BonanzaPilot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Simply, yet perfectly stated.

by sol7
BonanzaPilot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Everybody is talking about him. Look at how many posts were made here today. His manifesto is being passed around everywhere. Seems it got him the attention he wanted. With that said, wow would that hurt and not be the way I’d want to go.

BonanzaPilot 4 points ago +4 / -0

They were coming for him for exposing their bs. I’ve said it in other posts. He’s not unlike us. Tired of the status quo. Knows of the corruption. Knows the two party system is garbage. He’s been a liberal his entire life and was obviously trained capitalism is bad, but he’s on target with some of the stuff in his manifesto. Unfortunate he couldn’t get himself to believe in Q and give himself some hope. He did us a favor by waking up more of the zombies that believe everything on the news. He got the attention he wanted and didn’t hurt anybody. May his manifesto be seen by many.

BonanzaPilot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not Ai. Just old school rambling and copy and past. I’m referring to how the media kept calling Q fake and calling them stupid conspiracy theorists etc. it worked on my relatives. Some of them anyway. But you’re right we don’t really know what they’ve put him though to get him to the point of human bonfiring himself either. I still don’t understand why these people think Bernie was the answer either. You’d think they’d wake up to him eventually.

BonanzaPilot 4 points ago +4 / -0

While I don’t agree with his anti capitalist statements, he was similar to us in his thinking. He just didn’t know what we know or had conditioned himself to not believe it. He was certainly crazy but I had a hard time not believing a lot of what he wrote. He also linked to his proof. If you haven’t read the whole manifesto it’s worth a look. It’s going to awaken a lot of people I hope. Or at least start the process in a lot of the people that have been believing everything they see on tv.

BonanzaPilot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve visited his memorial. I don’t think there’s a single Vietnamese person that hasn’t heard of him. That’s how much attention it gets. You can read this guys writing and know he’s not insane. Was what he did crazy? Yes, but he was practically one of us. He just didn’t know what we know or had been conditioned to not believe it. How many of us would be as fed up with the world as he was if we didn’t have Truth and GA.win to give us hope? May millions see his writing and start the awakening process. RIP sir.

Vietnamese Monk Thích Quảng Đức


BonanzaPilot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seems like a wise decision to me. I’ve watched cars and semis blown completely off the road on the interstate west of Denver. The winds coming over and through the mountains there are no joke. 80-90 mph winds aren’t that uncommon. There’s even permanent signs warning high wind area along the roads.

BonanzaPilot 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the troposphere is extremely dry they dissipate almost immediately. I didn’t fly today so I don’t have a briefing to look at, but that’s my guess.

BonanzaPilot 1 point ago +1 / -0

The contrails form when the air is really cold and the water vapor in our exhaust freezes instantly. Typically it happens above 25k feet but sometimes as low as 20k. If it happens to be warmer up there they are less likely to form unless we’re quite a bit higher 35k+ to take advantage of the wind and thinner atmosphere (less drag=more efficient). It was warmer than usual across much of the country today. Chemtrails(though I think that’s kind of a silly name for them since they disappear quickly in most cases or are vaporized to the point of being practically invisible) exist but they are not being distributed by us at the airlines who are producing those lines high in the atmosphere that you typically see, I assure you. In most cases they are released much lower in the atmosphere to be more effective.

BonanzaPilot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don’t think you’ve been paying any attention if you think he’s not working his butt off. Can you give me an example of what he’s failed at?

BonanzaPilot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was watching him live on his Twitter account. It’s not like he was difficult to identify. It’s all so fishy.

BonanzaPilot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Id have to start watching TV again! 😂

BonanzaPilot 13 points ago +13 / -0

If they Are willing to do that, let’s trade them for the celebrities or lying scientists/healthcare/pharma folk. It can be an earn your citizenship program. Once you’ve proven to be a decent tradesman you get to pick from a list of celebrities or low grade American citizens that will be deported in your place. Criminals still not welcome of course.

BonanzaPilot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m not surprised. You’ve got to wake up eventually when the fire is igniting your sheets.

BonanzaPilot 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is not Trumps plane. That appears to be a 747 and not a 757 like Trump has. As mentioned above it looks like a video game or cgi too. I see no indication it’s Trumps plane and unlikely AF1 by the dark coloring. My guess is it’s all fake.

BonanzaPilot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who wrote the script originally and where can I find it?

BonanzaPilot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I’m banned in about twenty or thirty subs. I like to ruffle some feathers. That and they are so sensitive and stupid they absolutely lack the ability to respond intelligently so they just block you so they don’t have to have their feelings hurt.

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