Praise God! My friend is out!
This was infuriating to watch. Hey jacka**! You stole our money that should've been used to pay down the national debt in the first place and now that we've caught you with your hand in the cookie jar, you want us to believe that you are fiscally responsible! Unbelievable! 😡
With everything we're "finding out," it starts to make more sense as to why illegals will work for less. The joke isn't on them, it's on us. They are likely receiving all kinds of benefits (to include social security benefits at earlier ages... Even though Americans have to wait til their 60s or 70s) and then add insult to injury by taking all of our jobs and water down our industry-standard rates in the private sector because all of their bills are being taken care of anyways at our expense. It makes sense too...if my bills were taken care of, I wouldn't mind working at a lower wage as an employee and could charge less for jobs with cash payments. So we are in essence, being screwed multiple ways. They don't work harder than most Americans as we are normally told...they are just supremely opportunistic and will take whatever they can get like most criminals do. 🤷🏾♂️😂
It's not... But it's been stated multiple times that, "These people are stupid." 😅🤷🏾♂️
This particular point needs to be yelled from the rooftops. Because people are retarded, all I've been hearing is that Trump is getting rid of Black History Month completely. They conveniently left out that this ruling applies to the military.... NOT IN CIVILIAN LIFE OR AFFAIRS.
I can assure you that it has not. I know this from my experience working as a county employee for 11 years.
I was personally hoping he was going to choke on his own saliva from all that screeching.... But that's just me. 😅😂
This should be the slogan for conservatives for the next four years at the very least! It's so true and cuts straight to the chase.
I've lived by the water all my life (still on the west coast in Hillsborough County) but did not go beachside that much, so I've never heard of it. 😅
This is true for county government as well..and this is why I left after 11 years as a Detention Deputy to start a business. I couldn't stand that the "powers that be" would enact policies that made the job (which is inherently dangerous on its own) even less safe but would then try to blame inefficiencies on staff. I would tell supervisors all the time that these were their policies and that they were never going to work, but I was met with a brick wall every single time. So I gave up my position as a Field Training Officer and started working towards building a business. The whole "If you don't like it, leave” didn't quite work on me. Challenge accepted... Hold my badge. 😂
It had to be in my hometown...or county I should say. I grew up in Cocoa. 😅
Can someone please tell this old a** snapping turtle to sit down and shut up? Or at the least, he needs his batteries taken out so we won't have to hear from him. 😂
It pissed me off as well. Especially because I spoke with him on numerous occasions during his incarceration (he was housed in maximum security in the Pinellas County Jail.... Where I was a Detention Deputy...I've since left that sunken place). I knew J6 was a huge coverup, but where he was housed in my facility was 1,000% proof that he was a political prisoner. On any other day of the week, month, or year, classification could not house an inmate with misdemeanor charges in maximum security housing... But there he was and in the worse pods in maximum security. To add insult to injury, we had minimum security federal inmate housing (which he was classified as) but they never moved him until his last few months in my facility.
They (federal government) wanted him to suffer and probably hoped that he would get seriously injured or worse, if he did not recant his defense. I always told him that I was in his corner and would use his story and circumstances to tell others the truth about our government. To be honest, I was already hating my career choice (11 years as a Detention Deputy) but that was one of the final straws for me. I knew we had a contract for federal inmate housing, but they still had to work within the framework of our classification system. Once I saw where he was housed, I believed that my former agency was in on it.
I understood it immediately! There's a Home Depot 30 miles or so away from me that have "men of Hispanic origin" lined up outside of the store hoping to get picked up for quick day labor opportunities. What they do is ask unsuspecting shoppers, who are picking up supplies, if they need any more hands to complete projects for the day (I know this because they have asked me and my business partner before). No paperwork, no background checks, and will work for cash....which means they may or may not be illegal aliens. Also, I've worked for day-labor/temp agencies before, and you still have to complete applications like you normally do. 😅😂
My 2009 GMC Sierra 2500HD with almost 180k miles is in the shop right now getting a new 3 inch lift, forged tie rods, a steering stabilizer, and new wheels and tires installed. I want to run this thing for as long as it goes!
Even as anons, I think we overlook this simple truth sometimes. Like you so eloquently framed, these politicians are not cowards or even incompetent. They are evil and are doing exactly what they are supposed to in their plight to destroy America. It's up to us to expose this foolishness to normies.
Maximal Restraint Technique
I filled one out for my business a few weeks ago just in case. 😑😒
As someone who just left with 11 years as a Detention Deputy, I completely agree. That's actually one of the reasons why I left... And not to step on any toes, but I feel the same way about the military (hence law enforcement being labeled as para-military). I do believe that the majority are patriotic, but it's hard to respect the position when you know that it's ran like a business under the guise of working for the people. As a field training officer, I tried to institute change that would've undoubtedly helped inmates as well as staff, but no one in leadership cared. I now know that they didn't care because the majority of the decisions were only made to keep the big contracts coming in and to increase command staff's wages 10 to 15k every year.
This whole subject pisses me off to no end. I remember explaining it to my wife years ago when it first clicked for me how fake and fraudulent everything is. We exist in a matrix where even if enough people started to create/use their own system, we would be arrested. If we try to counterfeit the already counterfeit money, we will be arrested again. So the only option is to use their system, which is debt-based and was created to enrich 'them' and keep us chasing our tails for everything in life.
"You have to pay for it, but don't expect to ever use it in the eventuality something traumatic happens."
Sign here ______
Absolutely correct.... This is happening like crazy in company is still waiting on payment from customers (28k to be exact)..who are waiting on payouts from insurance companies for Hurricane Helene and Milton damages. People who've paid years on end to receive a certain amount who are now being told they will only give them a lower amount. And once the homeowners don't agree to the random lower amount, then they play hardball and have people who have lost everything living in their front yards in RVs (and that's if they have any money left). In reality, they are hoping the hard times will make the homeowner drop their righteous crusade to get what they deserve or accept the lower payment....with the added bonus that they are going to drop them from coverage or raise their rates after the fact anyways. It's truly disgusting for the homeowners and for legitimate businesses who completed services in good faith and have not received payment.
I think that it would've been nice for him to nominate Judd as well. However, Chad is my sheriff and I hope he does well.
Correct. I like to use the incident in the Bible where Jesus was on the cross between the two other criminals. Jesus forgave one of the gentlemen but DID NOT get him off the cross. He was forgiven but still had to pay the consequences of public humiliation and death.
Correct...They don't realize that successful businesses don't operate from a paycheck-to-paycheck mentality like most employees do. Even with my small business, if I miss a day of work, it's just considered a day off. All of our bills are paid and my paycheck will be deposited as scheduled. 🤷🏾♂️😂