Cyberhawk 2 points ago +4 / -2

RFK endorsing Trump is an Historical announcement? I don’t even know anyone cheering that dude on? Feel like the words Historical, Amazing, Groundbreaking, etc, have really lost there luster. Unless I’m missing something. All I’ve seen is an endorsement.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I was getting removed from, let say a bar, 109 times…I would assume I’ve been targeted by my certain views. Trump has had A LOT more than 109 places go against him. Does that mean they are right? Trump should not be allowed in? Let’s talk about Jesus. How many places was He not allowed to go? Were those people right? In a world of sin lead by Satan, Imo, the few get attacked. Now I’m not saying Jewish people are special. But to God they are. And so are we. The Jews and Gentiles. So I’m not about to sum up an entire race of folks and say …kill’em all! Who does that sound like? Does that sound Christ like?

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +2 / -1

Can’t be wrong…yes they can. When amount decides the truth, Satan will give you massive amounts. Like Trump..look at all the “hate”. Seems everywhere, but the truth says differently. Don’t be fooled by the “amounts”.

Cyberhawk -3 points ago +3 / -6

As a Christian I don’t feel that way for one specific race. I feel that way for all races. Jewish people are singled out and, amazingly, people want to destroy them for being Jewish. I understand the situation spiritually. I hope they come to Jesus as I have. And, according to the Bible, during time of tribulation, the Jewish people will have the most amazing time in history to bring people to Christ. About 144,000 of them. To me, when a race of people get singled out for destruction, that is the works of the devil. And when you look at the Jewish people, their history from the Bible standpoint. Wouldn’t that be the one race Satan uses and hopes to get destroyed? I’m not saying all Jewish people are innocent, of course not. And neither is any one race. We have all sinned. We have all fallen short of the glory of God.

Just my thoughts.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s always the little kid picture. It would be so funny if they just posted his baby pics, with titles like “the shooter, pictured below “… and a smiling few month old baby shown. Just to show the ridiculousness the media acts like on a daily basis.

Cyberhawk 17 points ago +19 / -2

This is about hope. This is about answered prayers. I don’t care about your stats and links. God gave this man a command. Engage Abortion. Do you not think God will follow through? I have no problem helping families that choose life over murdering children. And we have billions and billions to spare..so as long as we stop sending that support to helpless leaders who use it for themselves. The support is there. Life is more important than money.

Cyberhawk 25 points ago +25 / -0

Wow his story is even better. Very inspiring. Best news I’ve heard in awhile. My church is hosting a river baptism this weekend, so I’ve been excited this whole week for it. And now hearing this news…this is what it’s all about. This is winning. Thank you for this post friend!

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +4 / -1

If? …if we win? When did we start using that phrase? I thought this was all apart of the plan? Trump in a landslide. Now it’s a fight to the finish? This is first I’ve heard this from “mainstream” guys about “if we win”.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Repeat a lie often enough, it becomes truth. Wasn’t it Bill Clinton who said this? It’s become the basis of the Democratic Party.

Cyberhawk 8 points ago +8 / -0

To me, my opinion, this is just the set up. Look how this article reads. Words like “neck and neck”, “tied in these states”…anyone saying this administration is tied with anyone is laughable. But as long as people feed into…this is a fight! Just like Obama said last night, that’s all they need. We better hope someone enforces elections laws this time around, or this will be stolen even easier than last time. People are getting a sense of a close race already….that’s all the deepstate needs. Close elections are NOT a thing. Countries aren’t divided right down the middle. That’s the lie they want you to believe.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

See I still don’t understand why your saying this. Here’s the thing..you wouldn’t know Jesus without the Bible. Where else can you read God’s word? Are you over 2000 years old? Where you there? But literally in the same sentence, you say, the Bible is the enemies weapon, so Satan’s weapon. You’re preaching about the love of God and Jesus, but your only source to that knowledge is the enemies weapon, according to you. This is real simple. You’re wrong. That won’t be enough for you though. I can tell. You’ve convinced yourself of this. The very knowledge you hold dear, is poison from Satan. According to you.

