Truth is our ultimate weapon, so leave him be. If he doesn't have RINO brainwashing the truth will set him straight.
Throughout history, people have been riddled with holes for just a CHANCE at saving someone.
I know I'm not in his shoes, but compared to how many he DID save his sacrifice is small.
Of course, once the silent war is one his sentence is pardoned. Perhaps even an honourous award/monument?
Not just a coincedence that theyre the same school and same admin.
I smell a Manchurian Nursery!
Is ashlan and "heat" some inside joke like 12 people understand?
Hostile police have been the main frontline deepstate grunts from the beginning.
The "I didn't kill myself" defence.
An info-war maneuver
Q told us some of the deepest and darkest intel. Absorbing that insane intel is pretty much what defines someone as an anon.
Not awake, anyone can become awake. (Though that 4-6% stat is another deep-ass intel). But making a hardcore anon like us takes digestion of the TOP secret "16 year plan".
I doubt she/anyone cares but here's an infowar tip: Don't dox allies, Don't connect their anon to their person.
Now text-scrubbing AI can register: anon A = father to anon B. A million more connections like that and we'll get mapped out just as hard as ANTIFA was!
I'll get pissed at my dad if he did that with me.
Yep, don't have to be religous to be awake.
Personally I don't understand how people can be awake , BUT then also religious.
This is some "wait and see" shit. Blasting to ideas is what the Russians want the Ukranians to do.
Of course, we only have public intel. So we should just wait and see.
An atmospheric collapse happens at the speed of sound in air.
A collapse in waterhappens at the speed of sound in water. Which is like 20× faster.
Theres a depth where the speed caps at that. Deeper and its just the force/pressure of the crushing increasing
Why is there so much hydrocarbons in the air of a submarine? Do submarines have as much hazordous vapor as the inside of a diesel piston? No, you'd at minimum get very sick being inside somthing like that. The extreme pressure of the water would overpower whatever pitiful explosion the dilute vapors could generate. And to flash vaporize someone takes multiple thousands of degrees (think hiroshima)
Death would be instant, yes. But I beleive it'd be a death by crushing.
Machine scum says what we want to hear
Hmm... What branch of the Military controls satellite communications?
This is a US Military program.
We don't know how many people are behind the Q Predictions / Timelines (Its more of a timeline with how accurate its being😂).
If its one thing doing the thinking, well yea it better be the hyper quantum gigacomputer. But if its the US Military with HIGH commitment (The singular public facing operation of the 5thGen war), then it could be however many people.
I think with enough people you can mimic how a cryptic AI would behave.
Why would they burn such a mystery/hightech weapon on stopping a T.Rally?
Ateast 100 rallies have happened so far, why use such a secret weapon in such a brazen manner for such a pitiful prize?
Especially when they had that chernobyl of a CNN townhall. They let that run for 70 mins (waay too long), but then have more infowar exposure by coordinating this attack.
Q was right, these people ARE stupid!
They ALL know they're ugly, their whole behavior centers around that!
The grass is VERY green over on that side!
Extremely tall order.
The people who are able to make a months worth of purchases today are NOT the ones forced to bend to the systems whims.
Though, I very much agree with never having your money in banks
Its propaganda.
Its "We're going to be very very very sure that its russia!".
Dogs are autonomous.
Guns arent.
"Guns dont kill people, people kill people" doesn't apply here.
The actual device is called a "Joywire". And yes they're VERY addictive.
Isnt that a good thing for the deepstate though? They only need to meatgrind like 25% then the country just becomes a petting zoo?
When will we learn that we've ALWAYS been living in a prison.
This one will just have the walls now. And the GARBAGE optics👍!
You'd be shitting on your legacy by STAYING.