Agreed. The world doesn't feel right. The evil, corruption, our vote tarnished, freedoms trampled over, how the world has been utterly wronged by pure demonic forces. It's extremely hard to find anything else important or meaningful. I am ready to start "fighting" on a "Biblical level"... David or Joshua style....
This going on as if nothing has happened is fucking maddening.
Deep State/Cabal owns Wall Street, Federal Reserve/Big Banking, International Banking, and the fiat currency that all currencies rely on - the US Dollar. They operate with essentially "infinite money" (Trillions). 100s of millions is nothing to them anymore. This is why I've been of the opinion that the GME-saga has been the biggest thing we've seen in years as it has the possibility to cut the head off of the snake (Wall Street / Federal Reserve) and return massive amounts of wealth to normal people. My only concern is I find it hard to believe that the slimey Deep State US Government won't step in and shut it down when it starts to rip.
Agreed. The economy/US Dollar/Wall Street/GME appears to be much bigger than anything else going on in my opinion. The head of the snake is Wall Street/Big Banking/Federal Reserve. Cut off the head, and funding/control/power that flows everywhere else ceases to exist.
I think u/TrustTheTruth has elluded to that before. u/into_the_continuum
Indeed. I've been eating 4-5 eggs per day, cooking everything in cast iron smothered in grass-fed butter, and mostly meats for dinner (with potatos and/or vegetables for a side), and have never felt better.
Eggs are easily one of the, if not the most encompassing nutritious food you can eat. And God gave us a creature that is small, friendly, and easy to take care of that quite literally creates and plops this super-nutritious food right out on a DAILY basis. God is dope, man. It's saddens me that we have to have sin/evil/satan here because life here on Earth could be so much better and sooo much more simple...
u/TrustTheTruth can you elaborate on what you mean by "the map"?
There's a lot of weird mythology around ancient civilizations, mayans, native americans, Kaballah, etc. that all share similarities around astrology, your soul traveling through the Orion's nebula to the after-life, there being a chance of your soul being snatched up by "the dragon" (i.e. Satan in Christianity) and your soul being thrown back to Earth to be re-incarnated (or trapped), and so forth. I've even heard some Christians claim that is why the Bible states that when we die, we (our soul/spirit) are accompanied by an angel to ensure safe passage into heaven.
I still think Big Banking / Fractional Reserve Banking / International Banking / Fiat Currency (Federal Reserve) are the head of the snake. Kill their funding scheme that gives them an infinite money hack, and they are weakened on every other front. Hopefully GME plays into this...
My mother was getting ringing in her ears whenever close to newer cell towers. She commanded it to leave immediately in Jesus name, and it has stopped lol. But she still speculates that it was at its worst when she was driving near one of the newer 5G towers.
2 weeks into COVID, my 85 year old grandfather thought it was fully gone and he was symptom free. He went to the hospital to get the anti-bodies just to be on the safe side, and the following day suffered from A-Fib and a horrible stroke.
A month or so later he had all sorts of scans done for different things, including kidney stones, and everything looked normal. And then ~2 months or so later, he passed from a mass on his liver (rapidly advancing cancer). The Doctors said they couldn't make sense of it because the mass was the size of a small chicken, therefore it had grown extremely fast. My grandfather was not jabbed at all, but he did have to do many nose swabs and like I said he got the anti-bodies.
I also have had multiple people make the remark in the last ~3 months that it seems like A LOT of people are passing away lately.
I share the same sentiment with you friend. The biggest disappointment through all of this the last 3 years has been the church. The majority of Christian churches should’ve never bent over and followed the way of the world the way it did. The church should be bearing its teeth, ready to fight back against evil and Satan’s agenda.
The GME saga is the only thing that truly gives me any slither of hope for a better future here on earth. It’s possible that it’s part of a bigger plan to destroy central fractional reserve banking, and give us decentralization through many sectors. Fog of war is too thick on every front to truly tell though.
Some big name “prophetic Christian’s” claim that we are in the end times and getting close to tribulation period. Other big name “prophetic Christian’s” claim that God is working a bigger plan and will give us the greatest harvest we’ve ever seen… one more amazing harvest. And I’ve even seen a big name “prophetic Christian” claim that Q was a Chinese Communist Party psyop. One thing I’ve come to the conclusion to in the last 6 months or so is that nobody seems to know what the hell is truly going on.
At the end of the video: "Many people want to deceive you through these religious notions, which is all about getting people to stand down and accept their chains."
It's sad how many churches today are doing just this. Ignoring the evil, ignoring the problems, ignoring the satanic agenda, not pushing their church to CARE about it and want to ACT.