CanDrWatson 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not really any stories.

I'm ADHD/dyslexic and have never had a social drive in person, so I wasn't going anywhere. Same thing causes me to be hyper suspicious of compliments, etc. so even though I was just a kid I had a complete bullshit filter and didn't buy any praise especially when it came to my writing.

I'll also add this was a couple years after I got into and out of "hacking" and torched my computer when I found what I found. Prince Andrew's area is rotten top to bottom, hence my drive to GTFO of there and I did. I didn't know what to do, it wasn't anything illegal I found just I knew what it was for. I wasn't stupid.

Anyway. U/maxwellhouse was supportive, helpful, etc. and very friendly. There was more users that they were friends with that I got into conversations with.

I'd talked with them for a few months when the suggestions to go to writing events, etc. all started. Nothing overly pushy. It went on for a bit, there was some close to home, but I didn't have an interest nor the time to go to a meet up.

That's about the time the sale went through and was switching hands. Aaron nuked a swathe of the user base who had dox-able info.

I was on the YC hacker news site too, which I ended up seeing Aaron comment on and I was jokingly like "hey wtf dude, you deleted my reddit account!?" and I ended up chatting on and off with the guy until they jailed him.

He said "you really don't want the new people running it knowing anything personally identifiable about you". I didn't use the site again until Q came and we went to war.

CanDrWatson 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same. I've purposefully stayed anonymous online for a long time.

I've actually got to thank Aaron Swartz for that enlightenment, dude possibly saved my life by deleting my reddit account for being doxing. Told me I don't want the people taking over knowing that kind of information.

I was a teenager, working as a writer at the time and trying to get into the industry. I was chatting on reddit and got told by u/maxwellhouse (Ghislane Maxwell) that I should come to some of the events so that I can network with editors, publishers, etc.

When the Obama admin orchestrated Aaron's death I swore I wouldn't stop in any way I can until Obama hangs.

It's beginning to look like that could happen sooner than later.

CanDrWatson 1 point ago +1 / -0

1% of democrats have a soul? That's shockingly high, someone must have pressed the wrong button.

CanDrWatson 22 points ago +23 / -1

By controlling the media and controlling the narrative they've tried to make the people of the world scared of what is coming.

Everyone is scared of "Armageddon" happening. Why? Nuclear War is not Armageddon. Plague is not Armageddon. Armageddon is the final battle between good and evil. Who's afraid of evil finally being defeated?! Good people??? Lol

Well we might suffer a nuclear apocalypse! Or a zombie apocalypse!

"It's the end of the world!"

What?! Zombies are going to have a revelation? Maybe they go vegan?! Like what? Has no body on the planet read a fucking dictionary?

It's Revelation. They're scared of Revelation. Apocalypse is Revelation. Armageddon happens from Revelation.

Who's afraid of Revelation? I'm not. I'm a follower of Christ. Who's afraid of Revelation? Jews, Muslims, the Pharisees in our Lord's churches blaspheming the Holy Spirit with their presence, etc.

They're not afraid of the end of the world. They're afraid of the end of their world. That Satan will no longer be the prince of this kingdom.

CanDrWatson 4 points ago +4 / -0

They should try it in Thailand, I hear they have quality prisons and great treatment for people who break their laws.

CanDrWatson 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh we can do better than fines.

Harboring illegal aliens refers to knowingly providing assistance to individuals who are not legally allowed to be in the United States, in a way that helps them avoid detection by law enforcement. This can include providing shelter, employment, transportation, or any other form of assistance that aids an undocumented immigrant in remaining in the country unlawfully.

Some of these "employers" and "landlords" that deal with illegal aliens should be reminded that they face a maximum sentence of the death penalty depending on who exactly they've harbored.

When they're unemployable, and unhousable, and they stop getting handed money they're either gonna GTFO fast or surrender.

CanDrWatson 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah just look at Canada. West Coast (BC) started doing stupid anti-logging shit and forest fires have gotten worse and bigger to the point they affect the entire countries air quality.

East Coast (New Brunswick) doesn't have this problem. Yeah forest fires happen, none of which are newsworthy in the rest of Canada because they haven't done anti-logging activity.

The thing is in areas like California with hotter dryer climates the burns are needed to regenerate the land to simulate the natural cycle. So you go in log the trees and burn the scrub, and the burn stimulates the seed growth and fertilizes the ground (slash and burn) so you get fast healthy growth which will be fire resistant for years.

Majority of wood land is Govt owned in Canada, so they have full control over who cuts what and where. There's no excuse for forest fires here, which is why we're only seeing them in a big way in our libtarded shithole of wanna-be California.

CanDrWatson 5 points ago +5 / -0

13 Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters,[b] if the world hates you. 14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. Anyone who does not love remains in death. 15 Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.

