Azshadow6 2 points ago +2 / -0

biden, for once is not wrong . DJT is the true president :)

Azshadow6 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sex is ordered to be unitive between man and woman and towards procreation. It’s not mutually exclusive.

Azshadow6 3 points ago +3 / -0

People have had children is less fortunate financial situations than us going back throughout history.

Just because a child isn’t born into a wealthy family doesn’t mean that the child will have a bad life. We don’t know nor do we choose what type of life they’ll have forever. All humans suffer to different extents. Just because we don’t want them to suffer doesn’t mean we put them to death and deny them a chance at life. It’s murder

Azshadow6 2 points ago +2 / -0

The one month I didn’t chart, my wife and I got pregnant. We were waiting it out but now expecting our third child.

Azshadow6 1 point ago +1 / -0

It may but you made the right choice. For me it was many of my groomsmen whom I discovered had a rotten core with incompatible morals. Before 2016 it was partying together and getting along.

In the end it’s pride and hatred that vices them.

Azshadow6 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought they were gauging Trump to see if he would ever be a thread. Meanwhile Trump said he wouldn’t run and was a democrat as he got in on their secrets. Then he suddenly ran as a Republican and they all went apeshit.

I was a normie in 2015 and admittedly thought Trump running would be a joke. Boy did Mr President awaken me

Azshadow6 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is key. Digital currencies controlled by banks, centralized. They’ve done it with money printing and the digital dollar.

With blockchain CBDC, central banks and governments in lock step could track and control all that we do

Azshadow6 1 point ago +1 / -0

I got tangled in the web of ADA and Dan larimer’s EOS proof of stake. Held on for way too long. Now ETH has gone to PoS as well

Azshadow6 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was in BCH for a time. The numerous bitcoin variations was too much for me. I was in ETH for a time then EOS with the promise of fast and fee less transactions. I even got to using their limited dapps. But the ecosystems never amounted to anything.

So many promising ideas but very little came to fruition

Azshadow6 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow followed BTC all these years and I’ve never heard it this way. But the way bitcoin is, far too slow and expensive for mass adoption. A decade in and people don’t quite know how to set up wallets and private keys

Azshadow6 4 points ago +4 / -0

Consider the possibility that with Meloni and others like Milei in place, the final piece would be Trump’s return for those leaders to flip on the BH.

The chess pieces are in place

Azshadow6 1 point ago +1 / -0

China got what they wanted. A crazy EV push as they have the monopoly on producing batteries.

Azshadow6 7 points ago +9 / -2

No one thought billionaire playboy, tv show celebrity and real estate mogul would run for president and save our country either

Azshadow6 4 points ago +4 / -0

As if making America great again would be a bad thing for the country they live in. They’re weirdly delusional

Azshadow6 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump was worth billions. They’ll have the normies Trump Became president and took all the arrows to swoop 7.8million

by skytlrh
Azshadow6 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a Coloradan I concur. Large majority are Trump. Though the well has been poisoned with many liberal Californians moving here in recent years

Azshadow6 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only two times in the Bible where God breathed into humans

Azshadow6 0 points ago +1 / -1

You may be missing the point. Neither of us nor the papal documents promotes or supports same-sex unions.

If people choose to engage in same sex sexual sin it’s in them and wouldn’t be accepted by Christians. We still need to treat them with respect and love as human beings. As such they can be blessed as individuals; NOT receive blessings in anyway that even tries to resemble marriage.

Catholic teaching have always been scripture based. They cannot and will never be changed no matter what any particular pope says. The point of this is headlines is misleading people

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