Pay attention. This was the soros Plan from 2019. Install biden/harris with a fixed election, knowing he is mentally incompetent (everyone knew), then Appoint some form of a clinton/obama/rice/? replacement Puppets without winning a single election. biden must not be impeached because the soros/biden Plan is Enraging Americans and WE will destroy liberal/communism by vote OR by force.
Also incredibly stupid, since it says on every box that they do Not work for a virus.
There is no joke here. biden was VP to 'protect' obama because Everyone knew, NO ONE wanted biden to be POTUS. More proof that biden got about 30% of the vote, and again, Everyone knows it.
Public trials for Treason, which is exactly what each one is guilty of because they are not stupid enough to believe the criminal lies they have been 'reporting'.
It is called Treason and there is lots of proof, The 'penalty' must be enforced or the USA will not survive.
Why would any sane American contribute to the liberal/communist COUP/insanity? The Fixed vote is Obvious and the Jan. 6 fake 'riot' was directed by Pelosi to hide it and keep anyone from bringing the facts to the House floor. That is still the only purpose of the criminal Jan. 6 'gang'.
You can tell when you try to get a taco. I think there is a question on the job Ap. that says 'are you a moron'? If they say yes, they are hired.
OR, maybe the 'bird flu' is another scare Lie and they are overstocked?
Soros told 'His' UN. that the 2nd Amendment was the ONLY thing standing in his way of OWNING the USA. (and burning the Constitution).
Do not fall for the smoke and mirrors. 'Biden'/harris was not the Soros plan from 2019. He is nothing but a puppet and was not elected but appointed to Fail so soros can Install some combo of a clinton/obama/rice/? replacement and they will not be 'elected' either.
No, That is a liberal/communist lamenting that he is too stupid to load his firearm.
Throughout history, every single 'gov.' / ruler that has disarmed its citizens has then KILLED them by the millions. The founders of the USA knew that and so do the 120 million armed Americans.
The response is always the same. 'COME and Get Them'.
The two greatest armies on the planet could not defeat the goat herders in Afgan land. There is no force that can sustain a war against 120 Million Armed American Patriots. The saying is, 'A rifle behind every blade of grass'.
I see what you did there. LMAO.
The 'city folk' watch way too many bad movies because in the Real world there is a rifle behind every blade of grass and their hunger will be 'solved' quickly.
Outside of Our military actually upholding their oath to overthrow this liberal/communist COUP, it will take State Grand Juries, seated to hear the FACTS, outside of the criminal influence of MSM and soros.
The USA is a Republic, so Yes they can and should. But Will they?
Yes it was a liberal/communist COUP. Elected officials do not ignore the Constitution.
NO. They (MSM) are trying to pretend they are still 'news', when They ALL knew the test was a LIE from the start. SO did fauci and the CDC.
Assume Everything MSM says is a lie, and they will Not disappoint you.
I suggest Napalm. Wait, isn't that exactly what Putin is doing?
Sacramento HAS gun control Now. Explain?