CanadianTornadoJ6 11 points ago +11 / -0

I view Trump as the tip of the spear of precedent setting. He is the bait for the enemy to set the precedent. Trump is always the "maim problem" and the "leader" so if they can get him they can justify vilifying all of MAGA and the "deplorables".

We see now they are attempting to solidify Jan 6th "on record" as the coup by Trump and his "supporters". This is the direct attack they've always wanted but it had to be this way. The precedent must be made and moved forward.

I like the law of dynamics: everytime a new "bottom" of lies is created the opposite ceiling of truth is raised equally. They pushed a new bottom by making Trump guilty today which means the new top has been made - but because they seemingly have the initiative in the movie - we feel like we're on the back foot ..... which we know isn't the case because "we have it all" and we'll get to see that new high POW!

It's part of riding with Trump - we don't get what we want right away but through the perseverance we will win. See you on the other side patriots:


CanadianTornadoJ6 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was in Coutts. It was beautiful. An indescribable vibe of trust.

There were Americans who drove 5 hrs to see us at the border of Sweetgrass MT. I smuggled a couple of January 6 photo calendars I made to them which felt hilarious. Smuggling American history from a Canadian back into the USA Hahaha.

Still have 4 guys in jail from Coutts.... Arrested Feb 14th 2022.

Unfortunately Artur Pawlowski is on my do not trust list because of his continued association with pro scam artists, and physical threats to people who call him out on bad decisions - it's too dark underneath.....

Canada is a Rocky one y'all but Q is international so see you all on the other side.

CanadianTornadoJ6 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure but people are allowed to sell what they want. Looks pretty cool to me.

CanadianTornadoJ6 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just listened to this. The scope of this all is so off the charts. Derek is a new guy on the scene but pops off. Everyone should take a listen

CanadianTornadoJ6 1 point ago +3 / -2

Trump never mandated it - so he's no responsible. He's guilty for LITTERING because he told everyone he was taking chloroquine. People take things at face value they're NPC's .....

CanadianTornadoJ6 1 point ago +1 / -0

Zero help for J6 prisoners. Out of all talk he chooses to lip service them once every 6 rallies for 5 seconds. Trump is pretty weak right now verbally.... So if the Q team doesn't come out swinging he's losing credibility with some of his supporters....

CanadianTornadoJ6 2 points ago +2 / -0

All assets deployed. Even if Ye isn't directly controlled by the DS - that doesn't mean they can't simply rip everything away from HIM to get at Trump/ do something erratic.

"You get shit puppets to attack each other Randy" - Jim Lahey

CanadianTornadoJ6 1 point ago +2 / -1

People gettibg their panties in a bunch because it's not on twitter... It's a truth doood!

You guys - relax - he knows that and knows what he's doing. There's more than one audience..... If anything he's allowed to have fun. He knows the devoted anons know the score.

Just be excited.... And ready to go somewhere of no return (not death)

CanadianTornadoJ6 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. I'll be at Mar A Lago.


CanadianTornadoJ6 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'll be on the ground. I'm ready. MAR A LAGO LET'S GOOO!

CanadianTornadoJ6 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it'll be 2020 election related. A reversal of the "quiet" stage setting - and do the "slip" of declass we've all been waiting for. People are waiting for an explosion in instant gratification land - but I think Trump will simply unleash some documents or election fraud information which'll blow some crazy water out of our ears!

I thought it was going to happen Jan 6th - but maybe it'll be this time... Either way - see you at MAR A LAGO

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