Cowfarts 3 points ago +3 / -0

I took a road trip from WA to NJ during the height of the covid hysteria with no issues. A couple places demanded a mask in the lobby but that was all. I was not asked a single time about my vaccination status. You'll be fine.

Cowfarts 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's nothing new. My husband is a security guard at a cargo dock and the Longshore guys sometimes pull into port sick with it.

I think they're just desperate to keep people afraid and are now pretending mild illnesses that have been around forever are The Next Pandemic

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right?? I was shocked at how short their memory span is. MTG yelling "Liar" from her seat at the POTATUS is somehow more reprehensible and juvenile than the speaker of the house standing up and very deliberately ripping up the president's speech directly behind him?

Cowfarts 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's wild watching the mental gymnastics going on in the twittersphere. When the former twitter execs were being put on blast for allowing cp to exist on the site, colluding with the biden admin, arbitrarily banning viewpoints they disagreed with, and silencing doctors who were critical of the jabs, these idiots all chose to fixate on the part where the execs allege that trump's team asked that a cardi b tweet be taken down and celebrated like they were winning big.

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you store them properly, eggs will keep for about a year in the freezer. You can also put them in the dehydrator and process them into a powder to keep them even longer and then reconstitute them at about 3 Tbsp water + 1 Tbsp powder

Cowfarts 5 points ago +5 / -0

We were discussing this at work last night and someone wondered if maybe this balloon was a test to see how passive the american public has become/how capable they are of taking matters into their own hands when the government refuses.

If the american citizenry finds a way to shoot that shit down, clearly they need to demoralize/disarm us even further. If we all just accept its up there and we can't do anything about it, then that's a green light for them to proceed with normalizing letting these things into our airspace.

Cowfarts 11 points ago +11 / -0

I mean they got away with it with Ginsburg. The public starts to speculate that she's dead, cue weeks of articles about media drones who just happened to run across her in the wild, all of them comment on how healthy and youthful she looked, zero photographic evidence aside from darkened car windows.

Cowfarts 7 points ago +7 / -0

I, sadly, just lost my newborn niece to this damned shot. Both parents were big supporters of it, bragged on social media about getting double jabbed and boosted and shamed all who wouldn't.

The pregnancy was uneventful, but immediately after she was born, she had complication after complication and passed after two days of struggling. I know her parents thought they were doing the right thing at the time, but I am really having a hard time not resenting them. Maybe if they'd taken time to think instead of blindly following the herd, I'd have spent my money on Christmas toys instead of donating to her funeral fund.

Cowfarts 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember feeling such visceral disgust watching this segment. I couldn't decide what bothered me more - the way he was blatantly talking down to everyone, or the way he seemed like some sort of alien who was aping human behavior as best as he could but didn't quite get it.

Cowfarts 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's a reference to this comic http://wondermark.com/1k62/

Because nothing scares the left more than having to politely explain and debate their positions. Much better to just throw punches and scream "NAZI" at everyone you disagree with.

by JC77
Cowfarts 5 points ago +5 / -0

While I haven't seen people calling for a ban on black friday, I have seen brainlets on social media insisting Black Friday is for black people to enjoy lower prices on things they struggle to afford normally and that the white devils all need to stay home and stop trying to participate.

Cowfarts 23 points ago +23 / -0

I have tried to warn as many as will listen to me but it feels like a lost cause for many.

My Brother In Law got married two years ago to a raging lib and went from being conservative to helping her put signs on their lawn shaming the public about not getting jabbed and wearing masks. She would regularly post paranoid diatribes on FB begging everyone to get the shot so they don't kill her and her family.

When she announced she was pregnant and freshly-boosted, I hoped for the best since it seemed like the pregnancy itself was uneventful and lasting til term. Their daughter was born yesterday and immediately rushed to the NICU where she is currently fighting for her life from various complications. Apparently the hospital is urging them to get her jabbed to give her "the best chances" and they will probably oblige. I asked them to please just wait on it for now and let her recover on her own. No response.

I feel so helpless watching everyone do this to themselves and their kids and knowing there's nothing I can really do at the end of the day. It's like being a ghost in a room screaming at people to listen to you, but all you can do is blow the drapes a little bit.

by KittyQ
Cowfarts 4 points ago +4 / -0

A lot of folks have lost their ability to think for themselves when it comes to politics and will believe whatever the talking heads on the television tell them.

I think some of them have grown to enjoy constantly living in fear, honestly, and I don't understand it.

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw this for the first time when I was a small child. I didn't entirely understand what I was watching, but it still upset me on a deep level even then.

