Cloe123 2 points ago +2 / -0

According to the Law of War manual would Biden be considered to have been in office 1 minute after the time being sworn in 1 year ago or the next day?

Cloe123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe if this person falls through due to the vaccine issue, explore with other mothers in your neighborhood any willingness for daycare.

Cloe123 27 points ago +27 / -0

Don’t forget she was a jag. They will look like babies compared to Sidney during the questioning. I want this televised. What a spectacle it will be. Lol. They don’t know what they did when they served Sidney with a subpoena!

Cloe123 10 points ago +10 / -0

Let all businesses, who still mandate this, know that they are doing so illegally. They are mandating you take and participate as a lab rat in an EUA shot and they can and will be held legally responsible for firings (job loss due to not taking an EUA shot) or deaths and injuries from being coerced to take it. They do not own you and your body. They are not paying you anywhere near enough for them to own you body and soul. Stand strong-fight and resist now. Any step you give will grant them control which you will NEVER get back.

Cloe123 2 points ago +2 / -0

These are not migrants. They are illegals breaking the law funded by the UN, which is inturn funded by U.S taxpayer dollars. Withhold all U.S. funds to the U.N and see how quickly the UN takes a nose dive.

by BQnita
Cloe123 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are absolutely right. Any project must fit the cabal’s agenda.

Cloe123 4 points ago +4 / -0

33 had some Covid shots and died, only 3 who died were unvaccinated. Odds are greater that you live if “unvaccinated.”

Cloe123 2 points ago +2 / -0

If he and his colleagues stood together and applied pressure, something could be done. Alone, no.

Cloe123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of them are corrupt. They sit up on Capitol Hill writing their own pay increases and Cadillac healthcare plans while trying to enact one payer system for the plebeians. They are exempt from taking the a Covid shots even prior to the SC decision, while they are being treated with ivermectin (which is denied to the people). If the bill they want is not passed, they try to bury it in another bill in volumes of paper that the Congressional members don’t read prior to voting. Is this informed consent? They make millions from lobbyists and insider trading, while working in their own interest, not the interest of the people and the country. Do you really feel that this institution is worth saving or spending taxpayer dollars on? It is just like the IRS, CDC, NIH , FDA, DOJ, DOS, FBI, and many others-corrupt to the hilt. Worthless agencies which work against the will or interests of the people need to be nullified and eradicated. Corruption needs to be revealed and all involved imprisoned for decades and fined into oblivion. They and their family must be banned from ever holding government positions ever again.

Cloe123 18 points ago +18 / -0

Great article. As a RN, I bought into the brainwashing of the Medical complex. Having experienced damage from a vaccine given to me as a RN, and the continual push to take the flu shot every year, I began to wake up. Parents can start by refusing the hepatitis shot be given to their newborn within the first 3 days of life in the hospital after birth. Find a pediatrician who isn’t compromised and values your right to decide about childhood shots.

Cloe123 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope he is well protected. To many people have been killed over the vaccines-scientists, doctors, heads of state. Nothing would stop the Deep State from exacting retribution on those investigative election fraud.

Cloe123 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let us in the future refer to a General Milley as Milley Vanilli!

Cloe123 5 points ago +5 / -0

I float the idea of getting rid of the entire Congress.

Cloe123 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is why she is raising a ruckus about masks not being worn. She is all in on the mask mandate, but doesn’t care if the a Covid shot is mandated for the lowly citizens.

Cloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why wait? Scotland is ditching everything by Next Monday. Once again why wait?

Cloe123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is she following the Zelenko Protocol or the IFLACC protocol with Vitamin D, C, zin, Quercitin? You might try NAC too. Swanson vitamins still has NAC and you can pay extra shipping and get all vitamins and minerals next day. Also try nebulizing food grade hydrogen peroxide 3% mixed with normal saline. You can find all the info on line through a DuckDuckGo search, since I am not a doctor. Also melatonin at bedtime, benadryl and lactoferon have been found to be helpful. You will have to be sure the medications she is taking for MS are compatible with the above. Check with her doctor or research yourself. She could also schedule an appointment via Tele Health with Frontline Doctors, if her doctor is unhelpful. They are thorough in their questionnaire and take a medical history when talking with you. My husband, who has renal disease, and I found them to be helpful, knowledgeable and displayed confidence in knowing what they were prescribing. Keep in mind monoclonal antibodies are EUA just like the Covid shot and made from aborted fetal tissue. Someone my husband knows had Covid with lung involvement and on oxygen. He took the monoclonal antibodies and they worked. He was taking everything else: Vitamin C, D, zinc, quercitin.

Cloe123 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. You can not trust doctors blindly. They DO NOT have your best interests at heart, they know little about nutrition, pharmacology or alternative treatments. Same here about the pandemic. I said from the get go I would not take a shot under EUA, where the few dogs tested DIED, and where adverse side effects and deaths far exceeded safety for a vaccine. No one will ever have power over my body except a God and myself. I was willing to give up my job for my right to decide and speak freely.

Cloe123 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am hoping for 1/21/22, the day after 1 full year of the resident in office!

Cloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Smoking (the nicotine) is a protectant against Covid.

Cloe123 4 points ago +4 / -0

Unless that was the deal made, “don’t run for office ever again and we won’t prosecute.“ Remember it was said everyone won’t be prosecuted. This could have been a plea deal.

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