No real man would leave his wife and children behind in a war zone. My guess, there are no wives or children left behind. There is no war they are running from. The only threat here is the invasion that he is apart of. Why are you here? For the free food and hotel rooms?
It looks real, but the states involved total to like 3-5 states. And are all red states anyways. Hopefully this would get attention to other courts, but with so little time left, the cheaters can probably hold this off for a few more days. Sadly.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but in 2020, massive amounts of election legislative laws were broken and nothing happened to the criminals days, weeks, or months after Joe was sworn in illegally. The question still remains WHO WILL ENFORCE THE LAW? They can pass whatever whenever, this enemy isn’t following the laws, and isn’t answering to any of them broken. So I’m sorry if I don’t get excited for laws passed or strongly written letters. Action is needed. Until then, this will be laughed at. I can’t wait to proven wrong.
Me and the wife tried to figure who would shock us. Who would affect so many. Maybe it’s because we are the informed? Because we have a clue to all this stuff. I can’t think of anyone who would actually shock me. Make me lose sleep? Who would affect those of my family that still don’t “get it”? Even if it was Trump…would I lose sleep? No. Would that shock the nation? Would Obama? I don’t know. I feel many on this forum wouldn’t fit that “shocked” label. We’ve seen and know some stuff. This just be for just the normies. But who would affect them so much? I guess I’m in disbelief on how big this arrest is suppose to me. One person? Can’t see it. The pope? Most people I know, who know, would be like “about time!”
I would just not get involved, easy. Let the law do what it does. Just make sure it isn’t illegal. If the law says Hunter requires punishment, then let it be. This is why there is a two tiered justice system. People like Hunter get off, while anyone reading this would already been put away for years. Trump shouldn’t aid in this mistreatment of regular citizens. Shouldn’t even respond to it. Just say, well if the law does go after him, I’ll make sure it’s not illegally like they did me. Done.
The key word to me is easy to spot. It’s the word “Trust”. And all caps for a reason. The “Trust” was delivered. Think back in July. The “Trust” is back where it belongs from Britain and from the loss of 1812. Why the ports have been the way they’ve been. Why the strike had to happen. Why not was so short. Was all predicted. We had a video of all this about a month ago on here.
Because she’s the president. Not sure when she was sworn in, but she is. It’s why she didn’t have to go against other nominees. A sitting president doesn’t have to. It’s all fake anyways. But, she does hold the current non powerful position as president.
Yawn. Party switchers. How about stop running and fight the corruption in your own party? Afraid of a fight? Once upon a time Democrats weren’t like this. Once upon a time both parties believed in America first. And both had common sense laws and ideals. Fight for that. In reality the left and right shouldn’t be that far apart. This daylight and dark party policies and ideals will break this country eventually no matter what or who gets in. If we are a “against what you support” system. It’s a house divided. Won’t stand.
This guy went back in the minimum 16 years ago. They knew back then to. So should we say, welcome to the real? I wanna say “duuh”. But I feel that’s a word that is coming all to easy to say nowadays, and it’s not helpful. So I’ll go with…hmm that’s very interesting.
Are these the arrest Ally Carter was talking about? She said two arrest have been made and one on the way. She said that one would shock the nation. This the shock? I don’t feel it is. Just be someone else. People in know don’t even know who Abercrombie and Fitch are. Honestly I had to be told at first, thought it was a banking grp, lol.
They should pay off student loans imo. Education should be free in America. It shouldn’t cost 125k to be a school teacher, than only clears 38k a year. Plus, I’d rather pay off our students loans than send more billions to Ukraine so they can build park benches and feed the deepstate.
They never heard language like this? Ask the average American…we know who are enemies are now. Sorry he is one of them. That was his choice. Come clean Joe. Ask for forgiveness and confess of what’s happened. It will at least make you right with the Lord. The people thou..a bit more hard nosed. We all have to answer for our sins and crimes. Do the time. Get right with the Lord. You’ll be fine.
Ok I just got back from voting here in Tennessee. From what I’ve found is our new voting machines do print a receipt. It’s not a receipt that you can keep, it’s printed out right beside the matching in a sealed, clear box. I took a picture of mine, it’s allowed. So you look at that receipt printed and you over look your casted votes. If it’s correct, you then press the “cast vote” button and the receipt goes into a sealed metal, big luggage style box. Actually the whole voting thing is inside this luggage looking thing. I actually was impressed at this new system. But, the system IS plugged into the internet, I asked specifically this. And it is. So how the receipts get tallied I have no idea. They went through the process and those workers have zero to do with those pieces of paper once they go into the box. So….if the steal is possible at that point then…..oh and also, this video posted is of course in Shelby county. I asked about this and they knew for a fact that Shelby county had not updated their voting machine. I have no doubt that that is by design. But, the video describes that the Dems are losing votes…? Maybe it’s because so many of the black population of Memphis is voting Trump, and they think there is something wrong with the machines? Or an excuse to say that, so those won’t be counted?
I mean we know they are gonna cheat. No one should be surprised by this. It’s what, if anything, happens afterwards is what we should be concerned with. But they are gonna cheat. They have no intentions of losing this election. From their pov they have no choice but to cheat massively to win. And they will. We need megatons of proof. Undeniable proof of election fraud to show the world. Shake every tree, sound every alarm when exposed. The steal is on. Make some noise.
I was planning on going Monday to vote here in Tennessee. May just head out here in a few and vote today, and see for myself. I’ll ask about some sort of receipt, but we’ve never had those available before from what I recall.
Bet they never said that again. And couldn’t prove it in court to save their life…literally. A Kenyan born isn’t viable to be president of the US. So he’s from Hawaii..I’m mean on the east side of the US, did I mention Illinois yet? As I said, no one can prove he’s from Kenya. Not as of today. Well they can, but, it won’t be true to the history books.
So PolyMarket is like a betting source? This is not actual evidence Trump is winning or anything, it’s not a pollster, it seems like it’s just a betting source. Where people gamble the outcome of an event. Not really sure why we are excited about this? It’s a world platform. It’s nothing different than last time. Trump had the population last time. Had the worlds popular vote. Won in a landslide. Didn’t matter with a steal. Bottom line is, don’t be surprised when every source that told you Trump is guaranteed to win fails. This would be 2020 all over again. To me this is not good. How many won’t vote because, whew, looks like he’ll win so I won’t worry about voting. That’s deepstate tactics right there. This needs to stop being spread everywhere like it’s facts. It’s misdirection imo. Hope I’m wrong.
This rhetoric of “bad for the country”….by putting criminals in jail. Wow. Anyone who says this is already screwed mentally. Crime pays. Please, someone with power, answers for your crimes! Oh wait, it’s bad for us citizens when that happens. What place is this? Oh that’s right, Satans playground.