Ausernamegoeshere 7 points ago +11 / -4

Kevorkian is not a bad doctor. He let people with terminal diseases and condistions end their life with easy drugs instead of suffering long term while warehoused in hospitals.

No man should decide or intefere with that decision for another. That is between the sufferer and God.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Masks have a specific function: reduction of bacterial spread from a person's mouth parts. This is part of sanitary care for mainly open wounds. That's it, that's why they were invented: to stop your ass from going septic when a doctor took your angry appendix from you and breathed into all your insidey parts for an hour.

Did you get cut and need stitches? The person doing the work should wear a mask.

Getting an operation? The doctors and nurses should wear a mask.

Talking to you in a 4ft x 8ft exam room? Ya'll done swapped every virus and bacteria you got when you said your hellos and did a symptom checklists. Knock it the fuck off unless one of those symptoms is "open wound".

Ausernamegoeshere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because they are selling bull shit and labelling it vegetables.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is going to be general because there are specific laws in each state regarding these entities. I suggest you consult with an attorney to set one up.

In basic terms, a trust is a corporation type that is used to manage assets (property, money, etc) for a beneficiary. The trustee makes all decisions, and as long as they are to the benefit of the beneficiary, their decisions are final and unappealable. (E.g. if you sell a house and make a million dollar profit that stays with the trust or perhaps buys other properties under the trust, your beneficiary can't complain because as the trustee you are managing it as you see fit, and these are all potential benefits. However, then taking that million dollars for a personal bender in Vegas is something the beneficiary can take you to court for mismanagement over. )

The benefit of this is that you can generally set the beneficiary and reset it at any time, and change trustees as needs arise. So if you are leaving it to your child and you manage as a trustee, once the time comes for you to pass on, you leave instructions with the court that the child becomes the trustee and s/he can then set a new beneficiary and manage the trust.

The benefit is that, here, the trust is the owner and only the "manager" changed. No taxes are due on personal inheritance, e.g. like when the house is transferred from your name to his or hers. The downside is that there alwys has to be a beneficiary. If your child has no beneficiary to post when you pass on, they manage a terminated trust for their own benefit.

An LLC on the other hand functions much looser. Its a pass through corporate entity that can simply change membership. So you and spouse are members, then you can reassign membership to your children when the time comes and, again, nothing changed hands, so there isn't a tax penalty upon death.

The main difference is that in most states, trusts have tax protections on income - e.g. anything contributed to a trust isn't taxed or isn't as heavily taxed, where an LLC simply passes any tax burdens onto the membership.

The huge gulf between states and the variabilities are in how you can use funds/assets in a trust. Some states are heavily restrictive in what a trustee can do. Other states basically assume its yours until you're dead and it's not their business.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

....how many gay gila monsters have you had to deal with?

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you are smart, a trust is what you used to buy your property. In some states, trusts have been gutted and they instead use LLCs.

It is how you transfer weath through generations.

If you want to control for actual for-profit companies owning homes, take the profit out of it if they are owned for less than 5 or even 10 years.

Ausernamegoeshere 4 points ago +4 / -0

No, it still doesn't, and the water was elsewhere. The atmosphere took 0.005 psi from one part of the crust and moved it to another part of the crust. It's as flicking water from your fingertips onto your face.

Liquefaction is when the ground becomes like a fluid because of vibration from an earth quake..... You're of the mind that the rain also fell in perfect resonance with the earth to make it behave like a liquid? Because it wasn't heavy enough to do so.

Lubrication....you'd need the water to have penetrated the ground deep enough to trigger an earth quake and not be absorbed by that same ground before getting there. You'd need a lot more water and probably different types of rock.

Ausernamegoeshere 4 points ago +4 / -0

It doesn't. An average weight human with large feet puts around 3psi against the ground when walking. It goes up from there. This rainfall works out to 0.005 psi.

If the earth survives us, it'll survive rainfall.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

So....0.005 psi? If it all fell in unison, whoch it doesnt.

Using bizarre measurement bases to make things sound big is ridiculous.

Ausernamegoeshere 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm pretty sure the Aliens! idea was introduced by the military to keep people from finding out about advanced fighter jet/space research. All of the research and videos and etc are just grainy enough to be useless - even those from people who have ridiculous levels of sensing equipment, like members of the military who seem to constantly go public every 3-5 years and usually after decades of 'keeping a secret' and after having been gone from the military long enough to have nothing but their word to go on.

Ausernamegoeshere 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hes the main person on the show Ancient Aliens that posits that ETs can be found throughout the archaelogical record. Their interpretations of other's findings are interesting and clash with established dogma, especially to minds that are open to academic scientists being idiots that fight for a theory to keep their social status instead of for the truth.

Its fun and somwtimes interesting to watch, but its hard to take seriously because they are pretty bombastic in their claims to make it more outrageous for TV viewers.

