Sweet, 3 years into the invasion. We got’em folks 😒
I’m surprised at how little traction this is getting on the .wins. Isn’t this an “I told you so” moment.
Says the dual citizen
When does he get hanged?
Well the US is one of their puppets unfortunately
I think it’ll happen right before, during, or slightly after the election period concludes. I optimistically think we’ll be unplugged from the rigging system.
I witnessed the 15 mile train of trump cars leading up to the election. I’m certain it was won by Trump.
Idk but you’ll see a ton of them disgracing the sanctuary this Sunday and Monday.
Very true. These guys are usually in the top 10% of pt scores if not outright acing it.
I recommend a prayer regiment that you do everyday or night before you go to bed. Do it purposefully and have a few repeatable prayers on top of your personal requests. Finally give God thanks and praise.
Where there is a void in your life it will be filled with or without your consent. God is the only thing large enough to fill any void.
Certain groups are using leverage that doesn’t exist anywhere in our markets. They owe and they owe big. They should have been liquidated well before now but are living in imagination land.
Best guess
It also prevents them from ever learning how to deal with pms effectively making them lunatics when they come off of them. Ask me how I know.
I’m already voting for him. You don’t have to sell me on him.
Unless those electoral votes are underage
Can’t access your accounts use our internet coin … if they try this, this will be the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen out of the banks.
It’ll be on a statement from your brokerage for that holding. Or at least that is where I found mine. Might be listed as your account number as well fyi.
I will pray for your health and wellbeing, that God will reach his arm and help.
$5k for the whole shebang. Wish I had that kind of money to forego
2nd Peter 3:8-14 “… and the earth and everything done on it will be found out …”
Spoken like someone who has committed crimes against the people
At least at that point it becomes obvious to room temperature iq types that the fed is a Ponzi scheme
This was reported in several states that had election anomalies. Not just one. I vaguely remember the one in Pennsylvania was the most egregious.
This doesn’t even account for destroyed/lost ballots which I remember pallets of them being thrown into a ditch. The cheating in 2020 was so egregious I’m still in shock that nothing happened as a result. Many cities and states deserved “mostly peaceful protests” after that bullshit.
If you have your control/account number you can enter it into ProxyVote
🤢 🤮