Send Your Own Letter This is the Most Effective! As mentioned in the video cover above, you’ll need two pieces of paper, two envelopes and two stamps.
On each piece of paper suppress your support of the Brunson case. Both sheets are exactly the same. You can copy and paste our sample letter, or you can print them out from this PDF Link.
Download and print 2 copies of the PDF.
Sign your name and date both letters.
One copy goes to the Supreme Court, the other copy goes to the Brunson Brothers.
If you like, as a way of saying Thank You to the Brunson Brothers, add a dollar or whatever you want to the Brunson Brother’s envelope.
The Brunson’s have been working on this project for over two years. They’ve spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars working on this for We The People.
The video says the case is slated for January 6, however the case is in the appeal process. Hence, “we the people” will continue to support the justices so they can make the right decision!
Supreme Court Address:
Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543
Brunson Brothers Address:
Raland J. Brunson 4287 South Harrison Blvd. #132 Ogden, Utah 84403
Here's the way I see it:
If Q was not real and was a deep state larp.... Would it make sense to awaken so many to investigate for themselves, become self-sufficient, stock up on supplies, and arm themselves to protect their families?
If InfoWars was a deep state larp... Would it make sense to awaken so many to things we know are lies like 9/11, Covid, Sandy Hook.....?
just my 2 cents
Think we all know Men can't actually birth children
They may have to up the ante to a whole box of doughnuts this time around