CHAOS_ACTUAL 2 points ago +2 / -0

"To every man upon this earth
... Death cometh soon or late,
And how can man die better
... Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
... And the temples of his gods."

p. 30, XXVII, lines 220-225.

by Thomas Babington MaCaulay
ISBN 978-1449574116

CHAOS_ACTUAL 5 points ago +5 / -0

Two recent posts.

In the two GAW posts at the end of this comment are transcripts, discussion and analysis of a video posted (not retruthed) by @realDonaldTrump on Truth Social on 11/02/22.

Since https://qaggregator.news/ went offline (without explanation to date) the links in the posts to the @realDonaldTrump truth are broken/nonfunctional at this time.

However, the video that DJT posted was an edited version of a video which can be found on RUMBLE (with other videos) at https://rumble.com/user/OMEGALULL

The video is chilling, images of Kennedy family, then JFK assassination, the funeral, and then iconic images of DJT presidency.

If any anon with an account on Truth Social can go to this @realDonaldTrump truth post from 11/02/22 and post a link below, then readers can view both the edited version DJT posted and the Rumble / OMEGALULL account with the original version of this video.

Production style of the video originally titled THE STARTER, THE FINISHER, AND THE GUARDIANS on Rumble is very similar to the style of the GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE, originally posted the 4th Psyop Group on their Youtube site, but went viral when posted on twitter, and then widely circulated among anons on Q related platforms.



4th PSYOP Group / Youtube






The significance of the version posted by @realDonaldTrump cannot be overstated.

The version @realDonaldTrump truthed on Truth Social on 11/02/22 contained the following additiona graphics, one set in the beginning and one set at the end.

At the beginning of the @realDonaldTrump edited version:


.....PRESENTS..........................by @ItalyQanons

and these graphics at the end of the video:


See these links for discussion and analysis.

First GAW post made on the day the video was posted on Truth Social, initial impressions and transcript of how the featured song, Eye Of The Tiger, was adapted from the original song in the video.


In a follow up update to first post above, (qagg links broken so important information from off of Truth Social / Dan Scavino truth posts does not link at this time) links the Trump video drop with the Majic Eyes Qnly Law of War / Series 7 - The Storm drop that had just dropped on 30 October 2022, four days prior to the video drop by DJT. This is a very deep rabbit hole, and you do not really need to go down it to appreciate the Trump edited video.


Again, any anon with a Truth Social account that can locate and link to the @realDonaldTrump 11/02/22 truth with this video would provide full context for GAW readers to view and evaluate the two versions of the video for themselves.

Thanks in advance.

CHAOS_ACTUAL 9 points ago +9 / -0

From the transcript above...

Mike Lindell:

"We don't like that every vote in the United States goes to one place in New Jersey, through Edison Research."

Meet Edison Research...

Since 2004, The National Election Pool (NEP) and Edison Research have conducted the only national exit polls in the United States. The NEP is the source for projections and analysis for every midterm election, presidential primary, and presidential election. Our 2022 general election coverage included Election Day exit polls at voting locations around the country, weeks of in-person exit polls at early voting locations, and multi-mode (phone and web) RBS surveys of by-mail voters.


And if you are interested, the family tree...


Also from the post text in link above

National Election Pool

In the 2004 presidential election, the news organizations that had comprised the membership of the Voter News Service set up a new organization called National Election Pool, utilizing consultants Edison/Mitofsky for exit polling and Associated Press for official returns. However, the NEP had controversies of its own for 2004 when it released exit polling data early that was significantly different from the final results.


As of 2017, member companies were ABC News, CBS News, CNN, and NBC News; Fox News and the Associated Press formerly were part of the Pool, but left in 2017 due to plans to conduct their own exit polls and other experimental alternatives to gauge voter sentiment.[3] The pool contracts with Edison Research to conduct the exit polling and to perform vote tabulations.


This is an interesting little tidbit from the above copy/paste:

Fox News and the Associated Press formerly were part of the Pool, but left in 2017 due to plans to conduct their own exit polls and other experimental alternatives to gauge voter sentiment.

Spidey sense tingle...

Noun - Spidey-sense (plural Spidey-senses)

An intuitive feeling, usually of something being dangerous or risky; (more generally) instinct, intuition.


CHAOS_ACTUAL 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Wonder why there would be a focus on just reaching to the US audience first before going global?"

Language: English
Culture: American (U.S.)
History and current events: U.S. centric (why I link to so many wiki articles, etc)

Beta testing in the U.S. before going international...

CHAOS_ACTUAL 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Although, still seems like a route doomed to failure because the judicial system is immensely incompetent and/or corrupt."

