Anything that can be bought with fiat is controlled by those with the most money. It really is that simple. IF you can buy bitcoin, so can they, but they can buy/sell enough volume to move the market putting you at their mercy and whims.
Assuming they dont find some way to get trump out of the election... Lawfare, assassination, hell Trump is nearly 80yo he could just die naturally before the election due to all of the stress... Who would yall vote for then?
Why does trump have to attack everyone like that... for real.
You can still be voting for trump and like vivek too ... what about after trump.. This will be his last term either way, win or lose, and then what? Back to the DS rino candidates?
What about the future of Maga. Honestly if Trump surrounds himself with neocons and pro deep state politicians again it will pretty much shatter my faith in all people running for president for ever.
Trump also said take the vaccine, it works.. Did you get yours?