The plan was for Haley to slide into the candidacy following a successful...operation. I don't know how the rest of you perceived it, but opening night of the RNC felt like like this:
The event made schedules and plans for Trump, but some points seemed lackluster in execution, except for Trump's entrance of course. This leads me to believe there was a large swathe of individuals who were unprepared for the failed assassination attempt.
MSNBC's short interview with Don Jr. seemed like they had other talking points prepared, but had to scrap and improvise. Therefore, the guy asking questions resorted to passive-aggressive worn out topics.
All of the MSM decided to revert to an angry tone, and not necessarily towards the actual violence that occurred on July 13th. The mood in the media talking heads is more than just a pretense of sadness and melancholy; it's disappointment.
The phrase, "Political Violence", has now become a way to dampen the facts of the situation. This was an act of desperation, cowardice, and premeditated treachery that the DS has enacted over and over through history. These Philistines and vipers lost, and they had no plan B.
Dude, they must not have been able to revive this corpse troglodyte like they did last time. Byden looks and sounds AWFUL! I don't know if they picked the wrong clone or what, but damn.
No one in that press pool is willing to, quite possibly, lose their life just to ask that question.
Need the Oklahoma senate to do the same
Good to know. Thanks
I hate that voice that people like her make. It's the same voice the teacher uses when you go to a parent/teacher conference. Absolutely demeaning and disrespectful of the fact that you're talking to a fucking adult!
Just curious as to the "dosage" you use for the paste. I currently have a few tubes from the local feed store, and I'd like to know for myself and children.
Matthew 24 Isaiah 17 Ezekiel 38
Could we get a math nerd who knows something about cargo and aerodynamics to calculate how much fucking gold this could be. What. The. Fuck.
The stand-in's face looked really weird in this recent video.
Disagree. Example:
Nancy Pelosi next to a smaller version of herself will never be cute. Quite the opposite.
The same story with slight differences was given for Damar Hamlin ( "has a pulse" ). The whole thing is fishy af. Like I said in another reply, I'm not trying to sound crazy, but give me a good reason why the NFL wouldn't just lie. How would any of us know what happened in that ambulance? I'm sorry, but I can't just take what these talking heads tell us as absolute.
I saw that, but much like with the Damar Hamlin incident, there was some oddities about the situation. One being that the ambulance didn't just take off to the hospital right away after loading him up. They spent quite a bit of time bringing down family which could have been spent at the hospital. I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but the situation was weird. I remember watching and wondering why they didn't just take off immediately. I understand completely after looking him up that he has apparently been tweeting and is in decent health, but it still makes me question the reasoning behind waiting to leave for the hospital. I'm not trying to go deep into some witch hunt about whether or not he is actually ok, but how would any of us know for sure? The NFL is as corrupt as any other form of modern entertainment. Just accepting what commentary or a news feed gives me is absurd.
I had remembered while seeing the Damar Hamlin news come out that another player had collapsed on the field during a game. My wife and I were discussing how the situation was very similar to this current one. What didn't make any sense was that everyone had seemed to not know or had forgotten that Saivion Smith of the Detroit Lions also was unresponsive. He had a similar incident where the ambulance came on the field, took way more time that should be had taking him off the field, and had called his family down to the ambulance.
Astronauts are pawns just like anyone else with high visibility. They are chosen for their ability to echo ideas from a pool of talented individuals. Just because Kevin Spacey is a talented actor doesn't make his opinions or actions acceptable.
"Congratulations! You've been promoted to customer!"
I'm not saying I know anything about the validity of the claims, but I have seen from several different sources that McDonald's utilizes human flesh in their food products. Add this to the mysterious "hot dogs and pizza" parties that Obama was having, the theories become even more wild. Once again, I have no real confirmation that these are legitimate claims or not. I will say that, ever since the first time I came across this theory, I made sure never to feed myself (nor my children for that matter) the trash they serve at McDonald's. It seemed like a good idea anyway, even without the theory.
Wikipedia is nothing more than carefully curated revisionist propaganda
The "Critical Reception" details an oddly familiar outrage of celebrity and media personalities that we see today in reference to conservative indictment of communist or socialist attributes.
Same. "Cannot retrieve Tweets at this time. Please try again later"
Thank you! I supplement nascent iodine everyday.
How would one de-calcify their pineal gland? Serious question.
My skepticism and distrust for the system leads me to wonder if they subliminally flash ivermectin into the queen's recovery on purpose. The possibility of her being dead already would be useful to falsely indicate ivermectin, "greatly reduced her ability to fight covid". Just saying.
Today I learned that "Forensic Arborist" is not only a thing, but a respectable profession.