We're supposed to think that doing nothing will fix this problem.
Well, go ahead and "Do Something" (TM). Nobody is stopping you. Go Go Go...
Just curious - what would you actually do, other than whining that nobody is doing anything on an anonymous Internet forum?
It could be that the stupidity is "self-inflicted" by the beliefs in their own ideologies. Anything that contradicts those ideologies is rejected at all costs - they have no choice, since admitting that the contradictions exist would destroy the basis of those ideologies... which have become a large part of who they are as people.
You are correct that the term is relative. The injections are not that deadly only when compared to idiots saying that they will kill 90% of the Earth's population. The injections are bad, but they are not THAT bad.
By normal standards, the injections should have been declared unsafe and all use stopped long ago. The EUA was obtained fraudulently, and facts to prove that effective, safe and inexpensive treatments are readily available are not just ignored but actively censored and suppressed. All of this is part of the proof that the DS is in control of large parts of the federal government, and the government is being used by the DS to harm us. They want to destroy the US.
In a larger context, our federal government is under the control of leftist democrap traitors, allied with the DS, china, iran, etc. to implement their plans for a leftist world government, with themselves as the rulers. The plandemic, the election fraud used to steal elections, and the injections are all aspects of their larger plans.
This is a big part of what the sheeple need to wake up to. There is a lot more to it (the human trafficking and other extremely evil practices), but destroying the democrap party, eliminating DS control in the US and fixing our own country is a necessary prerequisite for the next stages of the WW III we are fighting.
More blatantly unconstitutional bullshit.
The states are in control of elections, it is spelled out quite clearly in the constitution, and there is not a damn thing the federal government can do about it.
Idiotic Dims can hold "hearings" if they want to waste their own time, but it means nothing.
If you see a plan to depopulate 90% of the Earth via the injections, you are wrong. Why do I say that?
Look at the number of adverse effects in the VAERS database. Now multiply by 10, or even 100 to estimate the actual number (majority go unreported). Now compare that larger estimated VAERS number to the number of injections given in the US. Obviously the adverse reactions are a minuscule percentage of the hundreds of MILLIONS of injections given.
Moving on, some people think that the effects of ADE will cause people that have had the injection to experience much more severe symptoms when they catch the next virus. This is an educated guess based on the results of previous clinical trials (on animals) for mRNA "vaccines".
That is a possibility, but it won't have a 100% mortality rate. The animals in those trials were not treated, and people will be able to use IVM and HCQ to fight the virus infections. Those treatments work very well, so it will not end up being the mass extinction that you are projecting.
In fact, we don't really know WHAT is going to happen during the coming cold/flu season in the fall. It is a giant experiment - clinical trials conducted on people instead of animals. Maybe it will be a big nothingburger. We have no idea.
Now the confusing part. I can see why President Trump used operation warp speed to rush the injections to market while they were still experimental... but that's over with and I DO NOT understand why he would still be endorsing the injections at this time. They are both harmful and useless, so it makes no sense.
But even worst case, they will not kill 90% of the Earth's population, so saying that they will is just ridiculous hyperbole. Not helpful.
No. The injections are not that deadly. There is variability between the different types of injections, and between different batches of the injections.
There is no need for the injections because we have effective, safe and inexpensive treatments (IVM, HCQ). The EUA for the injections was obtained fraudulently by pretending there were no treatments.
Beyond the fact that they are unnecessary, the worst of them are toxic and cause a wide variety of health problems.
In that context, why President Trump is still recommending them is a mystery. Warpspeed is long over, so it makes no sense to continue to push them based on everything that we know.
Jeezus, the OP is a moron. Did he even read the article? If he did, he didn't understand much of it (too many big words).
Patenting synthetic DNA is somehow stretched into "owning people". So if you get the gene therapy injections, big pharma now "owns" you... as in slavery.
Wow. That is some extremely concentrated stupidity right there.
I agree. It is too difficult and takes way too long to create successful competing media platforms. It is so much easier to take control of existing platforms and have them start gradually distributing the truth instead of propaganda. The DS was able to control the US media, so now similar tactics can be used by the white hats to "control the narrative".
That thunderous popcorn popping sound you hear is all the libtard heads exploding. That's how you know it works (TM).
Keep waiting datefags. The forensic audit itself is not expected to be done until August (late July at the earliest) with no word on the delivery date for the audit report.
BUT, keep paying attention! Ignore everything else... focus on the audit! Are you focusing? Focus harder!
For those that remember Sam Kinison, imagine him yelling "FOCUSSSS" at you over and over again. That should do it.
Cyber Ninjas are doing a lot of work, such as canvassing, verifying addresses on mail ballots are actual residences, and various other analyses. They won't be done until August, late July at the earliest. So, no idea when the report will be delivered either.
Datefags strike again - aaaaaaaand - are wrong again. They will never learn.
The audits are not over yet. I believe it was reported that they are canvassing addresses in the county, matching ballots to where they came from. That will take some time if it is true.
Also, if the white hats are not in AZ protecting key people from DS reprisals, then the white hats are too stupid to win this war of good vs. evil (and the rest of us are screwed). I do not think that is the case, even though it may look that way at times (the boyfriend of GA gov. Kemp's daughter being murdered as one example).
If there is a shortage of new cars, trucks, etc. wouldn't there be news of a corresponding wave of layoffs at the manufacturers? If new cars and trucks are not being made due to a "PC board shortage", then there is nothing for the workers in those factories to do, right?
So where is the news of the layoffs at the auto manufacturers factories? I have not seen anything about that, and it would have happened many weeks ago considering the slow speed at which new cars are shipped from the factory to the dealers. This reduction in work would have started long ago to be apparent now in dealerships.
Well, duh.
All of this is proof that the federal government is being controlled by the DS + democrap traitors to destroy the US and harm its citizens. It is part of the NWO / great reset plan to establish a leftist world government (similar to communist china). In order to establish this leftist world government, the US must first be destroyed.
When you understand this, all the points above make perfect sense.