The constitution was suspended legally on Jan 6 2020 when Trump was handed proof of foreign election interference and flew to Texas to the national command center. Everything since then has been theater.
This latest fuckup with the supposed SecDef disappearing for 3 days is just the latest proof that an alternative command structure is in place.
No one told the WH cause the WH doesn’t have the nuclear football. The SecDef was appointed by a foreign agent, so he is also out of the chain. Hence no one giving a shit that he almost died in surgery. The iron clad strategic weapons command procedures were not executed by the military. It’s not like SecDef himself calls the White House to say he has surgery. There is a command structure. There is paperwork. Forms to fill out. There is a process. That process wasn’t ignored by mistake. That would end careers. It was not executed because it’s not applicable.
This SecDef thing is one of the biggest public proofs of devolution we have had to date.
There was no urgency to keep the continuity of government chain intact because it’s already been shifted into devolution. It didn’t matter if Secdef disappeared, he was appointed by a Chinese and Ukrainian asset.
Future proves past. This is why patriots are in control was dropped.
They have no backup plan. This is what they are reduced to. Bringing on some old cunt who got voted out by 40%. All they can do is pretend it’s 2002 and nothing has changed and the Bush/Cheney establishment is still being presented as conservative.
God bless Trump for exposing all these fucks pretending to be conservatives.
If their flow of US dollars was cut off, would anyone tell us? No one said shit when Prince Al-Talaweed had all his money taken and his ownership of Twitter shares stripped. Legacy media even tried to quote him as opposing the Musk takeover and had to quietly add he was the “former” major shareholder.
So who gives a fuck what a former major shareholder thinks?
We are not being told what is happening. How the fuck is the UN running out of money? They have had free access to dollars for decades.
This is a victory for the ghost in the machine. And no one is ever going to admit that, hence this stupid fucking excuse about gas prices. Who would believe that?
This is how it is for ALL of the treasonous sources of legacy media. When you see some sound bite of some dipshit legacy media reporter calling Trump a fascist, you have to remind yourself, no one saw them do it.
The media companies obviously aren’t going to draw attention to their own abysmal viewer numbers. They can’t come out say, no one trusts us anymore and we are only getting 300k viewers at prime time. They just continue on like everything is normal. Like it’s the 90s.
They don’t have a backup plan. They never thought that there would an awakening. They won’t change no matter how low their numbers get. They aren’t there to make money. Legacy media doesn’t exist to be a profit center. They are all owned by billionaires or mega corps. Legacy media exists solely to be a propaganda factory for the deep state and billionaire class.
Don’t become black pilled by the behavior of legacy media. They are NEVER going to change. Just remind yourself that no matter what they say, they are saying it to an empty room. Patriots posting clips of those retards are getting more views than the media sources themselves.
They are dinosaurs ran by rich old boomers who have no clue how the current world operates. Irrelevant. An artifact of a control system that has failed.
It’s a proof. A big one. Just one of the thousand red flares that has been shot into the public sphere and only a small fraction notice.
It should actually be literally impossible for the WH not to know the SecDef damn near died in surgery and was in the ICU. For 3-4 days they had no idea? That simply isn’t how the system operates. It should not be possible for that to happen. It’s not an oversight or a mistake. That can’t happen that way.
Whatever mechanism is in place in the government caused this to happen. This was the result of intentional actions somewhere. This is the strategic weapons side of the military. There are too many procedures and failsafe in place for the SecDef to mistakenly disappear. Proper procedure would have been to designate a temporary replacement for the surgery, not even getting into the complications and 4 days disappearing act.
It just can’t be a mistake or oversight. It’s a proof that the normal COG has shifted to some unseen apparatus.
In a normal administration, this is a huge fucking deal. Why? Because of continuity of government. In case of some catastrophe, everyone needs to know where everyone else is. You need a correct chain of decision makers, and this has to be fast. It doesn’t take very long for a sub launched ICBM to hit the US. What if half of DC has its power cut and at the same exact time an ICBM is launched? You can’t be fucking around, trying to figure out who to call. They need to know who is where and if they are available or not. This needs to be accurate and updated 24/7.
So how could this have happened? The truth is, it didn’t. The catastrophe has already happened. Whatever modified COG that Trump and team built already executed when the election was stolen. It doesn’t matter if the SecDef is missing. He’s window dressing anyway. And he likely doesn’t even know it. He goes to the meetings, gives orders, shakes hands. But he’s not in control anymore. Neither is Biden.
