In 1998, members of the Board of the newly created ICMEC held their first meeting, and in April 1999 it was launched by then First Lady Hillary Clinton, Lady Catherine Meyer, and Cherie Booth Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. You can review the full press release that has been archived here, which shows a photo of the three of them at the launch.
Coincidentally, it was Richard Branson’s mother, Eve Branson, who was a founding board member of ICMEC in 1999 and served on the Board of Directors until 2005. Richard Branson was ICMEC’s founding sponsor. ICMEC is a not-for-profit corporation supported entirely by private funds and resources, and is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. It is not a government agency.
Long article but worth reading
You may be right, could have been a plane. I seem to remember the woman was the only one who died, everyone else survived.
I remember this from first time around. Also woman who supplied the cert from the hospital in Hawaii died in a helicopter crash soon afterwards I believe.
It's the Disney Weirdo!!!!!!
In summary, Mark Zaid’s connection to Disney appears to be an unusual fascination with Disney child stars and actresses, which has been described as “creepy” by some sources. This interest is juxtaposed with his professional work as a national security lawyer and whistleblower advocate.
'chip in'
That phrase drives me nuts
Fake their own deaths and get off scott free
He looks like he's been sitting on a beach for 4 months
Who wants a free taxpayer funded holiday to the USA?
What is your son's name?
Seems that Islamists use apple.
Wilfred Von Oven is the best Nazi name, ever.
Haha! I remember my dad telling that joke back in the 80's!
London is always unsafe if you go off the beaten path. Stay in tourist areas and you'll be fine.
Trebuchet gets my vote. Only because the UK is surrounded by water No other reason
Someone should tell this fella about washing machines
"scientists believe it can be used to treat neurological disorders like depression"
So could it also be used to create neurological disorders?
It's come down a bit lately too!
To add salt to the injury
“The IRS has collected $1 billion from millionaires and shown that it can successfully launch strategic new initiatives and achieve the greatest return on investment,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told reporters during a press call.
The Treasury secretary thinks -90% is a good return on investment.
God Help America
$7.50 a gallon in my part of Europe You guys have it easy!!
Trudeau couldn't have put it on quick enough.
I think Biden's high as the moon 99% of the time and the week at Camp David was a weeks rehab so he might seem half normal for the debate. Looks like it failed
Upvote cos if you're English that's funny:)