CabalBot 2 points ago +2 / -0

What about TLC?? I read on Wiki: Lopes died in a car crash while filming a documentary in Honduras, which would later be released as The Last Days of Left Eye in 2007 on VH1. Might have to see if I can find that video- of course P. Diddys name is around this group as well.

CabalBot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank You all so much!! I knew this was the place to come for prayers. When I have an update I will give it. They are waiting on a diagnosis- looking like Neurocutaneous melanosis. Bennets parents have been trying to have children- shes had 3 miscarriages and lots of treatment to get to here. Pray for Bennets parents to handle whatever comes their way & pray for the best outcome possible for all. God is so good-He hears us!

CabalBot 7 points ago +7 / -0

Has the Q plan gone awry?because it doesn’t feel like POTUS is insulated & safe right now.

CabalBot 5 points ago +5 / -0

i actually think the devil wants you to hate him. It makes him laugh & gives him pleasure b/c hes making you feel what he feels & like attracts like. If you throw love & compassion at the devil- he flees. He cannot take it. I’m not talking about worshipping him. Im saying the devil cannot be in the same place as Gods love is. So spread it far & wide.

CabalBot 1 point ago +2 / -1

if anything Trump knows how to bring up a subject that no ones talking about. 😆 This appears to be one of those subjects. I would’ve preferred he said he cant stand her b/c hate is not a good word to use. Unless shes an all out Satanist that is helping to brainwash , kidnap & eat children for her own gain & greed. Then maybe yeah.. Im glad he made a stance! 🤷‍♀️

CabalBot 1 point ago +1 / -0

they will crush humanity by surrounding them with fear- deadly diseases- nuclear war- famine.. and yet some of us will still survive

CabalBot 1 point ago +1 / -0

i had a dream awhile back that people were going into gas stations & anywhere that had food & were buying entire shelves

CabalBot 1 point ago +1 / -0

i have a 71 year old sister that just got her 6th shot. So far no big issues thankfully. I pray for her.

CabalBot 1 point ago +1 / -0

so what are they gonna do against AK47s?? We need seal team 6 to snipe some asses & repelling through windows throwing smoke bombs.

CabalBot 1 point ago +1 / -0

i do believe this is a biblical fight we are in so please seek God in whichever way you feel is best for you. This is the only way out of despair. For the last 4 years I go to church every sunday- pray everyday- and take a walk almost everyday- It helps. I have stopped before (the formal prayer & walking) for 2 months and the anxiety & worry start to creep back. Thankfully Im back to the routine even though I have to force myself most days.

CabalBot 2 points ago +2 / -0

the effort i used to put into skipping is quite hilarious in hindsight- things i would do- places i would go to hang. Kids nowadays have no idea - there would be an Amber alert called on them now. There is no true autonomy for them now.

CabalBot 3 points ago +3 / -0

i was such a little shit- I remember skipping school & knew the school would call my mom at 5pm when she got home from work so Id sit by the phone & when it rang yell “I got it!” - answer the phone and the school would be like “Mrs. A? Id say yes- did you know E was not in school today? I would say oh yea I just forgot to call- OK thank you” they would say & hang up. Then my parents would see all the absences when i got my report card 🤣😝

CabalBot 2 points ago +2 / -0

here’s the thing though- if this family wants to pray over him for the next month or two for a miracle whats the harm? Why does medicine respond with organ donation and termination right away? A family needs to grieve & absorb the situation.

CabalBot 2 points ago +2 / -0

comfy in Hell on earth really isnt my thing - even the prophets are telling you to keep your head on a swivel.

CabalBot 4 points ago +4 / -0

he used to have a show about conspiracy theories- I think it was from him I heard about the FEMA camps the first time- geez Im thinking that had to be 15 years ago now?

CabalBot 6 points ago +7 / -1

reminder: muslims cant stand pigs blood or dogs. Hot Tip: I read an article that if pigs blood is spilled on a land they cannot have their mosques there- Everyone in the UK should mark their homes with it & get a pack of dogs.

CabalBot 5 points ago +6 / -1

they are in the US too - I remember seeing military aged. CHINESE men caught at the border & you could tell they were military by the way they stood at attention

CabalBot 2 points ago +2 / -0

like the russian nesting dolls- they just keep going & going until you find a little satan inside

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