BeKind39 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it is PART OF THE PLAN, it is going to be GOOD for America. If it wasn't part of the PLAN, it wouldn't be happening. WAR IS HELL, but necessary to get the wolves out of government. No entity, except God, is STRONGER THAN OUR MILITARY, certainly not a puny little D.A. Would not surprise me if this D.A.'s dirty laundry is now pulled up for all to see. FOLLOW THE MONEY. Exposing the corrupt LEGAL SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

BeKind39 2 points ago +2 / -0

Back then there was a need to allow the church to be persecuted so that the GOSPEL would be spread throughout the world. Then Father God released His written WORD in which Genesis says we are to SUBDUE THE WHOLE EARTH. We are taught that God gave Jesus ALL POWER and Jesus gave this POWER TO THE CHURCH. We further read in the New Testament that the BELIEVERS WILL SPEAK WITH NEW TONGUES, WILL LAY THEIR HANDS ON THE SICK AND THEY WILL BE HEALED, THAT THEY WILL CAST OUT DEVILS etc. AND THAT GOD WILL WORK WITH THEM CONFIRMING WITH SIGNS FOLLOWING. So my opinion is that although persecution certainly will be present, this will be the BELIEVERS (in Jesus) best time as they "KICK DEVIL BUTT".

BeKind39 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's God's book and HE is capable of keeping His OWN BOOK as he wants it to be. He says HE IS THE ALMIGHTY GOD. He is mighty enough to keep HIS book pure. A person will never fully rely on the Bible as God's infallible word, if a person thinks that book is missing parts. Faith is the only way to please God and if a person thinks HIS BOOK is incomplete, they will NEVER be able to have faith in what they have because they will think something is missing. MY OPINION. I respect your opinion.

BeKind39 3 points ago +3 / -0

BigMuddyMama, that is exactly what I have been thinking. Looks enough like Rosie O'Donnell to be her daughter. Uncanny look alike. We need to check that out.

BeKind39 1 point ago +1 / -0

jfunction, I am going to print that out and hang it on my wall......so true, THE LAND OF THE FREE MUST BE THE HOME OF THE BRAVE. So simple but so profound. Thank you.

BeKind39 0 points ago +1 / -1

And Q NEVER promoted being docile. The movie scenario was to calm the troops and let us know that there IS a plan. There is a coalition of Generals world wide and a coalition of Patriots world wide. Q has plainly stated that "WE THE PEOPLE MUST BE THE ONES WHO RISE UP AND TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY. First at the county and state level and on up to the Federal level. THAT IS NOT BEING DOCILE. It is surprising to me that people get the "drawers in a wad" when the first thing goes wrong. Thank God it wasn't us in General Washington's army. We need to be KIND and do our best to HELP EVERYONE ELSE. EVEN THE SLEEPERS. PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE RULE OVER US. And pray for those who don't......just pray.

BeKind39 1 point ago +1 / -0

Women who lied under oath about Kavanaugh are admitting now to being liars. The honest Justices will be separated from the crooked ones. Optics are important. Q said Military was the only way. One bad thing happens and people get angry and want to throw everyone under the bus. We gotta buck up and put on our big kid pants. And (this will not be popular), some of us need to learn some other vocabulary words to express our frustrations because sometimes here it feels like our ears have become garbage cans.

BeKind39 1 point ago +2 / -1

B.O. said he was going to close GITMO........ same with Biden, but it is still open and has had extensive remodeling and new structures. I KNOW WHO I,S LEADING AMERICA ......djt......BECAUSE IF JOE WAS IN CHARGE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN CLOSED AS SOON AS HE WAS INSTALLED . When we come to the point where it looks as if ALL IS LOST, we will suddenly see a reversal. Until then, know GOD has said He is rescuing America and His children. You have heard it said that this or that scared the hell out of people.......well, I believe it is going to get so BAD before it suddenly changes that people will be coming to God for help by the thousands.

BeKind39 3 points ago +3 / -0

GA_logic, the older generation are not the ones who are ignorant. It's the young ones you need to be sure are educated to what is happening. I am a senior, Senior and believe me, all in my age group except for a very few "get this" and have from the beginning. What part of GA are you from? We might be neighbors..

BeKind39 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think most of us think of ourselves "more highly" than we ought. Most of us believe we would do the highest and most noble thing, but then .......... when it comes to our door, we really don't know what we would do. They kill your soon to be son-in-law and then the agent investigating it and suddenly you realize that your whole family could be wiped out and you can't stop it. Hmmmmmm hard choices. Personally, I believe that Trump helped take the heat off of Kemp. LIke they say, "what makes a good movie? GREAT ACTORS. I think it is highly possible that during the time before the election, that our GREAT PRESIDENT was probably "running cover" for the Governor. He was making the cabal believe that he was VERY angry with the Governor for being on the cabal's side, hoping it would make the cabal confident that they had nothing to fear from the Governor. He did it with Sessions and a few others. I think we are all going to be surprised when this comes to the end. I always make one statement to those who get disgusted by the movie. Number 45 has ALL INTELLIGENCE......ALL, so his actions or lack thereof are coming from a place of KNOWING EVERYTHING about most everyone. He knows the ones who are "dirty dealing" and those who are just stumbling into dangerous places with no malice in their hearts.

