Chandler15 -1 points ago +4 / -5

Religion is man made. 33,000 denominations man made. Genesis 5:1 the Bible is a genealogy book of Adam and his descendants.

Chandler15 16 points ago +41 / -25

Thanks! This is a great diagram for those who want to come full circle in their AWAKENING PROCESS. It’s all BIBLICAL! There are 2 seedlines (lineages/descendants) identified in Genesis 3:15. Eve had sex with the serpent Satan (no she didn’t eat an apple). Cain is the offspring of Eve and the Devil. Abel is the offspring of Adam and Eve. The Canaanites and Edomites are of Satan. Adamic vs Satan is what this war is really about! The 12 tribes of Israel (Jacob’s descendants) vs the evil Edomites of Esau. Have you figured out who the Evil Edomites are in the world yet today? Are there more than just the 66 books of the Bible? Which books were removed and why? Your rabbit holes will eventually bring you to the Bible. Then read the books of Enoch and Revelations. Are we in tribulations? Did tribulations start with the pandemic? When is the harvest of the wicked? Does God tell us what to do with evil ones in Deuteronomy 20:17.
God (Yahweh YHWH) created Adam and Eve for the most perfect lineage bloodline of Jesus Christ. The letter J is only 400 years old so we know that’s not his real name. What is his real name? Who changed his name in the Bible? The evil Edomites have been living among us for thousands of years. They deceive and are out to destroy that green bloodline in the chart above. This, my friends, is the real war going on.

Chandler15 5 points ago +6 / -1

Most can’t read and write and have no respect. This is what no child left behind gave us. Inner city schools are nothing more than babysitting services. Are we to pretend learning is going on? Could you imagine if this had been a white student and black teacher? Why our cities would be burned to the ground!!!

Chandler15 1 point ago +2 / -1

Excellent! Thank you...it’s important enough I should have it memorized by now - and wasn’t taught in school of course! “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves” Joseph Stalin

So if we think we are voting our way out of this mess...think again.

Chandler15 3 points ago +3 / -0

You cannot worship 2 masters... Once you realize they are both the same party...BINGO One is a psy-ops to fool you. They control both the Democrats/Liberals and the Republicans, the opposition.
Research the Bolsheviks in Russia in the 1920-30s. It’s how Stalin controlled the people. He controlled both sides. He has a quote about how you lead the people, you control the opposition. Make people think they are choosing sides, but they control both sides. People better wake up soon or our country will be gone.

Chandler15 0 points ago +2 / -2

The education of our preachers is no different than our schools. Indoctrination of them through 501c3 and theology schools have taught this heavy handedness. When you begin to understand who the Edomites are in the Bible and who they are in our world today, you will understand everything more clearly. The fact you are in the Bible should tell you this is where we are right now. God vs Satan, Good vs Evil, Light vs Dark.

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize” Quote by Voltaire.
It’s all in the Bible

Chandler15 4 points ago +5 / -1

The Rothschilds named the state “Israel” is keep everyone confused on who the true Israelites are. Keep going down this rabbit hole...it’s a deep one you will not regret.

Chandler15 1 point ago +2 / -1

Israel is a line of descendants of people, not a state. Israel is a line of descendants from Jacob/Israel. Read the translation at ageoflaodicea . com The state of Israel was purchased in 1948 by the Rothschilds (rabbit hole).

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is Q a psy ops? Better study Bolsheviks...those 60 million Christians thought the military was going to save them. It never happened.
Is Trump Abaddon in Revelations? People need to start reading the Bible.
Who are the Edomites in the Bible walking among us today? Once you have that figured out, you know who the true enemy is...

Chandler15 1 point ago +2 / -1

All by design to separate you from your money. Dogs used to get one rabies vax in lifetime, now my neighbor just spent $300 for two dogs and six shots! Those dogs will eventually have cancer and shell out thousands in cancer treatments. All by design. To pull at your heartstrings and keep those pharmaceuticals in business. All designed to keep you in debt as most people put this on their credit cards and pay interest.

Chandler15 -1 points ago +1 / -2

You are correct...once you have come to the Bible for answers, this is the awakening. 2 seed/descendant lines in first 5 books of Bible. Good vs Evil....Edomites vs Israelites. The Israelites are the 12 tribes of Jacob. Our Bible has been tampered with, but not enough to figure out how we have been deceived. Who are the Edomites in our world today trying to destroy the Israelites. Keep digging as the Bible has the answers about this war we are in. Once you have figured out who the Edomites are and who the Israelites are, then you need to read Deuteronomy chapter 20.
You are correct about the destruction of the white race. Whether they destroy through the vaccine or race mixing programming, the Edomites don’t care.

Chandler15 -1 points ago +3 / -4

Ever heard of the Russian Bolsheviks? They controlled both sides. It’s how they slaughtered 30 million Christians in Russia. Oh yeah, they thought the military were coming too.
It’s all in the Bible...is Trump Abaddon/Apollyon? Do your research...who comes to deceive us in the end days? Who will implement a cashless society? Who will create another crisis that will implement the mark of the beast - the chip for purchasing goods and services? Book of Revelations...if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it.
Wake up... Presidents are selected...

Chandler15 20 points ago +20 / -0

Study the Russian Bolsheviks....they control both sides. It’s called controlled opposition. Wake up. The beast system all around is nothing more than a distraction. What really is going on is all in the Bible...read it. You will need to be prepared.

