Yeah, they should build a rack 'em and stack 'em Sleeper Cab unit for those fuckers.
If it's real, that's a sign of a true revolution.
Who would actually pay to see this human toilet?
Write those folks off, fren! @farpointpatriot is correct. These are the type of people who would've called the authorities on the Anne Frank family.
He's on the Zoloft to keep from killin' y'all.
If the Earth was flat, cats would've knocked everything off of it by now.
No way the truckers did that. If, IF it happened, it's some Smollett false flag faggots!
Le stench trench.
Psshh, red pills from a red shoe boy.
Wow, seeing them all sure looks like Fidel's the sperm donor.
Knee taking faggots ruined sports. Libtards ruin everything they touch.
Libtards are our enemies, and we let them teach our kids.
Sweet! What's the number?
Must be cold, he's wearing a shirt.
Scott is a great patriot.
Just a sad, pathetic parrot.
The HoNkeNiNg
3 days for me.
Sounds like you caught Coward-19.
Most people were bussed to these speeches in groups from their places of employment, escorted by their supervisors/managers. The signs and placards were pre-prepared and provided to the people. This is greatly stifling and intimidating of course, but this time, the people said BOOOOOOO!!!!
Even if some fool tow companies would dare do it - just take some wheels off yer rigs, truckers!
Glow in the dark libtard.
Chain smokin', pill poppin', five dollar shower booty-girl happy hour truck drivin' son of a bitch!
You eat it, bro, and fuck off.