I have conscientiously stopped using the word vaccine. It is the covid shot - it is not the covid vaccine. This is an attempt to reprogram myself and those around me. Nobody calls it the yearly flu vaccine. It is the yearly flu shot. This is a covid shot - it is not a covid vaccine.
Nuclear submarine doesn’t mean it has nukes on board - it means it is powered by nuclear reactor.
Look, men worked in coal mines all their lives knowing it was killing them - for their families. Your immediate family is the most important thing in this world (after God, imho). Do whatever it takes to keep the family together. Whatever it takes. I wish both sides would see the same point - the wife also, but if it comes down to splitting the family, don’t split the family. The nuclear family, which is being attacked, should always be there for you.
I really hope it all works out.
The beauty of their logic is if you take it to its logical conclusion… continue to divide in every single intersectionality possible, you end up with the core of western civilization - which is that we are all uniquely individuals. There are not two people exactly the same in the world.
Whatever group they put you in, you can continue to further subdivide until you are groups of one. We all have liberty as an individual.
I would also be wary of searching the internet specifically for something supporting a preconceived thought - because you will certainly find whatever you are searching for…. The internet is full of confirmation bias.
Where can I do more research on this? Hard to get through the search engines…
I mean, the simple argument from the MSM would be that he is a healthy guy without a bunch of comorbidities… oh wait, they can’t even report that.
If you can pull through as a community without federal aid, it isn’t a news story. Keep on trucking, LA!
Also, Lenin refuses to visit the areas devastated by communism - he only kept himself in the purview of where it benefitted. Biden is keeping his head in the sand. Similarly - ever seen him at the border? No.
Yeah, like Lauren Boebert’s husband, too.
How many lots are there? The yield for pharmaceuticals are tiny and the amount in each jab is even smaller.
One lot can take months to produce.
So how many lots have been manufactured? Has there only been 100 lots created - or 50000? This is a very important piece of data.
I WILL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT. How many many more months can I survive on hopium?
Our country was split (not this bad) after Bush-Gore. Let me tell you - nothing will unite our country like a common enemy. The United States is still a bear - other countries should be careful they may poke us too much.
Our lives are cushy - the military has kept everything off our soil (thanks, honestly). We are exceedingly prosperous. The standard of living is insane. We are asleep at the wheel. That is for sure. We don’t have anything to fight about so we fight about stupid stuff like white priveledge… but we ARE fighting, but not against a common enemy.
I am confident in the people of The United States.
Seems like a convenient excuse, tbh. Admit that they had not much and blame it on some black op.
Downvote me. These PCAPs don’t exist until I see them. Arizona will prove fraud without these ghost PCAPs.
From the people on Twitter in attendance, no PCAPs have been given.
He says Obama sold out to the banks and Trump sold out to big pharma.
He wanted Hillary locked up and will show clips of Trump saying we don’t need to lock up Hillary now that he has won.
He thought trump was for the people, but he is just another sellout who let the power get to him. - his view, not mine.
Very anti-trump.
Can someone shut this guy up? We don’t care about the details of your court case - we care about the PCAPs, the Image, the logs.
The reward is not for anyone. You must be AT the cyber symposium to be eligible.
Right. I was referring to the poster in Moulder’s office.
Most of it except for one hour. In the past, most of the election voter numbers (103% of people voted!) are misrepresentation of the actual voter roles. Some of the StevenCrowder stuff where he goes to real locations is compelling.
Things like that are coming out of Georgia are compelling because they aren’t easily explained away. They use real data.
I want packet data Or I want to see remote login logs Or How does he know real vote counts Or PXE boot data Or An election dominion machine Or Router tables Or Anything that isn’t conjecture and anything I don’t have to trust someone else’s word.
I am actually excited for 7pm.
Not a shill. I’m like Moulder in X-Files. I want to believe.
Have you seen some data which I have not? They are just telling us what we already know in our gut, but I want proof.
I feel like we can’t trust this bc the dataset is missing so many important countries. Germany? France? Spain? If we don’t include all data, I assume the data is cherry picked to drive a narrative.
What if Spain has 75% vax and no spike? Just leave it out to make the data look better.
Data looks incomplete.
Senator Blackburn promised to vote against the certification of votes then voted in favor. When she is on talk radio in TN, people ask her about this and it is all about attack on the democracy bla blah blah. She lied - nothing changed from Jan 5 to Jan 6 to Jan 7 in regards to the certification of votes…. “Insurrection” or not.
I hope she gets primaried bc I will not be voting for her ever again.
Is HCQ as effective as Ivermectin? Lately, I’ve only been seeing ivermectin protocols.
As far as I know, with HCQ, you take 200mg once per week. As soon as you think you have covid, you go 400mg one day then 200mg each day until it has passed.
Is that correct?