I recently rewatched it alongside the UK movie Threads. Both are brutally honest looks at the aftermath of nuclear war, in my opinion

Cowfarts 5 points ago +5 / -0

You do not need a prescription to buy meds from alldaychemist. I was deterred the first time I tried to order from them as well and got to that part. They called me the next day to ask if I needed help completing my order, I explained I didn't have my doctor's approval for the medication, and they assured me I didn't need it and that they would send it regardless.

A few weeks later, I had my ivermectin and all is well.

As for paste, I used Duramectin since it was the most widely-available kind at the time just before the media went into overdrive demonizing ivermectin. I didn't have any adverse affects from it and it helped my respiratory symptoms amazingly when I got sick.

Cowfarts 20 points ago +20 / -0

It's true. My leftoid sister-in-law was posting near-daily hysterical diatribes and propaganda demanding people get jabbed to protect her and her kids.

I didn't plan to hold it against her because she was acting out of fear. I didn't expect an apology or anything when the truth came out, just a bit of self awareness going forward.

But no - she's right there smugposting with the rest of the bots about knowing all along it didn't prevent transmission. It's a hell of a thing to watch in action.

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pizzagate, for sure. I had been uninvolved in the political world/peacefully sleeping up until this started making waves on 4chan and reddit. No sooner did i start reading about it on what were, at the time, pretty obscure sources than the media came out in force to chant "FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE DEBUNKED FAKE FAKE FAKE" in unison.

Which made me think "If this is bull, why aren't they just ignoring it? Someone powerful must be very upset that this is getting shared..." which made me dive even deeper.

There's so much I can't unsee now, but I'd never go back to being asleep.

Cowfarts 6 points ago +6 / -0

Because the reasonable response when your family has just been gunned down in a freak incident and your sister is barely clinging to life is to make a reddit account and try to farm karma with an overall-dismissive post about it.

Cowfarts 7 points ago +7 / -0

My workplace was one of the first businesses to mandate the jab for its workers or be let go. They offered the option of religious exemption, but then harrassed those claiming one and tried to create "gotcha" situations via continual additional questions to be able to deny their claim.

There was a certain ghoulish glee in the denials. When they found out workers had made a telegram group to share information, offer one another prayer and support, and help one another answer the neverending questions, they infiltrated it with moles and denied anyone's pending claim that used suggestions/language from the channel. They circulated a memo to all the managers informing them of the channel, urging them to try and find out if anyone in their work pool was taking part and report them immediately.

The jab-or-job bullshit only stopped when a few workers started dying and being hospitalized due to complications, and people started to ask questions.

I was somehow overlooked in the mass denials/firings. As far as I know I'm the only one in my work pool and one of about ten employees in the region to have a standing exemption. I believe God still has work for me to do here and I take every opportunity to try and give the sleepers I run into a shake

Cowfarts 3 points ago +3 / -0

At my clinic, flu shots and anything pertaining to the flu were just a whisper for the last two years. Now all of a sudden, the covid jab posters and flyers are gone and flu shot propaganda is out in full force.

Gonna be a no from me, fam.

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had a visceral reaction to this cereal's name.

Cowfarts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same thing happened with Parkland. The Cowards of Broward sat outside and did nothing and when the Sheriff's Deputy was called out by citizens demanding answers, said "A lion doesn't care about the opinions of sheep"

Shameless evil on full display

Cowfarts 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was a bit concerned at how easily the smallpox talk got swept under the rug after a few news articles came out saying "Oh ho ho, those were just empty vials of smallpox at that lab that wasn't authorized to house it! We're making this statement in hopes you'll stop drawing attention to it. Nothing to worry about, citizen" so I followed my gut and bought a couple bottles as well.

Did the same thing with horse paste just before the MSM got its engines revved up to demonize ivermectin and I'm still grateful that we had it on-hand to get us through covid.

Unfortunately, the people i managed to bring around about ivermectin are now digging in their heels about pitcher plant extract saying they want to "wait and see" as if the news isn't going to tell them its deadly poison once they receive their marching orders to do so. Hopefully they'll come around before its too late, but just like with the ivermectin, it's not like I can force them

Cowfarts 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got covid pretty severely last summer, treated myself and my husband with ivermectin/zinc/vit D. I have not been sick since despite working around ill/jabbed folks.

ALL of my coworkers are jabbed though I somehow managed to dodge the mandate hammer when exemptions were being revoked hand over fist last year. So far one coworker has been out longterm with breathing issues, and a supervisor in another department has dropped dead. A lot of people who didn't previously believe in calling out sick are out frequently now, along with people overwhelming the PTO requests asking for time to visit ailing family.

Its getting to the point having a full crew is a rare luxury and I wonder how long we can keep patching up the leaks til this whole boat sinks.

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