Why are the images not matching up to the links? I don’t think it’s your problem but I’ve noticed it on a few links already.
Back to your article I couldn’t be happier if all the liberal blue hairs all sterilize themselves in solidarity. That would really show Trump.
I searched “stollen” in datarepublican found this “stollenwerck” family has a lot of ngos they’re a part of.
What a name
Probably the same asshole that almost ran me over the shoulder.
Speaking of trucks. When did they change the laws that trucks can use all the lanes? When I was growing up trucks were only in the right two lanes. Now they’re clogging up every lane
Of course not bc tbh I don’t think theywoke up. They’re just going along again with what’s popular. The herd is getting bigger on our side so they’re joining the bandwagon. I’m not convinced they’re independent thinking
They were fuming with anger