Well given the level of moron blue-anon on here lurking or handshake trolling I'd be willing to bet most of the bigger name truthers or pay-triots lurk here as well
At this point there is no amount of money or other incentives that anyone could offer me that would make me get that "vaccine"
Now if your job means that much to you then I would probably 1. Seek a medical exemption from my doctor 2. If healthy find some way to get infected in order to gain natural immunity 3. Get the J&J shot. Now while probably still terrible for your health at least it is not MRNA 4. Stay at your job hoping they're willing to work with you and understand where you're coming from. Also seeking a lawyer for your potential firing due to discrimination and in violation of your civil and human right
God speed Patriot
At this point anything is possible. I live in Washington state as well and I can say it is unusually hot
Should be completely struck down by the Supreme Court as woke as they are I can't possibly see how they would be able to interpret the text of the constitution to uphold this extremely unconstitutional federal overreach
Don't care if it is or not. That piece of shit is guilty of treason and crimes against humanity. He should publicly be put to death along with a long list of his cohorts
Term limits and nobody holding a dual citizenship shouldn't be able to run for office at any level as they have loyalty to other places oter that these United States.
Also this might be an unpopular opinion but I don't think immigrates should be able to vote because they come from countries that for the most part don't understand why we have things like free speech or the 2nd amendment. There could be some sort of history class or something so they realize what truly makes America great
Almost 40 million votes. I refuse to believe there're more than 40 million morons in this country who would actually vote for a moron and a race grifting whore
That is part of the problem with "normies" and the like. People have been conditioned to automatically think of someone as a horrible person just because they speak in a manner they're not used to hearing from a politician or most people they interact with in their daily lives.
In my personal opinion the whole grab them by the p line while maybe crass it was still factually accurate. If a man who's a billionaire was to walk up and grab the vast majority of women these days by the p the women would be completely fine and probably exited about the opportunity to grab that billionaires wallet.
It truly amazes me people would rather be lied to, shit on and used by a smooth talking politician or the like. Than support a person who speaks ugly truths as for me I would always rather hear an ugly truth than a polite lie.
Not if I can help it. It is every humans God given right to defend themselves and only a moron leftist would be dumb enough to think they deserve being assaulted for being white or a straight man or whatever other dumb shit these morons believe
My opinion is this is the "friendly" list showing Governor's and a number value for the level they've been compromised so far. Now while I have no evidence to support this theory I am willing to bet there is another list of Governor's who are known to be full blown agents for the CCP. I say this only because of who is not on this list and the states that they govern namely states with a lot of trade/shipping ports and a lot of big tech companies.
Just my opinion looking at this list and thinking logically
Fuck I happen to live in Washington unfortunately and reading the comments on that blog gave me AIDS REEEEEEE. The level of indoctrination those people have is astounding. It truly made me want to throw up. Leftism is a horribly disgusting disease
Although I find the post horribly thought out I too once asked myself the same question of sorts. First I worship no mortal and would hope you don't either. Second using critical thinking it doesn't make sense for President Trump to be the antichrist if only for the most simple reason as why would all the Satanist push the mind controlled masses to hate someone the Satanist would worship.
That being said if that was the case and President Trump was satan and Q is all a larp or psyop then I for one would have to hand it to the Satanist for this one as they really exposed themselves and just shoved their disgusting plans in all of our faces.
With that I do know they like to tell you exactly what they want to do but I really don't think they'd waste their time role-playing for 4+ years just to mind fuck people
Sure I'd help them to wake up or let them walk to work and to the store. A person in such a situation
- Is ignorant/indoctrinated and needs to wake up
- Knows what they voted for and what they voted against and is now praying on your kindness, knowing full well they wouldn't return the favor as loving America and voting for President Trump makes you the second most disgusting person to them right behind President Trump
In my opinion if this situation was to occur pre-election I would gladly help out all while still trying to wake the person up.
Given that now we're going on 5 months post election my feeling is that we can't keep babing these people or they will never wake up.
Just because someone enjoys another person's channel doesn't mean they take everything that person says as gospel
As much as I know Omar is a fucking terrorist and has no reason to be lobbying for Hamas.. Ted Cruz shouldn't be lobbying for Israel either. Pretty sure neither country is America so...
"Your place on the arc will be secured" as in only a select few will survive whatever biblical storm they have planned for us. This is beyond creepy
I am assuming the guy in the video was the pastor of a church in Canada and basically told what looked to be a lady from some sort of health department and her police escorts to leave the property now and not to come back without a warrant. The gentleman also let the lady and her police escorts know that "nazis" and "gestopo" were not allowed there
Let's see here Ukraine is the same place Biden's, Pelosi's and Romney's sons all have been laundering money and possibly trafficking women and children through? Now we're supposed to care if Russia wants to invade the elite cesspool?
Now as far as the whole Pro Putin or anti Putin argument goes I don't have much of an opinion. I am sure he is no saint but he also has denounced the nwo and kicked the central banks out of Russia and in my opinion those are positive things for not only Russian citizens but the world.
Now I will tell you what concerns me and that is the communist take over of our Country most importantly. I also find it very concerning the aggression China has shown towards Taiwan and Hong Kong.
I find it funny that people fixate on Russia like good little sheep and not paying attention to other events that should probably be far more concerning.
Hmm I wonder why our illegitimate communist government leaders want all of our rights taken away ? This is just a glimpse into the near future if we the people don't take back our Country
Unconstitutional BS
Email P.V. for sure. Also refuse the experimental "vaccine" and if they won't budge and fire you for not taking the "vaccine" get an attorney asap
This dumb fucking pedophile piece of shit. I'm pretty positive WE'RE ONE NATION UNDER GOD. HELL EVEN OUR FAKE CURRENCY EVEN SAYS IN GOD WE TRUST
Yeah 2.1 million ballots they've had time to cure no doubt
As seen in my username I agree. I have the same username on shittube as well ?
I lost 50.00 on Potus winning Arizona