual torture and sacrifices of children to worship their satanic gods along with the adrenochrome bloodletting post torture.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

It looks fake to me... Especially the "Glory to Ukraine" line.

My first thought was "Glory to Arstotzka". I have trouble believing people would actually deliver such a line and it not be a joke.

Anon_69E0A63BD 7 points ago +7 / -0

If your actively sick with a stomach bug, why not wait 4-6 hours for things to settle and start taking a few sips of iced 7up / sprite every 15 minutes until you are sure you will hold it down. Then after an hour of that with no more vomiting, eat some chicken soup or other easy on your stomach type food and drink more of the same soda.

Stomach bugs last 24-48 hours typically. You will probably be better before you can procure whatever it is you are thinking of getting.

If things don't return completely to normal after a couple days, then take a probiotics supplement.

Anon_69E0A63BD 14 points ago +14 / -0

The radar services and the navigation maps and routes are not privately owned systems, but are hooked into national and international system for flight management and navigation. Planes are required to be registered just like cars are. The airplane transponder is required equipment for anything general or commercial or military aviation (basically anything not ultralite or bush plane because the other categories will fly above 10k ft and/or will be landing at airfields that are in or near class a /b /c airspace). Military aviation is the only group allowed to turn off their transponder when the mission requires. But transponders are basically radio broadcasts that include information about the flight.

So given all this infrastructure is not privately held, and given the omnidirectional, unencrypted transponder broadcast of the ADSB equipment, what special right to privacy can be had for a billionaire flying in a private airplane while utilizing for navigation and function the costly publicly built resources that must be in place for all the airplanes to safely be able to fly in all weather and at all times?

Anon_69E0A63BD 16 points ago +16 / -0

Sounds not that dissimilar from resisting arrest when there is no charge behind the arrest thus meaning there was no reason to effect an arrest in the first place, but you resisted the baseless unfounded arrest so you get convicted of that.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would like to know what specifically she was promised. I guess the media was too busy to be bothered with asking the next obvious question when she said that.

Was she promised a palatial mansion estate?

So she has an apartment and furnishings and utilities and all rent free. Her children are basically safe and secure now (not accounting for the gauntlet of the border run).

Really all I'm seeing is Cloward Piven in action here. Give her everything and it's never enough she wants more and it's always traumatic when she is told no to the endless wanting of free stuff bought with money taken from other people's labors.

Anon_69E0A63BD 10 points ago +10 / -0

Obviously, they already calculated and projected their eventual fine and budgeted that into their calculations before they went ahead with breaking laws and fraudulent business practices. They probably made an order of magnitude more profit than the max fine could be which is why they pursued the illegal fraudulent actions. That kind of willful intentional flaunting of the law should warrant them being broken into pieces.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

As SOGWAP pointed out, missing a semester or more of the public indoctrination camp doesn't seem like a loss.

If other parents stepped up and began educating their own children as many parents I know did and continue to do, the children would nearly always have advanced much further than the 0.4 SD per school year. The biggest and most lasting issue I perceive for the children is underlying trauma from the upheaval caused by lockdowns and stunted social growth.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Never interrupt your enemy when they are destroying themselves.

I'll gladly sit back and watch them eat their own in this case.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Often if there is not any real weather happening, the lack of real weather return can allow for other returns that are really noise to surround the area near the actual radar dish or array. If you think about it this makes sense. Signal to noise ratios would naturally enhance noise when a legitimate signal is not present. The things that would produce the noise include ground clutter and anomalous propagation. The reason it is always centered nearby the radar station is because areas further away will be at lower angles on a curved earth compared to areas closer to the radar station. When significant weather targets exist in the area, the Signal becomes much stronger for that weather return. Thus the noise that remains fairly constant is not a significant return energy compared to the signal so it is filtered out and thus your weather radar map does not show the noise.


Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

So glad US congress sent more funds to Ukraine so we get to watch Ukraine use the money to send children to their deaths against the Russian war machine.

More war crimes by Ukraine gov't against their own people and US government remains complicit in this because we keep enabling that regime to continue the war and kill off their own people in the process.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you file for all the years, I wonder if your deductions or credits from the low income years might offset the amount owed from your higher income years.

Anon_69E0A63BD 8 points ago +8 / -0

Watch the prosthetic industry get him arrested and / or sue him for building and using his own functional prosthetic design that could cut into their industry's profits.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ouch. So let's say you do pay the. IRS expat financial hostage tax, they consider everything you owned as sold and taxable at the moment of expatriation, but in reality you kept you retirement find money in the same account and you kept your real property (home /land). By paying fill taxes on those assets now to IRS are you free and clear on those assets?

So let's say 5-10 years later you finally liquidate those assets and they appreciated in value by some amount. What does the IRS do then?

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