This turd burglar has seen the light.
They should all be Natural Born, no gray area.
My sister says, "Oh, I don't believe in any of that." I said "It doesn't matter, [they] believe it's real."
Thanks for outting and removing yourself, "teacher!"
I love how the book gives three recipes for Napalm in the first chapter. LOL.
Mine were removed many years ago, and they knocked me out with Sodium Pentothol.
It's a biker term. It stems from a story in Time Magazine after the motorcycle club 'riot' in Hollister, California in 1947.
The story said something like "99% of motorcycle enthusiasts are law abiding citizens, it's the 1% that cause problems...."
1%'ers would be those in 3-patch motorcycle clubs; i.e., Hells Angels, Bandidos, Gypsy Jokers, Mongols, etc.
I'd like to know what Antifa could possibly have to 'confront' the Gypsy Jokers about. Good luck to Antifa if they want to fuck around and find out. The GJ are friendly with lots of 1%'er clubs. And they're not pink haired, noodle armed faggots.
Grade A shitpost! Had me goin'.
Time for a run on the banks.
Artificial and homosexual.
Pence is persona non grata in my world.
My last social media account was Twitter, my avatar was a pic of John Kerry, and my handle was John Fonda, lol.
I was perma-banned for calling Sarah Silverman a whore. I'll try to be nicer on Truth Social.
No Conscience, No Humanity, No Service.
Kinda settles any debate that Castreau is a dictator.
I'm OK with this; in fact, I insist.
Bold tweet, Ted!
Good luck finding me pot of gold.
This guy looks like a puss who will spill the beans.
Even Q only said his name like once adding that "we don't like to say his name," "we don't say his name." and then he became simply No Name.
"The only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal, the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man.” ~Malcolm X
It makes me SICK that so many people don't even know anything is happening in Canada. I mean I talked to a fucking Teamster the other day who hadn't heard.
I agree. If enough of us quit paying for everything (credit cards, car notes, mortgages, insurance, taxes), it would bring them to their knees in a matter of days.
Just gonna say it - I'm not a fan of the police.
You're watching a badly acted kid's movie filmed on a Super 8.