You know, you go all your life with these notions of I will not steal, I will not cheat, not wrong someone or take their livelihood and Godforbid health...And then there's the devils own, taking advantage of the high trust individuals in their path of destruction and death and they are now trying to hack the very DNA, injure and kill the humanity. If you're a good person, trust no one, don't assume others are like you.
We can’t change their minds or protect them
Bull shit mother fucker. Make them watch this! Literal epidemiologists warning everyone what is going to happen if they keep taking the shots. If they still want to keep taking the jabs after you educate them, then its Darwins evolution in effect
"leo frankly" lol. Every single SJW is a mentally ill freak number one and a likely chomo apologist number two. You can test this theory by finding the closest sjw and strike a convo about the need to protect kids from pedos, they will yawn on it in a minute,,,but then ask them about their history with psychiatric meds, they will fucking burn your ear off about 15 meds and all their sideffects and their frens experiences with them (because mentally ill freak sjw's like to stick together to validate each others insanity and general flaws in logic). The worst thing is about all this faggot enabling is that it takes away women from protecting and looking after children when they are investing all their motherly instincts on protecting the "endangered" chomo gays.
With so many crypto jews roaming Europe, I believe not ones claim short of a swab ancestry test. Baalenciaga, right, well here are some people who worship Baal and child sacrifice :
12 jews followed Jesus Christ to witness him and spread the word to other jews about the salvation from the clutches of mortal sin. Everyone is rotten without, not just some jews, all, including the rest of humanity.
Exactly, it's a spiritual battle. We choose to take one side or the other. To harm others, or be giving and helping. They are fighting for better spots in the hierarchy of Hell, the more death and destruction they cause, they think they will be appreciated more. It wont work that way though. hell was created for the purpose of containing and destroying malicious souls, it's not a retirement island retreat.