Do not hate them Frens. They deserve our pity. They are so succumbed to hate.

CanDrWatson 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because it circumvented the CIA's monopoly on drug trafficking.

Why would you go meet some sketchy guy to buy pot, when you could just buy it online and get it shipped.

CanDrWatson 15 points ago +15 / -0

Trump didn't even need a full day in office before doing more than Biden did in his entire term.

CanDrWatson 6 points ago +6 / -0

The oath is done before the ceremony. This is just show for the public.

CanDrWatson 6 points ago +6 / -0

Congratulations America and Americans! From the International Keyboard Warrior Corps.

I'm glad we could be of service o7

CanDrWatson 19 points ago +19 / -0

Ugh I hate unknowledgeable people talking about construction.

Plywood also contains formaldehyde. Urea-formaldehyde glue is used in most all manufactured wood products because its cheap and effective.

Most of the cancer concern about it came from UFFI urea-formaldehyde foam insulation, because it got mixed formaldehyde rich so it wasn't just goop in the wall. Urea dissolves it, which is why dog and cat piss will delaminate a sub-floor.

Off-gassing is negligible unless your house is getting drenched in piss. You're also supposed to have a proper air barrier on your interior, so off gassing shouldn't be entering your house. If you're concerned you should be more concerned about the LDF and MDF made in China furniture people stuff their houses full of.

CanDrWatson 9 points ago +9 / -0

calcium fructoborate was suggested as a food supplement in Canada, it was shot down by the EPA because we'll pee it into the water ways as boric acid and that can harm fish.

Anyway, so I already took some borax lol

CanDrWatson 3 points ago +3 / -0

Our plans turned from "we wanna move out of the city" to "we're gonna start a homestead" over the past decade.

I plan to treat my animals in a manner appreciative of the sacrifice they make to keep us alive.

CanDrWatson 4 points ago +4 / -0

The flame of hope is no longer a flickering candle light, but the fire roars once more.

God bless everyone this merry Christmas.

CanDrWatson 3 points ago +3 / -0

As an Anon in Canada, and I've been following Q since the first post, I've been pretty good at calling things.

Sorry this went into a longer rant.

We won't be joining the US.

The whole point is to hammer on Justin Trudeau and make him look even weaker. He's already lost the next election, by the looks of it by a damning landslide and now Trump is ramping up the pressure. Why? Because before Trudeau came in and resurrected the Liberal Party for the Cabal, it had collapsed so miserably it should have been dropped as an officially recognized party.

With what Trump has said, and what I believe is going to happen economically, Canada has no choice but to follow suit. What happens if Trump ends income tax? He's promised to end it on over time already. Why the fuck would I stay here?! Fairly sure I can figure out the health insurance cost if I can make an extra 35% by moving 50 fucking miles!

What just happened? Our opposition leader of the conservative party just said that he'll consider ending income tax on overtime.

The Shot Heard Around The World, was the starting gun.

Trump is going to eliminate 90% of the federal government. They're going to obliterate taxes and regulations. They're going to slap down states and municipalities that are NIMBY anti-development, anti-business. The US is going to launch, and any country that doesn't change fast is going to be left behind.

Canada has no choice. That's what Trump is saying when he calls Canada the 51st state. We're so intertwined it doesn't matter.

I've said on here before. With how constitutional Trump is going, he's going to look at Canada and deal with us constitutionally. We're not a Federation like the US. We're a Confederation. Our provincial rights are stronger than your state's rights ... or at least they're supposed to be without Trudy attacking them for a decade. He wants to deal with the Provinces individually to leverage against our federal government.

The cajoling on tarrifs is to demonstrably separate the strong from the weak. The Ontario Premier said if the US puts tarrifs on us we can tear up the power sale agreements. We've got other politicians saying that's dangerous talk, Trump responded by saying that's fine, and later that there's a deal to be made!

Trumps complaining about the trade imbalance, because the value isn't there. We've got a reason. Ontario has a reason, we sell you cheap fucking electricity. We sell you cheap minerals. Cheap lumber. Yeah you owe us money, be our guest and shop somewhere else. Power your own lights, run your own factories, power Detroit yourselves if you wanna pinch pennies and cost yourselves dollars.

So what's the point here?

Canada as a net exporter doesn't need an income tax. We need an export tax.

CAD is 0.70 to the dollar. We can slap 25% export on our lumber, and we still beat you on price. We beat you on price when we have shitwad liberals trying to kill our lumber industry with taxes on stumps on top of mandatory replanting.

Why the fuck aren't we taxing our lumber exports. If we got the liberals out of our way (which Trump is helping with) the US will never be able to compete with us on the price of lumber.

TLDR: Trump is leading the way, the 51st joke is Trump literally saying "like it or not, you're coming too."

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