CallMeAl -3 points ago +1 / -4

Why do you assume that? Do you think because I don't think Trump is going to be SOH that I'm a liberal? Or do you think that because I know liberals I must also be a liberal?

CallMeAl 1 point ago +2 / -1

ChatGPT's parent company is going bankrupt and will be out of business soon.

deleted -2 points ago +1 / -3
CallMeAl 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah, I just don't see it. Just read through the board here and all you'll read is "my entire family are libs" or you'll see someone wetting their pants because they saw a car with a Q bumper sticker on it, and they are so excited because they don't know any anons in real life. Or all the posts about how this group is the only place they can come to be understood. Or the posts complaining they can't find a boyfriend or girlfriend because everyone they know are all libs or something of that nature? Or that most of the Republicans in office are RINO's? Or that everyone they work with took the vax and wore masks.

And I thought that the reason why the White Hats are biding their time is because enough normies aren't on board.

None of that says we're the majority to me.

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

You can stop paying your taxes anytime you want. Why do you need permission from others to stop paying your taxes? Just don't pay them.

CallMeAl 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's not restricted to anyone "running" for SOH. It concerns anyone who is SOH.

" A member of the Republican Leadership shall step aside if indicted for a felony for which a sentence of two or more years imprisonment may be imposed.”

The entire purpose is so that the SOH isn't sitting in prison, when they need to, you know, be doing SOH stuff. Whatever that stuff actually is, who knows. Congress works less than any group I have ever seen. It wouldn't make much sense for them to elect a SOH who could potentially be going to prison. They'll just have to do it all over again.

These aren't laws. They're just rules Republicans have come up with. They can just ignore them if they want to. It's not like the Republican Party is known for their upstanding behavior and spotless ethics.


CallMeAl 2 points ago +2 / -0

America doesn't have just a single culture or people, you know. If you had read about our history, you would know that.

America is a country founded on immigrants. There have been immigrants here since the beginning. It's only lately that people want to stop immigration.

They want to come here for the same reason all immigrants have. To be able to make a good life here. The same with your immigrant ancestors.

Unless you're First Nations or Native American. If that is the case, I see your point.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure what you mean they're not in good faith. I'm sincerely interested in having a conversation with you about it. I'm curious as to why you first say that no mother needs to get an abortion to save her life, and then agree that aborting ectopic pregnancies is ok, because it saves the mother's life.

There's a very glaring problem in your argument there, if you haven't noticed.

But if you're not interested in having a conversation with me, then feel free to click on the button that says block below and then you won't have to see me at all.

CallMeAl -1 points ago +1 / -2

So, yeah. You must feel the need to get in the last word, even though it's nonsense. And even if it makes you look foolish to everyone here. I don't get the appeal. What can possibly be worth throwing your dignity away in order to get the last word in a conversation.

CallMeAl -1 points ago +1 / -2

Sure. But you must realize that when abortions are banned in safe, legal clinics, many women and girls turn to what they can get, which are illegal abortions in unsafe surroundings by people who aren't qualified to do them.

These were some of the arguments that originally led to Roe vs Wade being passed.

Women will get abortions either way. The most humane thing to do would be to allow them to have safe, legal abortions in clean clinics with competent staff.

It also prevents women who are having miscarriages from being prosecuted for the idea she was trying to abort the baby herself. Many women who have miscarriages in places that ban abortions don't seek help because they're afraid they'll be charged with murder and put in jail. So they suffer through the miscarriage by themselves and then sometimes start hemorrhaging due to torn.placenta and then get bad infections and sepsis.

Quite a few women and girls went through this prior to Roe Vs Wade and those cases also led to Roe Vs Wade being passed.

Those things are happening again now in some states. Women not seeking help for miscarriages because they don't want to be treated like a criminal.

Hey, you know, you never answered my other questions.

Since you approve of "indirect" abortions for some cases, do you approve of "indirect" abortions for others?

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, it would be. IF it happens. Which is still highly improbable, and not even close to happening yet.

This is one of the problems. People are stating all this like it's already been decided and tied up into a neat little bow. The perfect story.

But a story is all it is right now. And will most likely be nothing more than a story.

But people are acting as if it has already happened.

It reminds me of a saying: Something something....where you put the horse something something put the wagon.

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

People meet with Congress members all the time, trying to make them change their minds. Hasn't happened yet to make Democrats vote in favor of Trump.

Unless you're thinking along the lines of the military threatening to send them to Gitmo for not voting how they want them to, in which case that violates the hell out of the Constitution and represents a very seious type of voter fraud. Both of which we're supposed to be vehemently opposed to. So I'm hoping that isn't what you're thinking.

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm not talking about just that one guy who put "lol" on it. Just take a look through any of the dozen or so posts about McCarthy getting ousted.

People are getting serious, fast about this being Trump's way back to the Oval Office.

I thought one of our main purposes was to get normies over on our side. Get them to understand what is going on, so we can get the show on the road here.

How often do I see people here moaning that not enough normies are on the boat, so the White Hats can't do what they're here to do?

So why would normies be jumping on a boat full of people they think are gullible and crazy?

So all this is working AGAINST what we're supposed to be doing.

This is from the Welcome page here:


It's difficult to re-pill normies that are convinced we're gullible and crazy.

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

Is this a you needing to have the last word type of thing? That if I just give up and don't respond, you "win" the conversation? Is that it?

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's just nonsensical. If failing at your job was an impeachable offense, then who the hell would still be in office?

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's nice to see some people keeping their heads on straight over this.

Some of the anons here are acting like kindergarteners who have been left unattended and snorted up a pound of pixie sticks and drank a case of Redbull.

Are people really THIS desperate for some hope or good news that they just abandon all reasonable thinking skills and common sense?

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

What will Harris be impeached for? How do you see a Democrat controlled Senate voting to remove Harris when Trump is set to assume her office?

CallMeAl -2 points ago +2 / -4

It's embarrassing when people go overboard with it, and then it's used as evidence Q is BS and we're all nutters when it doesn't happen.

Speculation is great. Thinking these things through and discovering angles no one else has seen is great.

Running around and saying that this WILL happen and that there is no way it won't, and then saying that not voting Trump into SOH and then not voting to remove Biden and Harris is treasonous and people who don't vote that way will be sent to GITMO and hanged alongside Biden and Harris is NOT great. It's delusional, and people are already doing it, to some degree or another.

CallMeAl 0 points ago +2 / -2

Do you think any of this is going to be resolved this month? While McCarthy being ousted is certainly spicy, the rest of this is just over-the-top speculation.

CallMeAl 4 points ago +6 / -2

Well, of course we will. It will either happen, or it won't. And it has a time limit.

But I think that this is just going to make us all look silly when people start telling normies that Trump is going to be speaker of the house. Or even worse, that he will become speaker of the house and Biden and Harris will be removed from office somehow and Trump will become President again.

I get that people like to daydream and it's fun to imagine all of that happening. But it's just not the least bit probable.

If it's going to happen, it can just as easily happen without people prophesizing about it.

And if it doesn't happen, it's just another strike against us with the normie population thinking we're gullible and crazy.

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