BabyYoba 0 points ago +1 / -1

If he really wants to escape the prison colony babylon before it completely disintegrates into its own decadence, he should come back home (Europe) where he belongs, as hopefully still a white man. Because, imagine raising a family in a society that is organizing mulatto tranny strip poll shows for second graders.

What a God forsaken nation. Bringing in a based woman into that kikery will only make the woman hate the man more and no money can cure that. Even Trump had to deal with Melania publicly starting to drag him through divorce, and he's a billionaire, unlike the rest of the thousander "importers" here.

BabyYoba 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your point is invalid. Op was talking about "importing" a woman. That means a financial arrangement. He was joking but it's also a reality for many poor old fucks. Sound men in their prime don't leave their home to find and court respectable women abroad.

BabyYoba 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm right, you know I'm right and you have no more counter arguments to give. And, on top of that, I've literally been a fly on the wall of a mother and daughter plotting to fleece a American pathetic old fatso wanting to marry the daughter.

If you really wanna have a kid with a divorced wife and paying alimony for 18 years while the kid moves back and forth from Europe to US while the mom controls access to the kid the entire time...be my guest, get a mail order bride.

Love and respect can't be bought.

BabyYoba 0 points ago +1 / -1

it's even worse than I implied. He's talking about "importing" a human being. Like she would be goods for import. A piece of meat. Not even a whore. An all around retarded and pathetic comment imo

BabyYoba 1 point ago +4 / -3

Let's say you're only memeing and not actually believing buying a female partner will make you happy in life more than buying a hooker off the street.

Why would you think an arranged whore would ever be loyal, love or even like your ass for anything other than trying to scam you or even poison you out of your money....

BabyYoba 1 point ago +1 / -0

That piece of shit is the biggest farm land owner in US now. It will be very hard to avoid eating his vaxxed meet soon enough. Maybe consider moving to Europe too lol, Italy perhaps will still have fairly clean food.

BabyYoba 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's an ancient Roman tactic of divide and conquer. But in Europe Jews had no material to work with. Everyone was of the same nationality/race/religion.....enter Barbra Spekter and open the borders to war torn North Africa.

Jews learned so much from Romans after they kicked their asses in Judea.

BabyYoba 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why do you think they want different pronouns than the ones assigned at birth.... Because they're not humans. That's not a man but a demon and it should be curbed

BabyYoba 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most would spontaneously combust

BabyYoba 6 points ago +6 / -0

Imagine being a father/mother of a purple haired choker queen who goes about hating her own race. that's when you know you utterly failed as a parent

BabyYoba 8 points ago +8 / -0

If you shoot him first inside a female bathroom you can declare self defense.

BabyYoba 1 point ago +1 / -0

A part of me wants to gloat over paranoid sjw's culling their gene pool with endless shots and boosters, but I still feel sorry for them. They are the real danger to themselves and entire humanity, the bootlicking commies that they are. Completely void of independent thought, purely driven by emotion and degeneracy. Sad cunts.

by DrMcCoy
BabyYoba 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can bichute be embedded?

The guy should have also recorded the name of the author of the painting.

This is their ultimate wish, to fully enslave you economically, have pedophilia legalized and have your children in such ways after which they will drink their blood and sacrifice their bodies to Moloch

BabyYoba 2 points ago +2 / -0

Domestic Marxists in the West are hopping for exactly such control over everything. They will want to control your thoughts ultimately.

BabyYoba 1 point ago +1 / -0

They would disqualify everyone, hold off the season, do what ever for their father the devil. You have to remember that they are constantly sacrificing huge shows and movies for their agenda. Billions of $$ out of their pockets.


I don't think you guys really understand who we're up against.

BabyYoba 1 point ago +1 / -0

You might be underestimating the resolve of the cabal that wants to turn everyone into mixed androgynous slaves

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