The aim is not to win in court...

Game Theory 101, Rule 1...

"Never play a strategy dominated game."


The aim is to pull the whole thing down...


CHAOS_ACTUAL 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have some more important updates coming up on what's happening in courts re Dominion v Lindell and Montgomery v eTreppid Technologies. Will link to your u/simon_says so you do not miss them.

Some thoughts for you and u/MagaDeburger

Q linked to the https://2009-2017.state.gov/documents/organization/119629.pdf in https://qalerts.app/?q=3882+ . Extensive study of this counterinsurgency guide at the time radically informed my comprehension of just what the Q PsyOp is about (it is both an offensive and defensive operation affecting and effecting (verbal usage) how and what fundamental alterations in the individual and collective identities (personal and national) are required to achieve the psychological, cultural, and social conditioning necessary to achieve the end goal of lasting transformational "sea change" in our individual and collective consciousness. (What a mouthful!). Jon Herold / Patel Patriot's Devolution Series dovetailed nicely to COIN Guide as far as how a COG / Continuity of Government / operation has been clandestinely and covertly executed.

https://burningbright.substack.com/p/devolution-for-dummies (readers digest)

https://www.devolution.link/ (magnum opus)

This is where NFD use to post the Ricky Jay video


The point... one of the verticals I track is the legal vertical. Lawfare is the tool of the adversary (The Puppet Masters - read the book again if you have not already... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Puppet_Masters for a kind of metaphorical allegory that provides a conceptually simple story I have used as a kind of introductory parable that not a small number of friends have found useful in the exercise of suspending disbelief long enough to expand their thinking and breakdown the understandable bias of not wanting to expose themselves to the Q path of deconstruction of concepts of Puppet Masters and The Deep State.

Back on point... the Lawfare vertical. Deep State uses it to attack and beat down any opposition or resistance, to uneven the playing field, and to censor through fear of personal and financial ruin public discussion, let alone debate, of Deep State existence and how it operates.

What I have come to perceive in reading the court filings (the ones available online) is that the counter to Deep State Lawfare has become operationally asymmetric in that there appears to be converging patterns (just as the counter narratives to those propagated in the Mockingbird Mainstream Media) in individual cases (Kari Lake v Hobbs, Dominion v. Lindell, Missouri and Louisiana v Biden, Coomer v. Lindell, Montgomery v eTreppid Technologies) that, I am becoming more convinced as each of the individual cases progress, that there is in the background a common coordinating entity (let's just call it Q for now) that is asymmetric in design and execution that has been and is deployed against Puppet Master directed, Deep State executed, Lawfare.

I am suggesting a discussion of asymmetric Lawfare, based on the principles (a playbook as it were) laid out in the COIN Guide linked above in Q drop 3882 (3883 on https://qaggregator.news/ if it ever comes back on line.... have thoughts about that too - short version - like Truth Social - I believe qagg was only operative in the U.S. (and maybe Australia, maybe, only ever saw one GAW user who claimed to be located in Australia ever mention qagg) ... only U.S base... and is being reconfigured to be available internationally... just a theory for now.... qagg.pub which was my Q research site for years, and use to get over 100,000 views regularly on a daily basis, which was, as I recall, taken off line when the board administrator - vice president for cybersecurity at CITI Bank - was doxxed.

Some interesting posts coming later today... will link you both

CHAOS_ACTUAL 2 points ago +2 / -0

2:28 PM EST Arizona delegation to vote / Vote is secret paper ballot.
2:31 PM EST California delegation putting votes in the ballot box
2:42 PM EST Louisiana delegates voting (one of the LA delegates nominated Lindell)
2:54 PM EST Utah delegation called to vote
3:03 PM EST Voting completed / roughly 40 minutes per round of voting...
First Round Vote McDaniel 111 Dhillon 51 /Mike Lindell 4 / Lee Zeldin / 1

CHAOS_ACTUAL 2 points ago +2 / -0

Voting is in progress... Alabama delegation just called to the voting booths to cast their vote at 2:24 PM EST.

State Delegations will be called in alphabetical order (3 reps per state - some reps will vote proxy for an absent rep)

Jon Herold (Patel Patriot) / CannCon and Ashe in America now providing color coverage while first round of voting is in progress.

CHAOS_ACTUAL 2 points ago +2 / -0

IMO you are not seeing the forest for the trees.

Trump posted the annotated video (which is controversial messaging about JFK assassination on its own), with what appears to be a nod to the Italian Q movement, on Truth Social.

Additionally, using "Qanon" attached to this video in his post, @realDonaldTrump is trollng the Mockingbird MSM bigly.

That is what is significant and of importance.