Ausernamegoeshere 5 points ago +5 / -0

Every in-the-club climate scientist travels - several times a year - to climate conferences via airplane, spewing dozens of lifetimes of CO2 use compared to us plebians. It has been brought up for 20 years that they could save the planet by attending via teleconference. Paid climate shills like Gore or Depp have houses that run 20 families worth of power and travel via yacht and airplane constantly. No one cares. Climate change is a shackle on the people, not the government.

Ausernamegoeshere 4 points ago +6 / -2

This isnt going to be the popular take, but I think the "estimated" number is overblown like most other bullshit data the government hands us.

I say this for several reasons.... To start with, if you go looking through what is available on Epstein, he serviced dozens, if not a hundred+, people and had around 40 kids. Assuming he turned that.....crop?..(ugh)... over once per year, that would give you 1 kid being used by 4-5 adults on a routine basis - but NOT 5 times "every day".

How many of you know kids that went missing? Not teenager run aways or "there was one in my town", but actually knew someone? I poll this a lot as I travel, and the answer is usually zero to one or two people.

The government lies.....well look any anything, really. I was reading something about the war on drugs the other day. Gmen lied about how effective it was for 40 years. Not even statistical games, just straight up lies to justify their jobs.

Next, the government wants us to be afraid of our own shadow. It was a big thing in the 80s to try to terrify parents by asking them where their children were at 8PM on the network channels. If they didn't know, it was implied, then the kids were already dead. These ads would give "statistics" on children missing, but, as always, it wasnt "we know about 1000 kids that went missing last year and we want you to keep yours safe" its "an estimated 25 kids per minute go missing and only government can keep you safe!"

I think that their numbers had to keep going over the years and was never corrected, always just getting bigger to keep people afraid.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I said, explicitly, that barter wasnt better, but i made no case for fiat or commodity backed currency outside of use of them as a tool for comparison. I never said that fiat was "the right way to do things" I was pointing out inconsistencies and flaws in your arguments about barter being better and/or the only way a free market can exist. Then at one time you said that fiat and commodity based currencies are the same and then you immediately agreed with my delineation of them.

I cannot hope to save you from confusion if you are the only one in the whirlwind.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because i summed up what you said three to four times in a row with my question, because thats what I got from it. It started sounding like a no true scottsman traffic circle.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

In other words, you are splitting hairs on a topic to be technically correct? As it stands, you will never ever have your definition of a free market completely unencumbered by restrictions. A "fiat" currency is currency that is used from authority. A commodity-based currency is based on a commodity as a portion of that commodity. You can have both (fiat dollars based on gold) or you can have simply gold coins, which is not fiat even if you have a king's face on the coin as you can melt down the gold and use it for barter or in items you want to build (like electronics or w/e).

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

What I'm saying is that barter doesnt give us a free market any more or less than fiat or single commodity does. All it does is add complexity to the marketplace that is exploitable.

Barter is a weaker option because it can target specific people or groups to destroy, where a single commodity or fiat model has the manipulations spread across the entire market place.

Ausernamegoeshere 4 points ago +4 / -0

But barter was used heavily by the elite to maintain control, too. Did you not support your local knight? Uh oh, your grain burned. Now you have nothing to barter. Don't like the new duke? Your hunting dogs all ate mideval antifreeze. Now you have nothing to barter.

Each and every monetary system can and has been manipulated via numbers games or force, even barter. The only way - only way - any money system has any chance is to make it 100% open and auditable AND have a populace that cares.

That second part is what always destroys any good intentions - be it faith, money, or republics.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

All of that is wrong. The split of women, while harnessed to reduce wages and create more market opportunities by the elite, wasn't a conspiracy about birth rates, and wasnt corruption of women. As men moved from agriculture to industrial jobs, their wives became little more than hookers that they kept around. Men would stay 10 hours at work, spend hours at a bar, then stumble home and expect sex, food and bed. Children were single-parented by the women, and many men were so far down the alcohol trap that women were beaten as stress relief to boot. This created the temperance movement, which eventually lead to suffrage, and then to their ability to exist beyond their husbands with their own bank accounts and jobs etc. After these were met, you got the parasite class that were paid to mouth piece political ideals for their masters, like you do in every division of the populace. They arent the way people think and usually provide a caricature of how they exist. As for your views on women, i hope you get experience with real women soon and not the girls youve been playing around with. I have seen those of whom you speak - i have also seen men be exactly of what you speak. Trash humans shouldn't be from where you draw your inspiration to hate a group of people.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +2 / -1

The problem is that a slippery slope exists everywhere with every single thing.

Allowing women in the workforce was a slippery slope to destruction of the family. But would you, today, strip them of their freedom to chose traditional life versus modern life? If so, you've embarked on a slippery slope to totalitarianism (or Hell via good intentions in the worst case scenario).

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +3 / -1

Its just Catholic, but you're allowed to decapitate your wife.

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