Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could be some HAARP like technology projecting up? Could be some kind of SDI satellite casting down? There could be all kinds of shit agencies like DARPA are trying out.

Bigneckedmanjr 7 points ago +7 / -0

For me, personal experience. I have experienced catalyzing things that woke me up. I can understand outside of that my own perspective would be quite different.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Somewhere at Dulce in sub-level 7 is a vat of naked Zucks floating... awaiting to walk into positions of power with different wigs on.

by v8power
Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is due to her very close relationship with Marina Abramović.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

I tell them I look at everything and through a process of endless research I build a vast pool of knowledge and filter that through a process of rigorous discernment. As opposed to what? Blindly believing everything some news pundit says? Lol Also, I save critical pieces that I can pull up in an instant. First and foremost, know your shit. I’ve been told by many people I’m a fucking encyclopedia. Don’t be an encyclopedia, be the library of Congress. Know everything there is to know, which of course is impossible, then at least you can try to remember how to find it again. What does that mean for others?? Do the same. I tell people I don’t want them to believe me, I want them to know for themselves. If people don’t want to follow that path than just remind them how being sheeple is a choice. ;) What you don’t know, Can hurt you. Good luck

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Social Darwinian model at its finest. I guess survival of the fittest will serve us in the end. ;) I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces when they realize they have backed literal Nazi eugenicists all along.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine an RFID Verichip implanted, or probably even newer nanotechnology injected into the human body via a vaccine during a plandemic. Everything is monitored. Everything is cashless and tied digitally to your blockchain biometric cryptocurrency system. Now add on a social credit system. BAM. Welcome to the New World Order. You either continue down the Godless, transhuminist path of enslavement or your exiled from a completely controlled society. I only imagine those outside of the system, are systemically annihilated.

Bigneckedmanjr 4 points ago +4 / -0

FYI I don’t do this to be a dick. Sheeple are mentally still in high school and shaming them into conformity is unfortunately how they still operate. You can’t reason someone out of a position they were brainwashed into.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck it, I strategically make loud comments in crowded areas like, wow, you can certainly tell who’s brainwashed now. Just make sure when your using this tactic it’s not while checking out or the cashier may take it out on your produce. Lol

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you read the one about how Akhenaten brought monotheism to Egypt but the rest of the establishment rejected it and tried to wipe out his line. They murdered his son Tutankhamun and his brother Tuthmosis fled from Eqypt with his followers. They eventually landed and set up monotheism in a new location. Sound familiar?

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, I was just going to say this. I can’t help but to wonder how someone could mistake Hillel the Elder and JFK? Seems like a shill move. I usually watch fucks like this in the future.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, these are the useless people who amount to nothing anyways. Let’s just say hypothetically it’s true. The alliance would be prepared to step in and regain the functions of society. I actually don’t believe it’s true anyways, I don’t think the vax is about depopulated. They need to gain control first.

Bigneckedmanjr 4 points ago +4 / -0

He was being implicated in child sex abuse crimes. Two weeks after this hits be abdicates. Coincidence?


Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0

The stage has been set for some time. Nearly everything is aligned. Russian SPFS with Chinese CIPS to counter cabal SWIFT. Shanghai Gold Exchange eclipsing London. Chinese AIIB, One Belt One Road, etc etc. I know everyone is screaming CCP lately, and they aren’t wrong. Communism is China is the cabal, there is no question. But Xi is with the alliance and they have been steadily advancing a parallel world economic order for many years now. Cabal BIS fiat is going to be wiped out and the alliance has been preparing asset/commodities backed currencies that will replace them when the time comes.

Bigneckedmanjr 5 points ago +6 / -1

Yep, big part of me hopes the vax is a kill shot and the cabal push the big red button in their past dying breath. It would make moving forward way fucking easier. Maybe my career as some conspiracy lecturer would be null and void but fuck it, greater good or whatever.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well if they all die of a stroke or some shit in the next couple years I see it as a huge plus.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can’t keep someone from learning their own life lessons.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Exactly. They are plugged into the matrix....

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