I often wondered which Collins were involved, so thanks for listing names here. Since Mary Todd was a Collins, does this mean she was Lincoln’s handler?
Bowser and Braille married? Whew...how did I miss this one. Is this a conspiracy?
SOCIAL MEDIA IS THE DEVIL. In case you haven’t figured that out by now. It’s mind controlling and addictive for people that have to know what other people are doing every minute of the day. Parents brag about their kids and themselves by posting daily events and travel. Everything the Bible tells us NOT to do. We should be humble.
I’m so ready for social media to disappear. Every teenage girl and twenty something tied to their phone every minute of the day have been ruined by these sites and they are addicted to their phones. Many of our kids can’t even carry on a conversation because they are so introverted.
I would agree and it seems you are not alone. He seemed very different. The bend over the podium was odd. Pauses were different. And that spray tan...whew.
A good impression though.
To say I can’t say for sure there is a link? What changed between before introducing a medical procedure and the cardiac arrest?
I’m not sure people can problem solve anymore...
I’ll say a prayer to comfort this family.
I’m not sure why the deep state wouldn’t use HAARP if they are in control of it. They have been for past 50 years.
No it’s called Equity...the same “equity” being sold to our school systems. Translation = dumb down everyone so no one knows what the shit is going on.
These huge school systems need to be dismantled. We need to go back to the basics. Parents need the time to be more involved. Our society has never allowed for it. Everyone is running here and there with no focus on what is important. The other night I was at the table with people who still had kids in high school - all they talked about was soccer and show choir. Really? It’s all boasting and bragging about their kids. We have lost our way...
Today’s kids are being raised by these phones. Very little kitchen table conversations going on current events. School systems have consolidated and have become so big, they keep all the 4th graders in one building so they never grow up and mature into adults.
I grew up with K-8 in one building. The older you were the more responsibilities you had. The little kids looked up to the 8th graders. Now some of the 8th graders can’t even talk because they are so unsocial and you can tell how much time a kid spends on their phone.
Have you ever met a home schooled kid who is teenager and doesn’t have a phone? They are some of the most intelligent critical thinking adults we have!! Smaller schools with mixed ages in the classroom is how kids grow and learn fast. I was in a split 5th-6th grade class. The teacher was so impressed with how much the 5th graders achieved that year...when you teach to 2 grade levels you increase their knowledge! They know what it takes to improve education, they are getting paid to dumb down our students, it’s called equity. Equity translation = dumb down.
Thanks for sharing! How often does it say to take and for how long?
Reminds me of that JFK meme with his famous CIA quote - about splintering the CIA into a thousand pieces...
Can you please come up with something similar for Critical thinking? This needs to be provided to our kids!
And don’t get me started about insurance companies making billions off the misfortune of keeping us all sick!!! The whole system needs to be trashed.
We need a way to identify controlled opposition easily! How do we do that? How do we force these people to answer questions? Can they lie and give us lies? Sure, but then we should easily be able to remove them from office. For example, does she support the vax passport? If so, she’s part of the Cabal.
I couldn’t agree more! It’s been a life saver in many ways for me.
That would have been a classic...we stopped going there because of that policy.
The DS needs more climate change crap to keep us busy so we are distracted from the REAL MAIN EVENT! We also have a hurricane underway. All major distractions.
I couldn’t agree more. High school debate class was the same. The room was setup on two sides facing each other. You picked a side to defend it, but once you begin to dissect the issue with questions and responses, you could change sides at any time, but had to disclose why you were changing sides. It was one of the most effective critical thinking classes I ever had. And kids looked forward to it! No homework and no tests, only participation. Students could put on a suggestion list any topic for debate.
This looks manufactured. To scare us! Are white or black hats in control?
Any specific recommendations?
My husband is awake for just about everything except this! He’s hanging on hard that they are not rigged. I suspect most men who enjoy sports are doing the same. Even showing him the video of the remote controlled golf ball that landed on green with Rory didn’t convince him.
I’ll take the arrest over death to wake up normies!
Covid doesn’t exist...the virus never isolated. But you probably have a parasite and just take ivermectin.
Can we include Facebook in the nuke process? They are both the devil.