This almost says more about the WH than it does about SecDef.
Dudes gonna come out with a fucking boot on his leg.
When I write my book telling the fucking normies they missed out on the saving of the republic because CNN told them it was a conspiracy theory I will give all of you a 50% discount.
Lol damn nice catch. Yes Q is said to the operations department of the NSA. The ones who reach and touch people.
This is what most normies don’t get or refuse to believe. They simply don’t understand the legal precedent already set by Lincoln and other instances.
You tell them it’s possible that Trump is a shadow president in exile, and they call you crazy. “He can’t do that!”
Yes. He can. He can do anything. He has had the ability since 2018 when a national emergency was declared for foreign election interference. The problem is normalcy bias. Our entire lives we have had fake presidents and fake politicians and fake media declaring emergency this or emergency that, and nothing happens. If something has never happened, people just refuse to believe it CAN happen. Even if you show them the proof that it is legally and technically possible, they refuse to believe it. This then also prevents them from rationally observing the world around them, and recognizing shit that doesn’t add up.
The truth is simple. If trump was handed proof that foreign nations succeeded in altering election results, he has the legal authority to flush the constitution and all prior process down the toilet. He is legally granted absolute power in times of national emergency to do whatever is required to save the republic. Especially if a weapon of mass destruction was used. And it was. Many of these devolution plans are based on nuclear war.
Covid is a huge piece of the plot. People already forget it. There is a reason the cia and media were so desperate to deny it came from Wuhan. Because it’s a weapon of mass destruction, and if the US was attacked with it, it opens the door to all sorts of possibilities. It was, and we were.
Hopefully one day we get to learn how all of this went down behind the scenes. Probably not. The show isn’t for us. It’s for normies. Maintain the illusion of normalcy even when the opposite is true.
Less than a year now. NCSWIC.
Within the drops themselves, they refer to themselves only as Q or Q group. Anon would be a reader.Q is Q. The media mixes them up on purpose to equate Q with anything and everything that anons post or say.
This has been floating around for awhile, some of you have likely seen it. It’s good ammunition to red pill people with. They had no problem admitting Q was real when they were hunting Snowden. A decade later and Q is hunting pedophiles and politicians and the media gets amnesia about it.
This is why they are so scared and desperate. The media, the politicians, they know Q is real. This is why MSNBC is crying about treason charges if Trump wins. They all know in their hearts that Q is real, they are seeing Q drops come to life over and over, and they know what’s coming. But they can’t tell us that. They are stuck.
NCSWIC, and they know it.
The worse it gets, the more I smile. The plan makes much more sense now, than it did in 2020. It’s pure genius. It’s so obvious now what they are doing to prepare the public for the storm to come.
We only see what they want us to see. From the outside, it appears as if Trump just keeps getting lucky. He has been since Russiagate in 2016. Every single thing they try fails for one reason or another. We don’t see the ghost in the machine, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.
Everything else will fail. All of these indictments, ballot removal, court cases, none of it it’s going to work. And we won’t see the hand that is ensuring victory. It appears normal, as if these things fail on their own.
There is more to come. More absurd desperate attempts to stop him. All will fail. You are right it is a show. It’s a giant red pill dispensing operation meant to prep the normies for the magnitude of change that is needed to save the country in 2024.
NCSWIC and the deep state knows it. Less than a year to go now. Finish line is in view.
This is how out of touch these globalist retards are. They actually think that this is an insult. That our secdef would be loyal to America and the commander in chief.
Instead of what? NATO? The WEF?
The treason is so imbedded in them that they have no shame proclaiming loyalty to America is a bad thing. They only view loyalty to the new world order as loyalty at all.
This started with Bush 1 and his new world order speech. And now it’s ending with power being handed back to the people.
God I hope their trials are televised. The public needs revenge on these fucks.
We have no idea what is really going on. All we see is what they want us to see. We are seeing a narrative being created that portrays Trump as the victim and exposing how bad the corruption is.
I suspect the truth is far different. This picture is a tiny window into what is actually happening at the highest levels of power. The Bush dynasty at its own funeral, crying and horrified. A coffin with its patriarch draped in the wrinkled flag of a traitor.
Trump wins 2024 in a landslide, and the entire trajectory of the nation is going to change overnight. The storm is coming as soon as the world sees the victory.