You’re wrong dude. Otherwise, prove it. I’ve already stated the scripture of John 1:1 seems the same from different reads, from the ones you posted. That’s you whole basis, so far, from this conversation. It’s weak. And it didn’t work. It doesn’t work. It’s the same. Only you are seeing a different message. I’m sorry dude. Only one of us believes in the Bible words. God’s word. I’m sorry you don’t. If one scripture is incorrect, then it’s done. You are not the only person to try and prove the Bible is wrong. Many enemies of God have tried that. Tried and failed.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I reread your post so many times to try and understand what your talking about. I hope I’m on subject with you. To me, all those different version are basically saying the exact same thing. Being honest as I read John 1:1. I mean yeah it’s worded different than the KJV I use. But technically is saying the exact same thing. As I read each one you posted, I’m getting the same message.

Next part, I honestly don’t know what your talking about. Jesus and God are one. Jesus was asked directly and He said “I Am”. And Jesus stated that He and the Father are one. You can worship Christ. I mention the Father and Jesus my savior in my many prayers. Two but the same. Even being baptized your baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Equal. It’s difficult for our human minds to understand this I know. But Jesus was as much human and He was divine. God in the flesh. There are much scripture in this and translations. Now for the first part of your second paragraph…Love is the most important. God is about love no doubt. So much God sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us. I’m a little confused what your saying other than that to be honest.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I came off as saying you don’t follow God than I apologize. Never mentioned that tho. Didn’t mean to even lean that way. Although your the one that says I underestimate God. And you sir couldn’t be more wrong. But it’s the lack of faith I felt in your postings. It’s ok for someone to tell me, as a Christian, “have some faith brother”. I don’t assume they think I don’t believe in God or anything. As I said, unplug. Your wound up tight. If you have Jesus it’s all good. Ultimately who cares who wins or loses. If you go have a relationship with Jesus, you already won man.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

You’re saying in one sentence(above) the Bible is technically wrong. But quote scripture from that very Bible. So which is it? Do you believe in what the Bible says as God’s word, or do you not. You’re dancing all over the place. And my comment is reference to “without Jesus”. But your right, we are not “nothing”. As God sent His only son for us, so of course we are nothing. But as a Christian, I feel like nothing as in…I’ve done nothing to earn this kind of love. Nothing to have God’s forgiveness. But only through what God has said, that I know I am wrong. And thank you Lord for that. And those words, those promises, of love and forgiveness….the Bible. God’s word. Without His words, without Jesus’s teachings, nothing is all we’d have. Nothing worth anything. Be lost forever.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. As in Christians, , not just a small child. I’ve never seen a place where the “millstone statement” get so incorrectly interpreted than here. It’s crazy.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +5 / -2

Here’s a hint for you. You own nothing. Anything you have belongs to God. You’ve created nothing. You’ve invented nothing. And to this world you are nothing. Jesus loves you. Without Him…nothing.

And so now the Bible is wrong. God’s word. Bold statement.

Cyberhawk 9 points ago +9 / -0

LoL, that last man was genuine. Hope he can see through the propaganda soon. Would love to sit and just talk about Jesus with that fella. 👍👍

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you. These folks posting “mines bigger than yours” are gonna get rolled on by a leftist. Crowd size doesn’t matter anyways. Biden “won” with like 20 people at his gatherings in 2020. I watched this live on Benny’s channel last when Joe was talking. Around 10:30pm. Place was packed. Of all a person has to diss the Dems from last night is crowd size….you’re not doing a good job. Policies. Positions. And current administration woes. These are your talking points. Not crowds.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

One week he, or it was rumored, wanted a position on Kamala cabinet if she won, now endorsing Trump. Guy is all over the place. Wishy washy.

Cyberhawk 13 points ago +13 / -0

To me, with the Bible teachings…absolutely nothing can stop what is coming. Everyday is one day closer. Doesn’t have anything to do with an election year, or a country. Has to do with you, and me and all who know Jesus and the gospel from God. Do you who reads this, have a personal relationship with Jesus? Are you saved? Are you ready? The Bible is clear. Want to know God’s plan for you? Then look no further than Jesus Christ. God sent His only son, to die for you, to save you, forever. Have you, who reads this, took advantage of this? It’s free. It can happen today. Right now. NCSWIC. And it begins with Jesus. Not to be treated as a spare tire, for emergencies. To be in the drivers seat. You have to ask yourself, what do you give more attention to. The world? Or God? What keeps you up at night? An election year? Or your actions and thoughts before God? What does God want you spending more time with? The world or Him?

Seek Jesus friends.

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