To me this means their primary chicanery has them scared, as in, it’s not working
I had serious doubts about this faggot once he started tearing into tim ballard and jim caviziel
So for the warrants, please correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems to exercise them you may end up paying taxes twice on them. It sounds like at exercise you will pay the difference in your cost basis and the fmv at time of exercise as ordinary income. Then if you sell the stock you would pay capital gains.
That said selling the warrants as they increase and approach the merger maybe a better deal?
If they required actual verification of age porn disappears overnight. I think NC did this and phub pulled the hell out as quickly as possible
If one was a democrat at the addition of super delegates and remained a democrat, they are irrevocably retarded.
Keep and BEAR arms. Fucking retards
Needs to be some that the cabal is even more afraid of
Concede no land. Drive the commies into the oceans
Cistanche tubulosa. Not necessarily a t booster but definitely helps moderate my mood. I took a couple of mail in T Tests. Once after a month of working out. Was super low. Took a tongkat ali, ashwagandha, fadogia agrestis mix for a month and my numbers improved significantly. I’m still generally on the abnormally low side but I can attest that the above have made an improvement for myself in T levels.
Now generally I do feel better when my T is elevated but it’s not 100% always the issue. I can have elevated T levels and still feel listless at times. Having a disciplined routine is probably going to be the best and your recovery time will be longer as you age. I wouldn’t be surprised if your body is just at the point where you require more recovery than activity. Sucks we can’t stay 18 forever.
Also it’s winter time make sure you’re supplementing vitamin d and magnesium
They would like you to think so. I just know they tend to not lower their standards as dramatically or frequently. I worked with them a lot while I was in. They are great but aren’t special. The reason I said what I said was because they tend to not mess with their requirements.
There are some serious long term problems with lowering standards that I just don’t want to type out. The army and navy are going to have a hard time with leadership in the next 5-10 years by lowering standards.
As a retired soldier I am ashamed to say that the Marines might be the better way to go at this point though I know this issue is endemic of the entire military.
Testosterone is closely tied to cholesterol 🤔
I don’t disagree. Thank you for providing more details to research. This is an interesting subject because it is the center of how our country has been subverted.
Thanks. Just providing more context. Never said I agreed with harvard but they do provide history of our laws and how they came to be. They never really address magic dirt but they focus intently on the status of the parent which I think is an admission that it is the parent that determines citizenship not the dirt.
I really hope the impending crash is a magical judo move that bankrupts the banks and hedge funds and not the people
There is a case for him and being a natural born citizenship based on the mother. Harvard law review actually has a great article on this subject. Nikki and Kamala do not.
The crux of the 14th is who has jurisdiction. Most every other nation defers to the father’s nationality. We did until 1790 when we made a carve out for the mother being a citizen if the father had resided in the US for a time. They eventually made the statuses the same for both the father and mother meaning only one needed to be a citizen for their child to be a citizen at birth.
Problem with Nikki and Kamala are that neither of their parents were citizens at their birth so whose jurisdiction should they fall under. Obtuse assholes use this to mean magic dirt since they are in the US jurisdiction meaning the child belongs to the state not the parents.
Not a law fag.
Doesn’t answer everything but provides context on what citizenship has meant via our law at several points in time.
If it’s any of the people that have been floated the last several months or even this last day it’ll be a flop.
Personally my criteria is that it needs to be someone that absolutely terrifies the left so that they don’t get any retarded ideas. Like a super maga candidate. One that will not play nice with leftists.
It’s called consensus cracking iirc
The mischaracterization and slander bother me so much. These liars are projecting their crimes upon us. We want the opposite of authoritarianism i.e. the dismantling the administrative and bureaucratic state.
If you have the brave browser you can disable the JavaScript. Or if you have chrome and NoScript installed you could do the same thing
Hook up the exhaust from one of their jets to the bunker intake. Game over
Nah this sort reeks of the nikki haley consensus cracking they were trying before trump even took office. This choice makes go hmm not hell yeah.
Potentially. I suspect and hope that the debt if retained will be heavily discounted.
I wonder. Been talking to some really good friends about this kind of stuff. I’m Catholic.
I have had an easier time praying, obeying, and in general ensconcing myself in my faith the last two years. I felt a tremendous strong and painful tug on my heart. I was with a bad woman that was leading me to hell. I still love her but it had to end. Many of my vices have become totally subdued to God and my calling to him. I liken it to a moth to a flame. I feel a tremendous power pulling me in and helping me attain what God has set out for me.
I’ve noticed it’s not just me, many others are hearing and heeding the call. I have a gay catholic friend who is not running from it but actively trying to not only make himself right with God but laying his soul bare to God. He is actively working to remove himself from the degeneracy. The resurgence in faith in many areas of the nation. It truly seems as if God is literally moving towards us.
I really don’t know how this is possible without God actively calling and providing the grace to overcome and I truly believe it is ramping up to epic proportions.
A lot of rambling but I needed to offload this especially after your comment. I do believe God is moving.