Bonnieric 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. But, she does seem like the type to give up her superiors to save herself. Maybe we will get lucky and see this.

Bonnieric 6 points ago +7 / -1

Where can we verify this. I would like to see the offers in writing from many sources.

Bonnieric 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is huge! Thanks for posting. I wonder if it can start to slow the wheels of Blackrock. What do you think is the plan for them? They are the arms of the octopus.

Bonnieric 8 points ago +8 / -0

We won't need the corrupt CA legislatures to agree to a 2024 election audit. We just need these awakened CA residents to hold recall votes for all those congressmembers who stole their seats.

If they wait and hold the votes until after Newsom agrees to voter ID (in exchange for federal emergency funds from Trump), it should be an easy win for us...especially since illegals are being deported.

We can get a big majority in Congress.

Bonnieric 18 points ago +18 / -0

Now, Trump could do his deal with Newsom (where he gives money to the fire recovery only if CA goes back to voter ID). Then, the citizens need to recall all those congressmembers who didn't actually win their elections. We need to get them out so that we have a bigger majority in the House.

With Homan hauling the illegals out of CA, with the citizens happy with Trump and disillusioned by the democrat lies, and with voter ID in place, CA won't be able to cheat enough during the recall vote.

Bonnieric 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oops. Missed it.

Bonnieric 1 point ago +1 / -0

We won't need the corrupt CA legislatures to agree to a 2024 election audit. We just need these awakened CA residents to hold recall votes for all those congressmembers who stole their seats.

If they wait and hold the votes until after Newsom agrees to voter ID (in exchange for federal emergency funds from Trump), it should be an easy win for us...especially since illegals are being deported.

We can get a big majority in Congress.

Bonnieric 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now, Trump could do his deal with Newsom (where he gives money to the fire recovery only if CA goes back to voter ID). Then, the citizens need to recall all those congressmembers who didn't actually win their elections. We need to get them out so that we have a bigger majority in the House.

With Homan hauling the illegals out of CA, with the citizens happy with Trump and disillusioned by the democrat lies, and with voter ID in place, CA won't be able to cheat enough during the recall vote.

Bonnieric 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe if funding was cut off, they would self deport.

The humane thing would be to have big deportation centers where they can come and receive food and safe harbor while they are waiting for their planes.

Bonnieric 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am going to call my senators and ask them to bring this up during the confirmation hearings...and also explain how no documents of credentials were required to sign the letter. Many of those 17,000 names could be fake.

Bonnieric 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was hoping this article would also say that Newsom agrees to Trump's demands for voter ID and access to water. Soon. 👍

Bonnieric 2 points ago +2 / -0

I couldn't find any thread here that describes how the 2024 election steal was prevented. I heard mail trucks coming in past the deadline in 3 counties were turned away. What else happened? Lawfare? Please do drop a link, of you have one handy. Thanks.

Bonnieric 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was also wondering if the people losing their security detail have been arrested already.

Bonnieric 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need to reverse Obama's propaganda law. Sue the media like crazy every time they lie. Influence them to report truth. Maybe these people can be reverse-brainwashed.

Bonnieric 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love the part at timestamp 39:50 when he told the CEO of Bank of America that not doing business with conservatives is wrong. He was brutally honest with him. Excellent!

He also gives the world perspective about the Ukraine war. He brings the compassion back into the conversation as he paints a picture for us of the immense death and loss. That point of view needed to be expressed to contrast all the neocons' lies.

Bonnieric 2 points ago +2 / -0

His speech gives the world perspective about the Ukraine war. He brings the compassion back into the conversation as he paints a picture for us of the immense death and loss. That point of view needed to be expressed to contrast all the neocons' lies.

Bonnieric 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love the part at timestamp 39:50 when he told the CEO of Bank of America that not doing business with conservatives is wrong. He was brutally honest with him. Excellent.

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