Conspiracytheorist 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree. Any time a guest speaks and I’m like, “fuck yeah!!!!” Whoopi and the red headed fat one starts screaming. They did this to don jr a few years ago. I wish the view was “fact checked” in real time. I don’t know everything but when I watch clips I catch about 4-6 lies that are easily searched in seconds.

Conspiracytheorist 4 points ago +4 / -0

The gas price video is definitely from another time. The one where he never closes his eyes is definitely now. Not sure why they split up the videos. They probably have an arsenal of videos to release of this dumb ass pedo when they need to so they can shift the narrative. All pre-recorded

Conspiracytheorist 3 points ago +3 / -0

After reading a few Facebook posts about this, it’s sad how so many people are sheep to this. Saying it’s a conspiracy and only referencing WWF back in the 90s.

It’s sad that humanity has fallen so low as to not question anything, but then again I shouldn’t be on Facebook with those mouth breathers.

Conspiracytheorist 3 points ago +3 / -0

She did the titanic song from the movie. Other than that she’s a Vegas wash up that gay people love.

Conspiracytheorist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I purchased a Samsung Galaxy 4 watch for my girlfriend and we were exploring all the capabilities on the watch. One of the apps that is not only pre-installed on the watch but also Samsung phones, is the "Global Goals" 2030 NWO Agenda.

Creepy stuff.

Conspiracytheorist 2 points ago +2 / -0

She’s so mad about roe v wade overturned she’s going to abort herself

Conspiracytheorist 2 points ago +2 / -0

She’s so mad about roe v wade overturned she’s going to abort herself

Conspiracytheorist 2 points ago +2 / -0

She’s so mad about roe v wade overturned she’s going to abort herself

Conspiracytheorist 2 points ago +2 / -0

You’re giving a crackhead way too much intelligence.

Conspiracytheorist 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to military flight logs, there’s been a lot of flights heavily on the east coast for months (which isn’t usual for how heavy it is). Thinking it was practices, training, etc. it just keeps piling on so to speak. The most condensed populations are on the east side of the United States. If major news were to break (maybe roe v wade was the anticipation but didn’t play to the lefties full effect) or hypothetically they’re preparing for ******** heavy disclaimer***** trump to be re-instated. Nothing more than roe v wade could incite the military to contribute this much to the east coast unless its 1) crazy shit happening amongst us, 2) invasion (which I doubt)

Conspiracytheorist 8 points ago +8 / -0

Tin foil hat: what better way to get military in place with no questions asked. Something BIGGER may break soon. I can only wish 1 thing but I shall not speak of such things without jinxing it

Conspiracytheorist 1 point ago +2 / -1

Used to follow Lin wood but too many of his grift comments were debunked and is the epitome of “2 more weeks”. Fuck this dude

Conspiracytheorist 2 points ago +2 / -0

When the scamdemic first started a couple years, our local grocery stores had people parking across the street just to get groceries because the parking lot was so full.

I drove to my friends house, who is over 400 lbs, and I told him “idk what’s going on with this virus stuff but the stores are packed and everyone’s buying everything out.”

The look of panic on his face.. I’ll never forget it. It may be mixed with not knowing how insignificant covid was, or the fear of not having food (my friends that are married eat out 2 times a day and never have food stocked up.) he instantly purchased protein bars on Amazon and then later that day went to Walmart and bought about $300-$400 worth of food. (Frozen pizzas, hot pockets, etc).

The tone he had in his voice was something I hadn’t really heard from him, but in the scenario where shit hits the fan, I can easily see him at his lowest turning into an animal and aggressing people for food.

And to add, this is a college friend and now we don’t talk much. About as much as 2 dudes that used to drink in their college days would now, with families, etc. and yes, his weight has always been a topic for his health.

Conspiracytheorist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like how he puts the Ukraine flag ahead of the US flag.

Makes me sick. I wish this guy would fuck off already.

Conspiracytheorist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Walkie talkies. Very important. If shit hits the fan I doubt phones will work for communicating.

Also, don’t forget about your pets. They need food and water too.

Water bottles is sorta eh to me. I’d rather keep my water tanks full and pour into smaller containers if I needed too. But then again I live in the country away from people.

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