Until fauci, this is the greatest criminal in American history. She knows where the bodies are because She Put them there.
I show them the copy of the 'Warning' on every box of masks that says very clearly that the mask is not for medical use (stopping a virus) and does NOT stop Covid-19. Then watch their face. The stupid ones have a blank stare.
Ask them if they are intelligent enough to Read? It says on every box of masks that they are NOT for medical use (stopping a virus) and do NOT prevent covid -19 OR any other virus. If the manufactures put that as a warning on the box, who are they to ignore that warning and pretend a mask works?
Answer= It is not 'clinton' it is Soros. He owns clinton/obama/biden/pelosi/schumer and has puppets in all of Our Gov. DOJ/FBI/ SCOTUS.
obama is a puppet of soros, just like biden and clinton and ......... the entire DNC. The crime of Treason should be filed on each and every one of them, starting with soros.
'Insanity'? And No, Bruce Jenner is still Not a woman.
Does that apply to mayo? She tries the liberal cases in the press.
obamer will always be known as a common thief that stole the health ins. from 40 million hard Working Americans, to give it to 10 million illegal aliens.
That warning is printed on every box.
The Mossberg cordless hole puncher.
They have several. I like the 40sw and 12ga 00.
Actually it will happen by enforcing our laws against criminals (which is why we hired them) or it will have to be 'enforced' by the citizens under the 'Anarchy' caused by liberal/communism. I have no wish to take life, but i will not allow rabid dogs to run my streets and Kill at will. Ironically, That is what will bring back 'civilization'.
As you can see the Vast majority of America is free America but this map is misleading because The Vast Majority of California and NY. and Mich. and several other states is RED and Hates DC/LA/SF.NY City and Chicago liberal/communism.
Obviously 'gun control' is needed. NO...wait. That is a total failure and always has been. I know, why not Execute the violent criminals and drug dealers that are really the problem?
Will Mac resign in shame when it finally comes out that the entire thing was staged BY Pelosi?
The 2nd Amendment is not just relevant, it is the Only thing standing between Soros and the UN. Burning the US. Constitution. That is not only a fact, but it is a statement made By Soros to the UN.
A rifle behind every blade of grass.
Why did they 'disarm' the People in Aus. and NZ.? Why are they trying so hard to disarm Honest lawful Americans every day while Not attempting to disarm criminals? The UN./NATO/Soros/bloomberg liberal/socialism/communism/NWO, One World Gov. Can NOT Rule the World, as long as the 120 Million Armed American Militia is 'waiting' for their final move.
Their Gov. said, 'you must disarm for safety'. WE knew what was next.
Are they trying to Pretend that someone Was actually watching before?
Very Soon, NYers will be Eating liberal/communists because the EMPTY stores are the direct result of the liberal/communist Coup that has destroyed this country. This will also spread to DC. and Cal. where the patriot truckers will refuse to deliver.
The proper response the the mask sheep is, maybe Putin and Trump are intelligent enough to Read the Warning on the mask box, that clearly states they are NOT for medical use, and do NOT prevent covid OR any virus. Then ask them if they are intelligent enough to SEE what that Warning means.
Good. Now start training honest Black Americans to Help law enforcement by pointing out the criminal, instead of saying, 'i did not see anything'. Crime will fall by 80%.
With all of my lifelong distrust of 'lawyers', i can not believe this is not being Crushed by law firms. There has to be some enraged dads that are lawyers.
The political content of a movie may cause me to Not pay to see it, but the blatant political rants of the self imposed 'stars' have caused me to make a list of Never pay to see Anything they are even in. The list includes sam jackson for sucking/ruining a dozen good films by being cast simply for being Black. Hollywood can FO.