BeatButStillStanding 4 points ago +6 / -2

This is funny and all but takes away from validity when this happens.... Its the same thing when people do the decodes with 48 different number rules to try and prove a point.

BeatButStillStanding 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fortunately I don't have the family problem. Just the everyone else anywhere near me outside a select few friends. Im in a top 5 liberal state (Higher % than even Cali) and its horrible at times here. Moving still isnt an option but I am for sure looking where to move when I can get out. Probably about 10-15 more years unfortunately.

BeatButStillStanding 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes and those who were not citizens, those who voted multiple times in different states/counties, those who once contacted will say they did not vote yet a ballot was cast in their name regardless.... It can all be sought out.

BeatButStillStanding 8 points ago +8 / -0

There is no way Trump was referring to votes when he gave those figures. Probably total people who support MAGA meaning 2/3 of the country was on his side.

If he was, voter registration would have to at least double in a four year window which is impossible.

He will end up around that 74-75 mark again by the end I would geuss and the magical 14-15 mil she was short by will be the obvious fuckery in the ballots. Once the obvious part is acknowledged by all then the rest can be sought out and real totals will have her around 40-50 mil and he might bump to 80 or so.

BeatButStillStanding 2 points ago +2 / -0

That comment is making fun of Kamala, not saying middle class people work at McDonalds.

BeatButStillStanding 1 point ago +1 / -0

If those numbers are accurate, is there any other election in history for the US that had THAT high of a turnout? That in itself is also an oddity.

BeatButStillStanding 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are saying there was not more ballots counted than registered voters?

BeatButStillStanding 4 points ago +4 / -0

I will speak truth and be compassionate.... but there will be an unrelenting storm of I told you so's. Those who didn't know and left people alone I will be as loving as always, but those who wished/did harm will not be treated the same.

BeatButStillStanding 5 points ago +5 / -0

That is the biggest point I pretty much never saw pushed when talking about voter fraud since 2020.

BeatButStillStanding 3 points ago +3 / -0

I understand what you are saying but Civil War in 2020 most likely would not have been a defeat if the Military stood by their oaths and took to the field as well. A dude in a dress screaming ban all guns isnt someone that strikes me as hard to beat.

BeatButStillStanding 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok I see that now but isnt that just adding the numbers of the person who retweeted it as well? And the random only 39 being used in the time switching minutes and seconds. This is the stuff I dont understand. Some of it I do but the rules for finding the numbers changes with each person who puts one up. Like for example, In the post, the code 1133204. I can say 1230 is in that so it refers to the same post.

BeatButStillStanding 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ahh gotcha yea makes sense lol. They just installed these at my job and was curious about why they needed and ethernet. Simple google would have gave me that one lol. Thanks, just posted while reading responses here and had a "thought out loud" moment.

BeatButStillStanding 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correct me if I am wrong but aren't voip phones purely internet based meaning it would be simpler for people to listen in? I know you can still tap a lan line but internet seems like it would be a much more simple task.

BeatButStillStanding 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea I agree. The thing I find interesting is that most of the outcry you see from the black community in regards to the illegals is they are getting less handouts and they are being shifted to the illegals. That being said, are they only upset because their handouts are being shortened or do they actually care about the country. This is the dilemma I have when thinking about this. Is it real care or more of the me me me give give give....

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