It’s useless without the algorithm. It’s not just mail in ballots. The ballots are needed to cover the fake numbers generated by the algorithm.
Without the algorithm Trump takes the lead immediately in almost every state and establishes a lead that cannot beaten. Biden got “80 million” by siphoning off red votes and converting them to blue in a set algorithm.
What happens when Trump has 100 million and Biden has 30 million? It’s simply impossible to cheese the election without the paper ballots AND the algorithm. They function together.
It’s going the most lopsided election in our lifetime. And they are doing it this way for a reason. To establish that Trump has a mandate to kick off the storm on day 1 of the presidency.
Just wait until they see the storm tweet and the military is deployed to the border. Wait until it dawns on them that Q was real.
2024-2026 is going to be a sight to behold.
Doesn’t matter. We are seeing what we are supposed to see. Painting a picture. A movie. The crowd needs to be warmed up for the apocalypse that is going to start when Trump wins in a landslide.
Not when a National Emergency was declared in 2018 in relation to foreign election interference. And that National Emergency has been extended every year and remains in effect.
There is a reason Trump capitalizes Election Interference in all of his tweets, he is drawing attention to the national emergency.
We are only seeing what they want us to see. To make Trump appear the victim and show the people how deep the swamp really is.
It’s all gonna work out. The worse it gets the more people that are red pilled, and the more support he will have when all of our phones start beeping because the national emergency goes public.
I think it’s going to appear to be an absolutely normal election, the algorithm doesn’t work, and Trump wins in an undeniable landslide. Either that night, or the next morning, he kicks off a dozen different national emergencies and public knowledge begins.
It’s gotta be that way for optics. The truth has to be undeniable that he just blew the doors off Biden and has an unmistakable mandate from the people.
In the coming year, they will try increasingly more unhinged things to prevent him from running, and all will fail. Just like every single thing that has happened so far. He is batting 1000 after how many years of bullshit from the deep state? They are not in control, it just appears that way. If they were, they would have gotten him 3 tries ago.
They aren’t gonna allow 2016 to happen again. He’s gonna win in a landslide, and immediately go on the offensive that we have all been waiting for. 6 year plan. We have been prepared.
My bet is that election night, or the next day, the storm is finally publicly unleashed. As soon as it’s becomes obvious to the world that he won election in a fucking landslide.
The problem is once these tyrants expose themselves, how can you ever trust them again?
We see this a lot. People who went full nazi during covid, backpedaling and asking for forgiveness.
Tests of humanity and courage are not announced. They just happen. These people failed that test. There is no do over. When times were tough, and the authorities exerted their pressure, people failed that test. They turned on their own family and community, and they did it from a position of moral high ground. That is the greatest insult.
Covid was the great exposer. It allowed those people around us harboring inner evil and cowardice to step out into the open. Now we know who these people really are. And we know they cannot ever be trusted again.
If you really wanna get esoteric about it, Trump was already incapacitated when the election was stolen. At that point, the power already shifted. To prevent the handover of nuclear weapons to a foreign installed agent, continuity of government had to be executed. My guess is that it kicked off the evening of Jan 6 when he flew AF1 to the national command center in Texas, then to NORAD, and then to Offut AFB.
History is going to judge him kindly. If he willingly handed over the nuclear football after being told there was proof foreign actors altered the election, he would have been just as guilty of treason as anyone else. The highest treason.
That great man has put himself through the some of the worst treatment of any politician in our history, in order to obey the constitution and protect the republic.
He will be vindicated.
It’s BS.
It purports to be clearly shot video of 3 balls surrounding a jet in flight and then the jet disappears.
The issue is that the camera is tracking the jet closely for a very long time. Why? Are we supposed to believe someone knew MH370 was going to be disappeared by aliens? So they got some extremely capable drone to video the jet in flir? And then whoever did that leaked the video?
It’s not like someone accidentally captured the video. Its video zoomed in from above and the side, from like a drone, that follows the jet forever.
There is no explanation why the jet was being filmed. Go look at ADBS and see how many jets are up at any given moment. What are the odds that someone with an extremely advanced drone would be filming that jet at that time and then catch it being kidnapped by aliens?
The only possible explanation would be that some government knew when and where it was gonna happen, filmed it, and then released the film. Which defeats the whole purpose of the entire thing anyway.