I know and people already teased me before. But i kind of like that word and ill keep use it:D
Children of fire!
True, but I think Napoleon famous quote on history is more accurate!
I doubt there will even be an election, we will see! It don't make much sense, unless of-course intelligence sources got an idea on organized fraud again.
Then more wasp will be deployed i guess!
To be fair porn-hub also played a crucial role in the 2020 election. Just ask CNN!
We don't! And this is the entire point!
Been death for many years!
Smartmatic is a MI5 and CIA front, used with great success to overturn election all over the world.
None shall sleep!
No, if you control every important system you can engineer all current and future events.
Yes! about time!
We can only hope!
Khazarian fake Jew!
I think its fluoride poisoning. it literally dumb people down.
nicely done!
And yes people will wake up it just takes a lot longer then i ever could imagine!
You are assuming FBI analyst are smart?
Actually depends on context but in this case its sure is!
I think it was Brilliant to slowly detail some of the 2020 election fraud. I didn't actually though someone had written a book with more details of the 2020 election: The Parallel Election.
Locating it now!