Brent75 2 points ago +2 / -0

😂😂😂😂😂 That’s because that slut loves to “Hauk-Tuah and jus spit on that thang!”

Brent75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed! I hope he has great security and they can keep him safe too! We need more leaders like him, Putin, the lady from Italy, and Trump that don’t take sh1t from these Cabal bastards.

Brent75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Correct. Not letting humanity read all the books all this time was for nothing more than man’s control and power over other people. God nor Christ ever intended for their words to be misconstrued or hidden for a greedy human agenda.

Brent75 3 points ago +4 / -1

Go onto Duck Duck Go, and enter the pieces I stated. You’ll get plenty of articles to dive into Anon about the editing and books removed from the original Bible and the many many arguments of why. Though it was really to control the religious narrative of Creation, the Angels, and being Saved. Look up the Ge’ez Bible, the oldest complete Bible known. And read why it has 22 or 26 more books than the King James and it’s 800 years older. Including the Books of Enoch. You should probably dive into Billy Carson’s info on the Sumerian Tablets if you get this far. Because you’ll begin to realize the “Creation Story” is also larger than what they taught you in Sunday School.

Brent75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Christ is not Trump specifically. But picked by Christ, certainly. He is our David, chosen by God to take down Goliath.

Brent75 14 points ago +14 / -0

You’re welcome. Anytime someone attempts to say that the scriptures or Bible has never been edited, I will always chime in. Since the facts are easy to find from simple research, and learning what your church taught you about both Testaments Is Not the complete story.

Brent75 0 points ago +5 / -5

Well said Anon! I love that you brought up just the idea of what Q posted and then the Book of Q. Not that I know anything or have theorized on this 2 years ago (my theory linked), but:

How did Q, the one posting, manage to get 6-8 years of PERFECT future events down to the date, person, or events so long ago? How? That is possibly the real priceless Biblical question of this millennium. 😉


Brent75 17 points ago +19 / -2

Look up the 1st and 2nd Councils of Nicaea please. There you will factually find the groups beyond Constantine that did edit and remove at least 20+ books from the original more complete Ge’ez and/or the Coptic Bible that would later become the King James version. Even the King James was also edited further at its making. Even the NIV has been heavily edited and “possibly” from “some” original meaning and formats due to simple linguistic changes and copying across time.

And most of the book removals and edits were done purely for linguistic changes, copy narration, and worst of all, religious agenda and control by the Roman Church/Vatican.

Brent75 2 points ago +2 / -0

No way! “Tonight” off his first album is his best song ever. Though I like Safe + Sound, and then really all of his music haha! 😁

Brent75 3 points ago +4 / -1

I’m 49 my fren. DJ Quick was and is still my favorite rap artist next to Ice Cube, and Dr. Dre. Or basically the whole OG NWA Crew as I like Easy-E too haha. Though rap is not my 1st or 2nd favorite music but my 3rd. My first is House/Electronic, then hard rock like AC/DC and the 80s hair bands 😂😂, and then rap and R&B.

Brent75 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep, I have nothing nice to say about this, besides our Constitution allows them to, even though they want to shred it. Otherwise it’s just a bunch of ignorant ANTIFA, and Socialist idiots.

Brent75 11 points ago +11 / -0

WTF!! Really?! You think an instrument of death needs your signature on it, like anyone will care or read it after it’s fired?! These people are just sick!

I know I know, troops tend to sometimes put art on these to give the finger to the enemy! But these Jack-holes? Just sick and stupid.

Brent75 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yes some rap including some gangster rap is ridiculous. But some of the late 80s early 90s stuff isn’t. It was a way to message about poverty caused by the government reliance, and the criminal nature that arose to survive the encroaching drug cartels that would drive the ghetto’s further into hell. Ice Cube’s America’s Most Wanted, some of Too Short, Easy-E, Pooh Man, and Mac Dre’s early stuff all follows roughly the same message about government pushed reliance and poverty, and the connected crime. Movies like New Jack City, Boyz in the Hood, Blood In Blood Out: Bound By Honor, Mi Vida Loca, and the best Menace II Society do pretty well to stay with these sad and destructive themes, without over-romancing the so called positives or glamour of being Gangsta.

But yes you are right, everything else is hype, money and women, and fake hood rats “rollin on Dubs in my Escalade” type BS.

Brent75 [M] 13 points ago +13 / -0

Sticky! Yep I’m all ready to hook up a Japan Bullet Train to the Trump Train and get GITMO and the deportations flying by fast! Let’s goooo!

Brent75 16 points ago +16 / -0

So let me get this straight: Here is a non-doctor of any kind, college drop-out, that bought DOS to operate his company Microsoft’s created computer operating system, Windows; is now not only a computer guy, but a farmer, and now a pharmacist of “more powerful” vitamins to give to people that possibly don’t have any or much access to research what they’re being “encouraged” to take?!?!

And to add, coming from one of thee WEF guys that has clearly been on video, supporting all levels of abortion and desiring to Depopulate The World!!

Thank you Dexter Gates!! 🤬🤬

Brent75 1 point ago +2 / -1

It’s difficult to figure out how, from all this coming out, will “the military is the only way” transpire, when it appears the top Command defied Trump.

So is the current Command going to see all this and decide a Coup was done, and turn things around suddenly? Or are the same like-minded traitors in charge and will shrug their shoulders and move along as if the Constitution means nothing?

I mean if Trump was not who he is, the military is long in violation of their oath to defend the Constitution and We The People from “Domestic” adversaries. But when does the military per the Law of War and current evidence turn to even Trump and finally say enough is enough?

Yep I’m just having a frustrated morning/ almost moon time I guess, with the more info coming out, even though we already knew it was going to. It’s just jarring to the mind haha!

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