Bitpad 3 points ago +3 / -0

400+ x 5.56/.223 200+ x 12ga 9pellet 00 soon to be 200+x 9mm

Almost ready to rumble!

Bitpad 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hell Yeah! Seattle could use a good cleansing, hence why i'm out here in the burbs, on One of the Reservations. I'll have to send up some cheers when I see the orange/red sky over where the crater of Seattle is/was.

Bitpad 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep Yep. for "Generic Bullion" such as the Silver Buffalo the premium is about $5 or so, but for the actual Silver "money" the premium is huge.

From what i'm learning day by day on this, that the one reason is the US Mint is having troubles getting the silver blanks, or Planchettes to create the actual ASE, so the Mint passes that down through the bullion dealers.

Bitpad 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure on when the premiums start going up further, but yeah, the ASE's from most of the online bullion dealers have been consistent at around $14-16 over Spot.

I've only been "Stacking" for a year now, so I don't have the historical experience on it.

Bitpad 3 points ago +3 / -0

Usually 10% of my paycheck is going into Silver as a hedge. This is the physical stuff, vs the paper shares in which you have to ask yourself, do you really "own" that metal, if you don't have it in your hands/Safe?

Bitpad 3 points ago +4 / -1

Does this accordingly then, set the precedent that we can now Lie to the FBI and get away with it, because we have More important things to do?

Should Gen. Flynn now use the Sussman defense to say, that he cannot be held liable to "lying" to the FBI because the country has better things to do?

Way to go District of Corruption. The precedent that you set is a dangerous one.

Bitpad 2 points ago +2 / -0

We should ban Assault Media and limit the Assault Media's" 1st amendment because it is not Absolute. Isn't that what they have been saying?

Their words, their use of High Capacity talking and deriding of the populace is putting us in a bad place.

Watch out Whoopie! We are coming for your Right to free speech as your Imposter in chief says that your constitutional amendment is not absolute.

FJB and FWhoopie and her band of Harpies.

Bitpad 17 points ago +17 / -0

Best advice I can give to those who are stuck up here in the liberal hellhole that is Seattle, is to move out of the Metroplex.

Federal Way - Everett is a pretty LIberal strech of I-5 and I've unfortunately spent way too much time in those areas.

IF you can afford to do so, come on down south a bit ( Auburn, Enumclaw, Puyallup and Parts of Tacoma). We are a lot more Conservative in these areas and you'll see the difference right away.

by IAmOne
Bitpad 1 point ago +1 / -0

well her side is OK with Late Term abortion, what if we can just call it a late term abortion.

Bitpad 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been listening to the way Zelensky has been making demands from the global community and wow, how Demanding.

From Demanding that the UN Disband ( which I would love to see), to demanding that western nations give him at least 1% of their GDP in weapons systems, it sure makes me wonder what else is going on over in the Ukraine.

Bitpad 8 points ago +8 / -0

Don't forget having to configure your Trumpet Winsock and all your AT/DT commands.

First computer I ever learned any programming on was an Apple 2e and networking as well. First PC was an 8088 in a middle school Library!

Fun times!! OH.. and Fidonet before email. :D

Bitpad 1 point ago +1 / -0

BINGO!! Middle row!

Bitpad 29 points ago +29 / -0

A lot of us outside of the Metroplex ( Seattle) and Oly, have prepared! I can neither confirm nor deny that I may or may not have loaded up on as much green tip ammo as i may have or may not have obtained!

Bitpad 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't forget to add the bullshit Mexico is trying to play at as well. They have NO leverage and if we had leadership with the balls to show them, then we wouldn't have to worry about the MMP / Remain in mexico policy.

Bitpad 3 points ago +3 / -0

I miss the Old Voat. That place was a goldmine for great info. searchvoat isn't as good, but still has "some" of the old flavor.

by gamepwn
Bitpad 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are welcome:) I'm down in South King, bordering Pierce county and we are very rural / Conservative.

I used to work downtown and in Sodo for Seattle, and now I don't think you could pay me enough to go back to those Tech jobs.

by gamepwn
Bitpad 4 points ago +4 / -0

Move to some of the rural communities for sure. Most of us outside Seattle are way more conservative and are actually appreciative of their Police / Fire/ Hospitals.

Unfortunately we still have the King County Council which while bad, isn't as bad as Seattle's city council.

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