Steve Bannon's mantra on The Warroom applies...

"Signal, not noise."

"A Q by any other name would smell as sweet."


CHAOS_ACTUAL 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Winter knows from Yates that Irwin ultimately plans to raise the American flag upside down, signaling distress."


Flying a U.S. flag upside down

Displaying a U.S. flag upside down is "a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."[138] It has been used by extension to make a statement about distress in civic, political, or other areas.[139] It is most often meant as political protest, and is usually interpreted as such. The musical group Rage Against the Machine, a group known for songs expressing revolutionary political views, displayed two upside-down American flags from their amplifiers on the April 13, 1996 episode of Saturday Night Live. This was intended to indicate protest about the host, billionaire businessman Steve Forbes. The flags were ripped down by stagehands about 20 seconds before the group's performance of "Bulls on Parade". Afterward, show officials asked band members to leave the building as they were waiting in their dressing room to perform "Bullet in the Head" later in the show.[140]

Flying flags upside down has been used as a sign of protest against U.S. Presidents.[141]

In 2020, as protests spread across the U.S. demanding an end to police brutality, some U.S. citizens chose to fly their flags upside down as part of the protests.


FYI for our younger and foreign lurkers...

CHAOS_ACTUAL 2 points ago +2 / -0

On 11/02/2022 @realDonaldTrump truthed (not a retruth from another user) this video


however the version truthed by @realDonaldTrump contained the following additional graphics in the opening frames


.....PRESENTS..........................by @ItalyQanons

and these graphics at the end of the video


For transcript / analysis see post linked below, read entire thread, analysis gets more detailed as the thread progresses...


NOTE: Links in the post above to the @realDonaldTrump Truth Social drops inactive since https://qaggregator.news/ went offline 27 December 2022. (No correlation impied)

CHAOS_ACTUAL 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Whatever your gravity is when you get to the door, remember - the enemy's gate is down".

ENDER'S GAME - Orson Scott Card

August 1977 / analog / p.100

CHAOS_ACTUAL 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here is another show from the Badlands Media Network (just ramping up) on Rumble .... Game Theory, you may find interesting to follow.

This program is with Burning Bright and Sean Morgan (who lives in Brazil). Recommending the whole program, lots of discussion about Pence, but definitely try and watch the first 4 1/2 minutes... they discuss Trump's return to the White House on 05 Oct 2020.


There is a good discussion about the Trump & Recommending The Vac controversy... I distill it down to ...

Operation Warp Speed = "Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan."

and Trump's short speech just after the M1 had departed and he stepped into the Blue Room (see below). I have bold faced some parts for emphasis that appears to reflect Burning Bright's analysis. Note the juxtaposition of the references to "medicines" as opposed to "vaccines." Textually, Trump appears to differentiate the two.

Copy past a NFD comment...

After the salute, the President turned and entered the Blue Room and recorded the following short speech. To my ear there is just something as hinky about the speech as that salute:

Q video 10/5/2020

https://youtu.be/DsskOZ4e--k (1 min / 26 sec)

"I just left Walter Reed Medical Center and its really something very special... the doctors, the nurses, the first responders.

And I learned so much about Corona Virus. And one thing that's for certain... Don't let it dominate you. Don't be afraid of it. You're going to beat it. We have the best medicines, all developed recently. And you are going to beat it.

I went, I didn't feel so good. And two days ago, I could have left two days ago. Two days ago felt like great. Better than I have in a long time. I said just recently, better than 20 yeas ago.

Don't let it dominate you. Don't let it take over your lives. Don't let that happen.

We are the greatest country in the world. We're going back... we're going back to work. We're going to be out front. As your leader I had to do that. I knew there would be danger to it, but I had to do it. I stood out front, I... I lead. Nobody that's a leader would not do what I did. And I know there's a risk.That there is danger, but that's O.K.

And now I'm better and maybe I'm immune. I don't know.

But don't let it dominate you. Get out there. Be careful. We have the best medicines in the world. And they'll all happening very shortly. And they're all getting approved. And the vaccines are coming, momentarily.

Thank you very much.

And Walter Reed... what a group of people.

Thank you very much.


CHAOS_ACTUAL 7 points ago +7 / -0

Qagg went down late afternoon, early evening (around 1800 EST) 27 December 2022.

Your close to a month is dead on.

Longest outage since it came online.

One data point I kept an eye on was the site usage. There was a block on the menu board that tracked how many were online, how many had visited the site in the last hour, and how many had visited the site in the last 24 hours.

The 24 hour visit tally average low and high bounced between 5,000+ to 7,000+ and very very rarely broke 8,000.