Chandler15 3 points ago +3 / -0

The cities is where mass psychosis occurs. Think Sodom and Gomorrah...

Chandler15 4 points ago +5 / -1

Book of Revelations explains it all... A new heaven (Rev 21) A new earth (Rev 22:3) A new way of living (22:14) A new center of administration for the kingdom (Rev 21:24) A new type of worship (Rev 21:22) A new light (Rev 21:23) A new paradise (Rev 22)

This is all Biblical... Read your Bible to determine who Abaddon/Apollyon is. Read your Bible to determine who the Edomites are. He is coming...

This is what the awakening is all about...His way It was never supposed to become this materialistic society, where our children look to idols with fame and fortune and want to be just like those they see on social media.

Who is the beast in the Bible? Our political system, educational system, banking system, usury, our judicial system, our 33,000 denominations of Christianity and the false prophets, military industrial complex, Big pharma and murders by vaccinations, media, Hollywood, medical system hijack of all natural healing modalities... 90% of food in grocery stores isn’t food at all (man made chemicals) that didn’t exist 100 years ago.

Who is the false prophet?

This is the GREAT AWAKENING Get to know God/Yahweh... Let the HARVEST begin!

Chandler15 1 point ago +2 / -1

They look homely, but they are unpredictable and aggressive. Who does that sound like? Therefore the Animal kingdom Lions and Tigers will kill them. They simply cannot survive. They are not natural. You won’t find any Ligers living in the wild. We studied this topic in a philosophy class I had in college back in 1980s. We came to the conclusion these cross breeds (and there are more) that happen in the wild are taken out by Gods design, as not to disrupt the animal kingdom. Could you imagine such a topic in colleges today...back then we had critical thinking.
Today you couldn’t mention God or they would be offended the Liger is killed, so let’s protect them in a zoo. Ugh... Cross breeds of Dogs are no different...it’s all about the mixing of the DNA.

Chandler15 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree! They “public officials” absolutely look the other way and have not done one thing about this breed. If you notice, many people will say this dog was raised in a loving home and never exhibited any attack before. The dog just snapped. This is a DNA problem and they know it. This is a DNA war...Satan loves it when children are maimed or killed by pets. It’s exactly why they won’t do anything about it. I appreciate those that can see past the fact nothing has been done for years about this. And only more and more people get this breed.

I’ve never bought the excuse that terrible owners own these dogs which is why they attack humans. Too many families have proven time and time again even raising them in good homes, the dog can still snap.

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

I never said mutts were not smart...that’s a surface statement. This requires critical thinking.... I’m trying to get people to connect dots...because inbreeding of animals and GMO of our plants for food goes much deeper... DNA matters and is the critical component to everything. It’s in the Bible.

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Inbreeding creates problems is all I’m saying...it’s in the Bible...is this case with Pit Bulls?

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not all domestic dog breed are mutts. There are pure bloods which were created by God. There is a famous show with them. And how can you tell a pure blood from a mutt? Ask a breeder. When you cross breed, you don’t know exactly how you weaken the breed, but it’s weakened. This is true of not only animals but plants too. For plants it’s GMO.... Just connecting dots for people, because this goes much deeper and it’s all Biblical....

Chandler15 3 points ago +4 / -1

To add to my comments...The Alaskan Malamute is a powerful sled dog. They would never cross breed these beautiful strong dogs, as they would become weaker. Now you know why there are pure breeds and the importance of keeping every animal pure. Animals that are not pure have defects or issues. It’s what any form of cross breeding does - it weakens the IQ in what that dog was designed for.

Chandler15 6 points ago +8 / -2

When I grew up I knew no one with a Pit Bull! Never heard of such a dog until much later and now everyone has one. They are a cross breed between bulldogs and terriers - correct me if I’m wrong here.

When the Bible says “like kind” animals are to breed with “like kind” there is a reason God stated this...let me give you some examples...

A Liger = cross breed between a Lion and a Tiger. Yes! Look it up...they exist, but only in zoos. Because they are a cross breed, they are very angry animals and in the animal kingdom, the Lions and Tigers will kill them. They know they don’t belong there. They are extinct in the wild for that reason. They only way they can exist if they are protected in a zoo.

A mule is a cross breed between a horse and donkey. Mules can’t reproduce or have offspring naturally. Because they are a cross breed - a mistake. This is God’s doing for a reason. You weaken the animal kingdom by cross breeding.

In the Bible God tells us not to cross breed but we do it anyway. The animal kingdom was designed by God. But yet we do it....this is the result. We get breeds that shouldn’t exist. We create weaker breeds with problems and issues that requires more surgeries and drugs to prop up Big Pharma. These are man made issues we created...God Warned Us!

Leviticus 19: 19-28 Do not mate two different kinds of animals

They don’t want to you know this info...but God didn’t design wicked and unpredictable dogs. Pit Bulls are man made.
Once you begin to understand man has corrupted and gone against Gods Word on just about everything...you know THIS IS BIBLICAL!

Chandler15 3 points ago +5 / -2

This is definitely all Biblical....when the awakening process has come full circle and led you to the Bible - including all the missing books the KJV (who was a homo) had his scribes remove, then it gives you that thirst for the Bible - you know you are living in end times.

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