BeKind39 1 point ago +2 / -1

Q said from the beginning that OUR JOB was to calm and help the people cope with the exposure. This TRUTH is going to be enough to put some people in the hospital. We need to be generous and kind to the sleepers who will have a sudden awakening. Remember it could have been YOU. Arrogance is not becoming on Q followers.

BeKind39 2 points ago +2 / -0

Regardless of what her parents were, if she was born in the USA, she is a citizen.

BeKind39 27 points ago +27 / -0

Our job, according to Q is to help as many as we can when things begin to be revealed. I realize it could be ME who is still in the dark about world events and I would hope if the shoe were on the other foot, that someone would take pity on me and try to wake me up no matter how long it took. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE. Don't give up on others just because you took a smart pill and woke up sooner than others.

BeKind39 3 points ago +3 / -0

Graham didn't suddenly decide to help Trump out of the goodness of his heart. He decided in about 2017 to save himself, at least temporarily from the treason charges from his participation with NoName and Pres. O as they set up and equipped ISIS. Picture showed Graham, McCain and one other Senator whose initials are M. R. Can't quite figure out how he stands in all of this right now. He has been relatively quiet until this past year.

BeKind39 7 points ago +7 / -0

Graham didn't "make a deal" of his own accord. He was put into subjection when McCain met his fate. Do what we tell you or we will go ahead and put you in prison (or worse) right now. He was in McCain's pocket with all the ISIS mess. I think when it looked as if Joe was in power that Graham thought he was going to go free, but GUESS WHAT..........

BeKind39 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for "catching" that. I knew P. Trump was still president when on inauguration day, I saw Joe and Jill walk across the White House lawn, arrive at a "side" door, try to go in but the door was locked. They had to knock on the door and wait a few minutes for it to be opened from the inside. No greeter...... no nothing. WE ALL KNOW THAT THE FIRST TIME A NEW PRESIDENT GOES TO THE WHITE HOUSE THAT THERE IS A BIG FAN FAIR. That was absolutely the funniest thing I have ever seen. And that was after he had been driven to Arlington where he was given a three gun cannon salute. And after many of our troops on the DC streets had turned their back on his motorcade. And after he finally had to admit that he did his WEST WING videos from an off site sound stage. I might have been born at night, but it sure wasn't last night.


BeKind39 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bolton said he is going to run for PRESIDENT. That would be the reason he chose NOW to expose him;

BeKind39 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q said misspelled words matter. They said "pay attention everything has meaning". Sometimes it is LATER when we find out WHY. I only wish there was a booklet of Q posts that we could purchase.

BeKind39 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks so much. So very sorry to hear about duckduckgo. What a shame. Thanks for steering me to a better place. We live about 30 miles from downtown Atlanta.....8 or so miles from St. Mtn.

BeKind39 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where can I verify this. Duckduckgo.com didn't have it. They only mentioned the one on Dec. 21, 2022 because of bad weather.

BeKind39 2 points ago +2 / -0

Feeling dumb. What is GE in the otus?

BeKind39 3 points ago +3 / -0

March 2022, hubby and I began a NO WHEAT, NO SUGAR WAY OF LIFE. Within 4 month our weight was nearly normal, blood pressure normal. We also were on the carnivore diet. Bacon, eggs applesauce for breakfast. I was told for years that bacon would KILL you, but all my status began normalizing. A year later and after adding a tiny bit of sugar (only that which is already in products) and a little NON-GMO WHEAT WE ARE STILL LOSING WEIGHT and feeling so much better overall. We are senior Seniors and I am on NO MEDS. I am not opposed to doctors.......I believe that God using them to keep us alive until we can learn to BELIEVE HIM FOR OUR HEALTH. He is faithful. By the stripes of Jesus, we are healed.

BeKind39 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am not sure that I agree with Q about only 40%, but they did explain that we are dealing with other countries and we can't expose so much that the other countries might fail. And it must be a balancing act to expose what must be exposed and yet hold some back. We the People of this country have faced so much........lost so many citizens to death, endangered so many in our military, that it seems we DESERVE to know the nitty gritty about it all. Nothing hidden because we have paid a high price. We are the LEAD nation in this battle. So shouldn't we KNOW the truth. We aren't a bunch of wimpy kids

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