I was a frequent user accessing the site several times a day monitoring the Truth Social accounts you could access from the site and doing quite a bit of Q drop searches. I accounted for several accesses per day, without fail.

I have a very clear recollection of a MOD comment months ago, maybe as long as a year ago, stating that someone at GAW MODs was in email contact with admin of Qagg. Just sayin...

No information of who / what group owned the board.

CHAOS_ACTUAL 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting theory about Trump, Pence and 25th amendment


There is some discussion that lays some required foundation before Patel Patriot, Burning Bright and Just Human get to segment on Pence being Acting President, so listen from the beginning until they finish talking about Pence... the rest of the program is interesting but no more on Pence.

You should find thier variation and the supporting information and data points on Pence as Acting President interesting...

I am going to hold on and stick with Norman for now on the theory that it was the evening of 5 October 2020 (rather than after the November election and before 20 Jan 2021) when something fundamental changed and actual command authority over the military (Commander) and Chief of the Executive Branch authority was bifurcated, hence the salute of the departing helicopter and whoever was onboard Marine1, and that whoever was onboard not Acting President Pence. Consider it one possible scenario among those possible, including the one you have proposed up to now.

For things to have progressed as they have since the election, accepting that Trump, Q operational commanders, et al., in my opinion, would not have waited until December 2020, January 2021 to make the operational and administrative changes required to activate Devolution protocols, and in my opinion since losing the election was part of the operational plan (exposing the extensive and varied fraudulent election activities) the pieces on the chessboard had to be moved prior to the election so as not to be interfered with or interfere the drama that would unfold post election.

An unknown individual exercising command authority (Miller for example) is operationally better than leaving it with Acting President Pence (Executive authority) since Pence would be less able and less flexible to exercise command authority in a clandestine manner, while it would be quite possible to exercise Executive authority in a clandestine manner and be in the public eye at the same time. This becomes more "true" if part of the plan is for Pence to declare his candidacy for President in the near future.

I think we can agree that something changed before 20 January 2021, we just do not know what or when exactly it occurred. Linked Devolution Power Hour # 116 above from 25 Jan 2022 provides some additional data points for consideration.

You will need to know this term: kayefab... it comes up in the discussion (Just Human appears to have introduced the term a few months back to explain what appears contrary or inconsistent in different narratives). It is starting to be used more widely.


Movie keeps getting better and better.

CHAOS_ACTUAL 8 points ago +8 / -0


Timing of reveal of Pence classified documents has all the trappings of a psyop.

Youtube home page 4th PSYOP Group




Hat tip to u/Norman_F_Dixon for original dig (see link end of comment below), coincidence VP Pence final speech at Ft. Drum where WWII Ghost Army based prior to active deployment in Operation Quicksilver under General Patton.

The Ghost Army was a United States Army tactical deception unit during World War II imitating earlier British operations, officially known as the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops. The 1,100-man unit was given a unique mission within the U.S Army: to impersonate other U.S. Army units to deceive the enemy. From a few weeks after D-Day, when they landed in France, until the end of the war, they put on a "traveling road show" utilizing inflatable tanks, sound trucks, fake radio transmissions and pretense. They staged more than 20 battlefield deceptions, often operating very close to the front lines. Their mission was kept secret until 1996, and elements of it remain classified.[1] The unit was the subject of a PBS documentary The Ghost Army in 2013.[

Inspiration for the unit came from the British units who had honed the deception technique for the battle of El Alamein in late 1942. The U.S. unit had its beginnings at Camp Forrest, Tennessee, and was fully formed at Pine Camp, NY (now Fort Drum), before sailing for the United Kingdom in early May 1944. In Britain they were based near Stratford upon Avon, and troops participated in Operation Fortitude, the British designed and led D-Day deception of a landing force designated for the Pas-de-Calais.


Ft. Drum was the location for other significant events during the presidency of Donald Trump. See NFD comment this post for details.


CHAOS_ACTUAL 20 points ago +20 / -0

Vice President Pence final public speech was to 10th Mountain Division / Ft Drum.

January 17, 2021

Vice President Pence Addresses Troops at Fort Drum, New York

Vice President Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence traveled to Fort Drum, New York, for what the second lady told the audience was their โ€œvery last trip as vice president and second lady of the United States.โ€ Vice President Pence thanked the members of the U.S. Armyโ€™s 10th Mountain Division for their service to the nation and reflected on the military accomplishments of the Trump administration. Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY), a member of the Armed Services Committee and whose district includes Fort Drum, introduced second lady Karen Pence.


CHAOS_ACTUAL 8 points ago +8 / -0

This movie is so good I'm going to search my own house for classified documents.

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