Uh, just a SWAG here..satan? Or if the word satan troubles you, hillary?
Here's hoping it is true you and your husband are no longer involved in helping your Father's work progress.
Insane idea but foreigners and retards will attempt to implement it.
Yeah we've had cartel shootouts around Houston quite a few times in the past, it isn't just California trust me.
Those two look lie something else but stories abound attributing it to a ritual for climbing the Enemy ladder.
The Squirrel is now thinking about taking it's own life, it says. Hmmm, mental illness exists People.
Yeah these things are why unOrganized Militias are default responsibilities of practically all (male) citizens in good standing with Society. Under the various Militia Acts of our history here in America , codified into one with the Militia Act of 1903, all males between 17 and 45 if memory serves me here, are required to be in either the Organized or unOrganized Militias, if not otherwise Serving in an official government capacity.
And the unOrganized Militias are precisely that - no official structures of leadership are required, in fact small unit groupings are much preferred and prompted. Like the Founding Fathers and other Minutemen of history we are bidden to remain unseen, unheard, using discreet communications and practicing constant security and anonymous doings. A citizen does not have to formally join a militia, it is an automatic default position we all inherit as citizens.
It is not a 'right' thing, it is simply Law. Yeah of course it is the 'right' which supports the notion of Law, so it may appear to be a right thing, but it actually speaks to all honest citizens.
The leftists try to control that, the Militia aspect of our Law; they want leaders such as hillary to whisper 'resist' in your ear not so silently. Or they want Mad Max to holler 'get in their faces' loudly, they do not truly embrace the idea of individualism which IS an essential ingredient of all honest citizens. So they may choose to opt out of Reality, but the fact is the concepts discussed here are expressed in our Law, the Militia Act.
Leaderless resistance is simply Thinking For One's self. Thinking, that's the part the Enemy cannot allow their minions to embrace.
Millions of us quietly carry on in such a mindset, we are unseen for the most part but very much present.
Small unit tactics, think strategically and act tactically. Do not herd up, do not advertise, do not seek attentions. Plan to defend, first, plan to patrol or recon but in small numbers, isolated perhaps but never alone.
Huh, that thing is fun!! Gracias.
Wear a hazmat suit if you approach it, it makes an excellent delivery system for a plague, fentanyl, some kinda cooties.
The plague was kinetic activity, the islands they built were kinetic activity.
You're a redditor ainchu.....
He is a moral guy, being led astray.
Some Masons don't know, others know of the controversy but refuse to believe it. This is because at low levels people are kept ignorant, the Big Lie works.
A Friend is a Mason and I've spoken with him about it, he is aware of the claims but refuses it all, claims they are a moral group.
But he is low level. He has those damn mason things everywhere, on his bike and truck, it is serious devotion. He claims that part of it is for recognition and fellowship, they see each other, it is a clan thing for sure.
The city and cops and government should be liable, that much of this is an honest and real thing. Find them guilty and fine them 1 dollah at least, some deserve jail and more however.
Those folks DID refuse their Oaths to Serve as honest government functionaries, they did refuse to keep the peace and protect Society and citizens, yep. They allowed BLM terrorists and antifa terrorists and other terrorists to riot and destroy Society and 'that' treasonous behavior did lead to every act of violence and destruction.
All the sanctuary city cops and mayors and governments across this country should be jailed for their treasons and seditious acts, for their crimes against Society and Humanity.
Kyle won't ber harmed tho, he is the least guilty of all the actors out that night. The terrorists, including the dead terrorists, were there engaged in criminal activity. The government was there fraudulently, allowing the terrorists to riot and terrorize Society. Kyle was there trying to maintain Peace, trying to protect Law.
But yeah sue the government, they DID allow that dead terrorist to be a terrorist and that got him killed, yep.
You can't really describe anything in 7.5mm as a cannon tho.
And I'd appreciate knowing where you found that 3-round cane shotgun, gracias.
That's good to know, thanks.
Well .... yeah, we've been hit hard ourselves but not wiped out, yet.
I have always lived in hurricane areas and we just naturally always stayed prepped for at least a couple weeks of primitive living. Before the chinese flu tho, even then most folks didn't prep.
But yeah, these days people are lucky to not be belly up by now or close to it. And shelves are not stocked with much today if a person does have spare cash.
My Lovely Wife gripes at me some when I come home with another bag of rice or beans but that's good eatin', cheap.
I thought you meant you contacted Truth, my bad.
I use a couple, Nord and Proton usually.
Trump told you years ago the Storm was coming and to Prepare.
It dumbfounds me that people do not stay prepared to be able to survive for a few weeks, at least, without civilization. Stock what you can, now, and good luck.
Who did you contact, or how? My VPN is always set to United States but it does roam within the States some, right now it shows me in Chicago but Imma in Texas.
I'm in Texas, down on the Gulf Coast NE of Houston a ways. If you come down here I'll let you buy me a beer, but I ain't going up yonder
Meet or don't meet, never EVER let a 'forum' decide your thoughts for you however. I happen to have met several persons in real life who post in here and on Truth, I tend to wear tee shits advertising 'Q' or Trump or anti-queers and so on, over the years that has led to conversations with folks.
I've met others at certain events, usually counter protests such as countering Mayday protests and other leftist twit events. I've met with folks for a beer and conversation after bumping into each other in real life and then discovering we post in some of the same places. I have mentioned this place to folks I met at such doings, who did not know this place exists.
But I wouldn't advertise any of that openly on fora, fedbois and other karen-types might hound you. For instance, I'd never say that all 14 of us should meet at the Rainbow Unicorn for beer and tofu to discuss our plans for the Bugout, hells no.
Do or don't do, but don't let mob rule form your thoughts and don't advertise.
Try church, down here most of our church is same/same as us. Maybe you can find these guys....
Gracias, I wondered if that were the Thing, was hoping he wasn't a pink-checked twitters bot these days.
Trump makes me turn off my VPN to get in his place so I can't go in there, his loss tho.
What is that?
When he used the term 'feelings', was he trying to reference tactile sensations, true feelings?
Or was he trying to reference emotions, confusing those with the term 'feelings'?
Feelings are tactile sensations, sometimes they are direct neurological inputs, but they are not emotions. It seems to me he must have been trying to reference emotions and used the misleading and false term 'feelings'.
People are wont to say 'I feel like', and that is nonsense, they mean 'I emote consideration for', because they do not actually feel anything. You feel the wind in your face, a boot in your hillary but you don't feel emotions.
One can not substitute emotions for considered opinion but that is exactly what most people try to do in arguments and debates.
Emotions are manageable, sure. We all emote roughly the same, but many people have weak minds and cannot comport themselves on a Good day, let alone under stress. People have to WANT to be in control, to be Responsible and many simply do not desire that level of autonomy.
They will always be among us.