Like when they said No Name dude was killed. Yeahhhh
Well shit.
Okay, now I hope this starts a dominos affect.
I've learned people are not smart.
They're trained.
Shut up pretender of Science, Science says you can't be a woman. You will never be able to provide us real men the ability to have our child. Only a woman can do that, no matter what mutilation, freak of nature bullshit you try to pull.
God rest your soul.
Yup, I'm still pretty new to this stuff. Pretty interesting if nothing else.
This is so gross.
Yeah don't care, my immunity is fine.
All I know is I won't be taking it.
He can decide what he wants.
And now you see why I have 0 sympathy for these people.
They have 0 for me.
It screams child.
He sits there on a board that screams where we go 1 we go all and then turns around and tells people they can't be affected because whatever reasons.
It's fucking ridiculous.
So question. The 'focus on the Signal not Noise' thing.
Would this be one of those? 17 is a signal, the rest is noise.
Yup, throwing out trash for other trash is still trash.
Maybe not, but it's become Reddit 2.0 or is starting to.
God is the way!
I always found the term 'TV Program".
Like one, who's the program - because everything else is just a choreographed show.
And now it's hitting me.
I agree. It needs to come to a close soon, or I fear it'll evolve to what we're supposedly trying to avoid.
It's ridiculous that this is even a question. So what, let em push. They're pushing anyways, whether you get there tomorrow or a week from now, you're still getting there.
Okay, but wouldn't that help us. Simply because Trump says one thing, they enter into Tyranny faster?
Wouldn't actually work for us? Show your hand even faster?
Or do we only have a specific gear in which we speed up things?
Okay, but why promote your hardest decision at seemingly every opportunity. It seems less hard and more, you wanted it.
All he simply needs to do is stop pushing the death jab. He doesn't need to separate himself from us (Us as in those who wish not to take the Vaccine), we're not a cult. I don't care what opinions the other side has of me anyways, they're pedophiles.
It doesn't, they just keep coming up with reasons as to how it can relate to Q.
Trumps dumb for promoting this vaccine. For whatever reason it is. Not that this is going to make me stop liking him or anything, but it's a bit ridiculous at this point.
I get that but, what makes you immune to people saying no?
Sincerely, if they dont want to accept crypto, what stops you from being poor?
This is what I don't get. This is why I agree he needs to stop pushing it. Not say anything.